Why I can't keep a woman around


New Member
Feb 17, 2011
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The only reason I have a hard time keeping a woman around long term is because I'm what some would call "commitment-phobic". I'm very good at being a challenge in my relationships with women. I don't call them everyday. I call them once or twice a week & talk for 5-8 minutes on the phone & get off.

I keep most of the dates short like under 4 hours. I don't get into heavy subjects on the dates. I keep it light & joke with women on the dates. I don't buy gifts very often- just special occasions.

I don't always jump on the chance to spend the night at her place when she invites me. I might spend the night at her place 1 night every 2 months even though she's inviting me every week to spend the night.

Last Valentine's Day dinner I had with my girlfriend I kept the date as short as 90 minutes.

So being a challenge is not a weakness of mine. My problem is that I don't give women enough of a commitment & intimacy. I don't want to get married ever. I don't want to move in with her. I don't even want to have sex with her. So eventually she's going to get tired of it and lose interest level in me & walk.

I don't have nice guy tendencies. If anything I probably error on the side of being a jerk sometimes such as showing up late on dates or canceling dates sometimes or I don't always answer when she calls. I never really make an effort to spend time with my girlfriend. She asks me to come over & go out 90% of the time.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
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Gawd, not this bloke again...

You are either a troll or one seriously fvcked up dude.

Fact is, the s!x drive for women is not as high as it is for non-fvcked up dudes (which excludes yourself) but they still want some physical action.

They are craving 10 inches of prime, hard rib fillet and you won't give it to them, so they go get from some other dude.

If you are serious about this problem of yours about not wanting to have s!x, all I can suggest is professional therapy.

None of the advice on here will help.


New Member
Feb 17, 2011
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No I'm not a troll. I've had this problem for the last 8 years.

I may need more advice on how to be a better challenge than I am now. I don't think I've mastered challenge & I want to improve in that area as much as possible.

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
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greg60 said:
I don't even want to have sex with her.
What's going on here? I see nothing wrong with anything else you've said in this thread, but this part raises a red flag.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2005
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All the things you are doing, actually increases the likelihood of a woman wanting sex from you. Becoming more of a challenge is the worst thing you can do given your situation!! I'd say you have the green light to be a really sweet, nice, gooey guy (as portrayed in many movies) that every woman comes to share her problems with. Buy her teddy bears and chocolate when she feels all weepy over the azzhole who is using and abusing her body (since you don't want her body anyway!). You can have pajama sleepovers and talk about how their periods bother them, or whether or not they should change their nail polish. You can then have all the platonic female attention you could crave for Im sure! :yes:

In your situation a "girlfriend" is completely incongruent as by definition a girlfriend/LTR/wife should be getting EVERYTHING she needs from YOU, and does not have to look somewhere else.

Puns aside, I don't think any advice here would help you as people here tend to want to increase their chances of sex rather than not want it/decrease it! You need professional help with this problem I'm afraid.

On a more positive note, maybe you are lucky that you don't desire sex - one less frustration to deal with!!


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
Simple, all women WANT sex,WANT a husband. SO, when you aren't giving them sex[the 1 power they have],they can't use sex to try and trap you into marriage. IF they wanted to be a nun they'd join a convent.