Why is Ayn Rand an exception?


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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Almost no woman knows how to think independently, yet this woman seems to do it very well. Here's an example of her explaining something logically:

I've come up with a few theories on this.

1.) Women are actually capable of thinking rationally and independently, but have no incentive because they are too catered to do so.

2.) Rand was striving to promote a specific style of masculinity that was missing in Russia during the revolution. She's going to great lengths to promote what she wanted to be dependent on. Even with that said, she still demonstrates independent thought.

3.) She was being handled behind the scenes to create the illusion of, among many things, the idea that women can think logically and independently.

Based on my experience and evidence, I think the first explanation is correct. However I've gotten into a few disagreements with some people who believe that women are incapable of effective independent thought and action in principle.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Based on my experience and evidence, I think the first explanation is correct. However I've gotten into a few disagreements with some people who believe that women are incapable of effective independent thought and action in principle.
the same posters seem to only date the lowest tier women so it’s simply a reflection.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Almost no woman knows how to think independently, yet this woman seems to do it very well. Here's an example of her explaining something logically:

I've come up with a few theories on this.

1.) Women are actually capable of thinking rationally and independently, but have no incentive because they are too catered to do so.

2.) Rand was striving to promote a specific style of masculinity that was missing in Russia during the revolution. She's going to great lengths to promote what she wanted to be dependent on. Even with that said, she still demonstrates independent thought.

3.) She was being handled behind the scenes to create the illusion of, among many things, the idea that women can think logically and independently.

Based on my experience and evidence, I think the first explanation is correct. However I've gotten into a few disagreements with some people who believe that women are incapable of effective independent thought and action in principle.
Rand was a promiscuous luxury chaser that is the version of the modern day carousel spinner of women we have today. She can be said to be the bible for jewish women to follow going into the 21st century. Considering their values led to women suffrage, everything that leaked from this woman's mouth has been detrimental. She is not to be trusted on any matter. She may act like a man, but she is still a woman pretending she knows the man's logical steps.

On the funny side, she comes from a matriarch, so their women tend to be a bit more logical than the men merely by the fact that her religion is female orientated. But this is only by design. Women are still are less logical than men. So as I said, she can be almost said to be the mother of feminism.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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Capitalism + Private property + womens freedom = the current absolute failure and hell of a dating marketplace with unmarried childless women possibly reaching 40% while evry single woman wants to be married and have kids


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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I dont rate the communisn movement but looking at all collextive movements like nazism, communism, womens liberation ie collective communal social political movements these are the only situations where women work sincerely with men to produce some outcome and there they care about real stuff and real outcomes and are honest and cool.

But since capitalism won out the relations between men and women have completely declined along with all forms of social and communal energy citizenship, morals etc and now we are free capitalism private property is nothing for a man but something for women to finesse out of him so there will never be happiness in the current system.

Ayn rand maybe independant but she just a dumb jews. Kavis created Judaism as Judaism was formed by layers of Indo iranians and later on Persians. A kavi is way above a jew in intellectualism and civilization only it is not known.


Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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And yet despite the above claims Rand penned quotes like this:

“I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”

for the uninformed she is the author of Atlas Shrugged.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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I think atlas shrugged is so dumb some guy who is ambitious but held back by the state i think its pretty stupid rn.

People just have to understand about free markets and capitalism and excess variation in PERSONAL propertu just causes women to fall down and the 'play the game'of finessing for money.

If your society is based on personal property and wealth with modern levels of freedom for women this current outcome with women is what you get and all it is is that women see you as a way out of poverty or as a way to luxury and the only way for a woman to get this is finessing ie the woman telling each other they should get expensive dinners or a rich husband.

Ideally as men we want to live in a system where levels of personal property money etc are constrained by the system so that women are not incentivised to look at mens personal wealth because this is the biggest cause of the current negativity in the modern world.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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Yup because that model of government has worked so well in the past.

Political talk is very discouraged here, tread lightly.

Edit: wait what? You’re espousing limits on personal wealth so that you can get access to hotter chicks that would chase wealth otherwise? You’re kidding right?

Also your first paragraph contradicts your last one.

I think atlas shrugged is so dumb some guy who is ambitious but held back by the state i think its pretty stupid rn.

