Step one: be in shape and good looking. (Haha)
step two: if they send you a choosing signal approach ASAP like you don’t give a sh!t who’s watching. (I’ve banged a few with literally no choosing signals at all but once I talk to them, reveal my face it’s almost always been a shoe in) (I also met this female two
Weeks ago at the gym, had a good conversation, she was complimenting me on my appearance, her body language showed attraction, she approached me! She started asking me the meaning of my tattoos, blah blah blah. I gave her my number and....she never texted me or called. It’s happens)
Step three: tell them you’d like to grab coffee or whatever you like to do and give her you number
If she
texts/calls cool, if not, cool.
Just this last week I met this female with a literally hb10 body, pretty cute face, every dude in the gym just stares at her. I talk to her like Ive known her, was pretty forward, kinoed her (this may or may not work but for me it did this time) and now having coffee with her this week.