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why is it so hard to find single religious hotties?

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
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First of all before i post this i want to make clear that this is about relationships and i am not trying to convert anyone or say my beliefs are better than anyone elses here.

I am a Christian that believes in being saved and I dont drink, smoke, drugs, or believe in sex till marriage. I dont think i am better than anyone on this board who does any of the above. Most of my friends arent christians and participate in all of the above. Ok on to the problem. The girls at the churches i go to fit into one of the following categories. Most of them are flat out unattractive. I have to be at least somewhat attracted to a girl before I can date them. Some are hot but turn out to be very big hypocrites outside of church. i.e. they claim they are virgins around church people but when you get to know them it turns out they slept with 10 guys. The other category is the really hot girls that follow the Bible. The problem is that those girls get taken up so fast. The guys in the churches compete for them like starving wolverines do for a hunk of meat.

I usually date girls who are non christians i meet through friends. The problem I find now is most of these girls are into partying drinking etc. I am not only talking about meeting girls in bars but also at like bookstores the mall etc. I might hit it off with one and get to talking but as soon as she finds out I dont drink or anything you can almost see the Interest Level plummet. Its like they associate me not drinking or going to church with being and afc nice guy. Then they usually are like well I have to go I will talk to you later. I feel like i am in a bind. I prefer dating a church type girl but the options are very limited. Give me some ideas of what i can do


Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2003
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So you want a totally hot virgin church girl who is not into partying or drinking.

Anything else?

That's kinda a specific request, though probably plenty like that in the bible belt area of the states (saw something like that on 60 minuteS) so I guess move there and good luck.

Ninja Dude

Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Another plane of existence
This is a tuffy!

hmm, you are really limiting your options with this religious stuff. Also the whole no sex before marriage thing shortens your list of options. Pretty much all you can do is visit a bunch of churches and maybe go to some youth group meetings. I used to be a Lutheran myself and there were always youth outings/camping trips. The funny thing is that most of these kids would totally hook up with each other. Almost all of my friends were sexually active in church (hypocrites) For a while I was against fornication too and I actually did wait till marriage (i was 18). Brutal experience taught me what a crock both marriage and religion are (to me personally, no offense!) and can't even imagine why I believed the things I did. Now I am happily divorced and having fun dating and "sinning"

I give you a heap of credit for sticking to your beliefs, yet I cant help but secretly pity you for I was once in your shoes..

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
I do live in a Bible Belt state (oklahoma). I am not limiting myself to virgin church girls. I will date non christians. It just seems when the non christian girls find out that i am a christian or i dont drink or dont have sex before marriage they dont want anything to do with me even if we were getting along great before.

Thanks for the compliment about sticking to my beliefs. I understand your pity because sometimes i am like why dont i just join my friends and go bang 20 chicks and its hard not to.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
East Middle North America, near the water.
Hey, I am actively involved in my church and have been for a while, and I have to tell you that there are single hotties all over the place where I go. My church is a meat market... it's one big flirt fest. In fact, like I told one of my bandmates, I show up 55% to play music, 44% to scout out women, and 1% for whatever the heck the priest is babbling about. (I'm being facestious there, by the way.)

That having been said, you have very high moral standards, for which I applaud you. Now you have to find a girl with equally high moral standards. It's not impossible. After all, a girl who is of your particular Christian denomination - and who attends regulary of her own free will - would be inclined to hold your same moral standards. You may just need to find another church to go to. However, just remind yourself that the higher you hold a hottie to your own moral standards, the fewer you can date. I have high standards, too, but not as high as yours. You may want to deeply consider how immoral it actually is for each one of your standards to be slightly relaxed, e.g. is a girl who has a few drinks while at a bar with her friends really that bad?

For the record, I know about five exceedingly HOT HOT HOT totally virgin church girls who's only vice is they like to party once in a while. I'm talking like HBs from 9 to 9.9 . I also know quite a few in the 8 to 9 range, too.

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Again I said i will date non christian girls who drink and whatever. I just prefer christian girls. Its like a bonus.

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Well as far as drinking I believe in you can drink but dont get drunk. I will take sips of alcohol but its so disgusting to me its hard to stand. i wont compromise on sex before marriage, smoking or drugs i wont do any of that but for now i cant think of anything else. Unlucky, for me all those things are whats popular for people my age :(

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
I have fun all the time. Even going to bars and not drinking i usually have a good time. I like doing many activities as well. Its just those things seem to limit what girls think. If you dont do those things then your nobody worth talking to.

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
whoa... you need to lighten up and smoke a big phat joint my man! I will bet anything that Jesus himself was a toker!

Hey, I say expand your mind dude, but then again I am often accused of being the little devil on everyone's shoulder, so maybe you should ignore what I say.. As far as waiting for marriage, what are you THINKING??? what if you marry some chick who gives lousy head or screws like a comatose monkey? I dont know man to each his own but I have more respect for drug addicts and hookers who turn to christianity than someone who has never tasted life outside the immaculate confines of *yawn* religion! I say live a little bro. Try everything once, because even the Bible says God will forgive you if you repent..