People just have to understand about free markets and capitalism and excess variation in PERSONAL propertu just causes women to fall down and the 'play the game'of finessing for money.

If your society is based on personal property and wealth with modern levels of freedom for women this current outcome with women is what you get and all it is is that women see you as a way out of poverty or as a way to luxury and the only way for a woman to get this is finessing ie the woman telling each other they should get expensive dinners or a rich husband.

Ideally as men we want to live in a system where levels of personal property money etc are constrained by the system so that women are not incentivised to look at mens personal wealth because this is the biggest cause of the current negativity in the modern world.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2019
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Forget women, probably half or more of men in this country no longer think logically on many issues. And Rand is considered the Devil incarnate on practically every college campus in America so I wouldn't plan on that changing any time soon.


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
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For those who haven't read Atlas Shrugged, it is an interesting, albeit very long and sometimes tedious read, on the effect of socialism vis-a-vis capitalism. It is what Ayn Rand is known for more than anything. And yes, she is vilified by most liberal colleges across America.

As to OP - I think there are many women who are intelligent and capable of rationale thought - especially when it comes to problem solving. In fact, most women are capable of this. What I have found is that these women generally will compartmentalize their approach to work and their approach to relationships. A woman who is an engineer, lawyer, doctor, etc. can be very logical in work; when she gets home to her husband/LTR she shifts gears and lets her emotions out. Many times at the expense of who she is in a relationship with since she is storing up all this throughout her day and then unloads it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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For those who haven't read Atlas Shrugged, it is an interesting, albeit very long and sometimes tedious read, on the effect of socialism vis-a-vis capitalism. It is what Ayn Rand is known for more than anything. And yes, she is vilified by most liberal colleges across America.

As to OP - I think there are many women who are intelligent and capable of rationale thought - especially when it comes to problem solving. In fact, most women are capable of this. What I have found is that these women generally will compartmentalize their approach to work and their approach to relationships. A woman who is an engineer, lawyer, doctor, etc. can be very logical in work; when she gets home to her husband/LTR she shifts gears and lets her emotions out. Many times at the expense of who she is in a relationship with since she is storing up all this throughout her day and then unloads it.
Seen this happen way too much and why I say women feign logic at best. The most nerdy or career women you saw, they just became as annoyingly female once they were away from work cause they vent everything.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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It is one of the classic Libertarian/Goldwater Republican novels. Its about the innovators and captains of industry simply removing themselves from a society that seeks to appropriate their creations and not allow the inventors or innovators to prosper from the sweat of their own brow or seeds of their minds.

The movie adaptation is relatively well done, it take some liberties but tells the story fairly well for those of you who may not be interested in reading the actual novel. It's on Netflix in the US I noticed the other day. I watched part one a few years ago.

For those who haven't read Atlas Shrugged, it is an interesting, albeit very long and sometimes tedious read, on the effect of socialism vis-a-vis capitalism. It is what Ayn Rand is known for more than anything. And yes, she is vilified by most liberal colleges across America.


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
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This video is ancient by now, and it's still 100% true.

She thinks independently and critically because she got to experience first hand what happens when you turn over rule to a mob of resentful marxists. Nearly starving to death tends to be a wakeup call.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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For those who haven't read Atlas Shrugged, it is an interesting, albeit very long and sometimes tedious read, on the effect of socialism vis-a-vis capitalism. It is what Ayn Rand is known for more than anything. And yes, she is vilified by most liberal colleges across America.

As to OP - I think there are many women who are intelligent and capable of rationale thought - especially when it comes to problem solving. In fact, most women are capable of this. What I have found is that these women generally will compartmentalize their approach to work and their approach to relationships. A woman who is an engineer, lawyer, doctor, etc. can be very logical in work; when she gets home to her husband/LTR she shifts gears and lets her emotions out. Many times at the expense of who she is in a relationship with since she is storing up all this throughout her day and then unloads it.
+1 for keeping on topic.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
the same posters seem to only date the lowest tier women so it’s simply a reflection.
I think that's a part of what goes on when you discuss this with other men. I've had this discussion with a former member who has a lot of experience, but he interprets what he as experienced into a per-fabricated worldview, so this in turn leads him to interpret that a woman who doesn't think for herself is feminine and therefore more desirable.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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Yup because that model of government has worked so well in the past.

