tebow1120 said:
Ok I get what some of you guys are saying but I think women confused nice and being clingy sometimes..just because a guy wants too show he is different and wants too actually treat a woman good doesn't mean he is obsessed with her..women complain all the time how there are no more good men anymore but when they finally meet one they find excuses not to like him..I mean look at this guys women love chick flicks and what are most chicks about..there usally about a guy who meets a girl walking outside who he has never met before and tells her she is wonderful and I will treat you like a queen and the women falls in love with him..Women love that **** but when it actually happens to them they find it creepy and next you.
You are wrong.
1. Not every chic flick on air makes girls wet their panties or eyes
I don't watch chick flicks but last time I checked these were the most popular ones:
Jack Sparrow....is a real bad boy.
Leonardo in Titanic...not exactly a wussy either.
That blond guy in Tristan and Isolde... not exactly a wussy either.
Big difference>
The thing is wussy/clingy guy says he would die for a girl like Leonardo...that is his seducing.
But Leonardo was seducing his girl for real and then just died.
Other flicks have something in common>
Guy meets a girl. Guy is not afc/nobody...she likes him already. Then they
split up, because of some misunderstanding. Both regret it. He catches her on an airport and tell her he loves her.
The whole time she had high Interest Level. Because he was cool. Not because he told her he loves her on second date.
Nice guys give flowers and compliments and call ten times because they see it in movies but they don't realize it is just a symbol...nothing. The coolness of the guy is important. Have you seen a chick flick hero being nobody or being corny, nervous wreck?
Yeah there are those in the movies to get to the AFC audience. But chics never put them as wallpaper.
Another reason is....most of the chicks are not really a chicks....girls rated 1 to 5 are really desperate and would love to be treated like queens for a change....thats why the songs and movies where guys sing "Come back to me baby".