Senior Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
East Middle North America, near the water.
Dude, don't lose hope. Like I said, I know extreme hotties who do not smoke, do drugs, and refuse to have sex before marriage. They are out there, and they are looking for guys like you.

That having been said, they are extreme hotties and they get hit on all the time. They blow off guys left and right and left again, and they are so emotionally strong that DJing them is next to impossible. They have no trouble staying single for long periods of time... the trail of charred male egos left in their wakes is sobering. They are looking for true love, they know they deserve it, and they won't hook up until they find the guy who meet their standards exactly.

Basically, I think you gotta put yourself in a postion where they pick you out of the crowd.

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
To don ronny. I have done some things in the past. I have been drunk before more than once which were horrible experiences. I also have fooled around some with girls but not up to sex. I felt extremely guilty about it and I was caught up in the moment and peer pressure. Its been a long time since any of that has happened and I try to stay on track but I am only human and make mistakes. I do agree with you though. I have tons of respect for people that were drug dealers, hookers etc. and became christians. Most of the time they are the the most hardcore believers and I have lots of respect for them

To Mdgood thanks for advice. I just have to find these single hotties.

Anyone have any other suggestions.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
I know a lot of guys like you, and lots of girls that really dig guys who are like you. I go to a college that is religiously affiliated, but the school itself isn't very religious. There are plenty of girls who are very strong in thier beliefs and would love to be around a guy with similiar convictions. It really seems that you are in the wrong place. Either that, or you aren't travelling in the social circles that are chock full of those girls, because they are definately out there.

It is best for you to realize that your convictions ARE a limiting factor with women. Lots of girl (especially the hot ones) party, smoke, drink, and lots of other vices. The main reason they might be turned off by your convictions is that a lot of girls are brought up in Christian homes or at least a Christian society. When they meet a guy who is doing it by the book they will inevitably feel bad. I had a roommate that lived by the book, and for a guy like me who drinks, smokes et cetera, it made me uncomfortable. I doubt girls will be too different in that respect. Lots of girls believe that their behavior is a sin, so being around a guy that reminds them of that will make them uncomfortable. I am not saying you should change, but that you need to realize this fact.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
East Middle North America, near the water.
Totally off the record, and I'm just bragging here for no good reason except that I'm a guy, but it is the most awesome thing to have them beg me to go clubbing with them, and then I show up as the old guy in the club, arm in arm with a few total hotties, they play along with it, and I get looks from guys like, holy shyt, he must either be a pimp or a millionaire. It's great.

Of course, to be honest, it ain't like I'm gonna get any, but the other guys don't need to know that ;)


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don Ronny
I will bet anything that Jesus himself was a toker!

Originally posted by McKindleyIt is best for you to realize that your convictions ARE a limiting factor with women. Lots of girl (especially the hot ones) party, smoke, drink, and lots of other vices. The main reason they might be turned off by your convictions is that a lot of girls are brought up in Christian homes or at least a Christian society. When they meet a guy who is doing it by the book they will inevitably feel bad. I had a roommate that lived by the book, and for a guy like me who drinks, smokes et cetera, it made me uncomfortable. I doubt girls will be too different in that respect. Lots of girls believe that their behavior is a sin, so being around a guy that reminds them of that will make them uncomfortable. I am not saying you should change, but that you need to realize this fact.
This is QUITE true, and the main reason that "high morality" people sometimes have trouble getting along with normal people. People feel nervous if you are confident in NOT participating with the group in drinking, smoking, sex, etc.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
I want to find ...

More non-religious hotties who don't smoke, drink like fish, or do lots of drugs. Where are all of them?


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
drink like fish
This is totally off topic..but where did this saying come from?

Anyways i think there are a lot of non religious girls who dont smoke, drink lots or do drugs.

However most of them probably have some sort of CHURCH background, but i classify them as non religious if they dont actively go to church of their own choosing, which many dont.

Many see church as a routine and it doesnt mean alot to them..i would still classify them as non religious

And theres a lot of hot ones too!


Don Corleon

Don Juan
Mar 23, 2003
Reaction score
Dude,i feel your pain. I think however you're forgetting one important thing if you are very religous. Of course using all the tips from this board will only help you on your success with women, but from a religous perspective, you also have to have faith in God that you will find somebody that is right for you. Also, you say there are cute girls at your church or whatever that are religous, but are hypocrytes outside, not to place judgement, but it looks like you're outside drinkin and havin a little fun too. I guess the important thing to remember is that we all struggle with certain vices, and it doesn't makes us better then anybody else because we all are not perfect. So my advice is to just lay back and put your faith in God that somebody right for you will come your way. When it seems like somebody is put in your path, put your faith to work and use your DJ skills here to complete the icing on the cake.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score
party today, repent tomorrow.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand

Go to one of them Xian music fest things. Theres scads of godbotherer wimmin there.