Political talk is very discouraged here, tread lightly.

Edit: wait what? You’re espousing limits on personal wealth so that you can get access to hotter chicks that would chase wealth otherwise? You’re kidding right?

Also your first paragraph contradicts your last one.
No one can deny that the current system is lost and the world is way more complex than in recent history. Freedom for women, democracy, modernity has made things very complicated and ofcourse the old order of the establishment doesnt have a clue whats going so the old system is basically dead.

Now we are looking at potentially 40% of women not married and childless ie a major life failure for something every woman took for granted when she was young. There is no way the old order can continue to exist, it will go quicker or slower but it will go.

No woman is chasing wealth it is just the average to lower class women who are finessing men just because its fun and it boosts their ego infact they mostly dont even care about men with money. We cannot find one single guy who is happy with his relationships that he got cos he is rich unless he is a boomer or some guy from a 3rd world country. Modern young women are not giving rich men any special treatment.

I would say 99% of rich women from wealthy families would take their inheritance and wealth from their fathers and join a new movement even upper class rich girls if that movement gave them access to guys they respect and value. There is a huge generation gap even in elite circles and it all points to big changes in the coming generations.

In the modern world ie the modern west GAME ie charisma, politics, social stuff, womens empowerment, equality, green etc this the most important thing not money.

Right now the most successful men are those who made money in business. In the future the most successful men in society are basically just going to be those chosen by men and women to be leaders.

The problem with money is that it is mostly based on luck, no one wants to play a game based on luck. Most successful entrepreuners cannot repeat their success therefore it proves it is mostly luck.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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No one can deny that the current system is lost and the world is way more complex than in recent history. Freedom for women, democracy, modernity has made things very complicated and ofcourse the old order of the establishment doesnt have a clue whats going so the old system is basically dead.

Now we are looking at potentially 40% of women not married and childless ie a major life failure for something every woman took for granted when she was young. There is no way the old order can continue to exist, it will go quicker or slower but it will go.

No woman is chasing wealth it is just the average to lower class women who are finessing men just because its fun and it boosts their ego infact they mostly dont even care about men with money. We cannot find one single guy who is happy with his relationships that he got cos he is rich unless he is a boomer or some guy from a 3rd world country. Modern young women are not giving rich men any special treatment.

I would say 99% of rich women from wealthy families would take their inheritance and wealth from their fathers and join a new movement even upper class rich girls if that movement gave them access to guys they respect and value. There is a huge generation gap even in elite circles and it all points to big changes in the coming generations.

In the modern world ie the modern west GAME ie charisma, politics, social stuff, womens empowerment, equality, green etc this the most important thing not money.

Right now the most successful men are those who made money in business. In the future the most successful men in society are basically just going to be those chosen by men and women to be leaders.
Most of this thread is going off topic. The questions are, are women capable of thinking rationally and independently, and if so, why do the vast majority of women don't?

The problem with money is that it is mostly based on luck, no one wants to play a game based on luck. Most successful entrepreuners cannot repeat their success therefore it proves it is mostly luck.
The business that I started took a lot of hard work for years before I started making good money, but I knew the risks and the market and committed myself.

I have the impression that you have detached actions from results by claiming 'luck,' which means that in some part of your thinking process, there's a lack of holding yourself accountable.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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Ayn Rand is too stupid and low-class. Business and Money has always been part of the Merchant class or Caste. The heirarchy of society was always Priest > Warrior > Merchant.

Merchants Businessmen and Speculators have always been seen as low class, it is only every now and then, and especially in recent history that they freed themselves of these restrictions and rose above their low historically low status.

Merchants are never written about in any ancient history, legends or myths, it is always the priests, kings and warriors. Ayn Rand tried to make a merchant a hero for her the whole of history looks upon with shame.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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Not to further derail the thread, but Kavi you’ve never read atlas shrugged and it shows because you don’t even know the occupation of the protagonists.

Glad to discuss in a dedicated thread if you’d like to actually know how the story unfolds, which you don’t.
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