My opinion right now is this...
If you want to be loyal but cheat because you were so hard because of that fine ass blond... And then you regret it.... YOU SUCK. If you think it's better to be loyal, be it. Keep reading...
If you have an relationship with a girl where you guys are both serious about each other, and you agreed on being exclusive or something, then DON'T cheat on her, you sun of a gun. If you do at least call her before to break up or whateva.
So basically you must let your intentions known to the girl you're seeing, do you agree? I hope I explained myself clearly.
Me being 19 I want to get the hell away from "serious relationships" lol. Unless I find a really really good girl... I think like this: I am a MAN, I want what is great for me, in my life! : D I want to have fun, we all do, so I ask... What is wrong with that? Girls = Fun. More girls = More fun. I'm digging the concept of being with lots of girls at one time right now. (Although I am currently not with any but even so it don't matter). And if a girl I was having sex from time to time, were to hook up with another dude for 1 night, I. could. care. less...
I propose it's considered bad because of female insecurity, they could think: If he sees other girls then that's the end of it for me, or he will stop liking me... Something stupid like that haha. It could be other things, tho. I think it was Daniel Rose in the sex method book that said: "Explain to her you can have lots of women but still care for her". Great thinking IMO!
So basically: You agree somehow to be exclusive with one girl, but cheat: Bad. Breaking your word (not masculine at all, denotes weakness IMO) and being manipulated by your emotions perhaps, or even forgetting what you said... Don't go there. You aren't serious with one girl, like FB or something: Cool. Make sure you are able to explain to her everything in a fashionable manner.
It IS possible!! Think about it... It's kinda of a high status behavior in a way, because you are with lots of girls, that makes you
HOT, man, I tell you, hehe.
I am pretty sure I got this well thought out, but who knows, that is also why I posted it... comments\critics are always welcome, especially from pros like many ppl on this site are, I am all ears.
PS: I haven't read the thread at all, just title, will do later tho, it seems like a good one.