I'll tell you why it works better. The statement wasn't AFCish because as far as they know, your wife deserved your love and attention, which I'm sure she did. Besides, you were married to her for 27 YEARS. Anybody who would think you're a wuss for missing her, is just a straight up jacka$$. They go wild because you potrayed yourself as a strong man, who isn't afraid to admit that he likes sex or that he loved and genuinely misses his wife. Just because you're a man doesn't mean you can't long for someone who was that close and important to you. Listen guys, all being a DJ is about, is embracing your masculinity and respecting yourself; avoiding any sensitivity is going to hurt you in the long run if you're looking for an LTR. It will make you appear cold and emotionless, which usually is caused by some weakness. It's not AFCish to have a heart. It's not AFCish to value a woman. It's AFCish when she is undeserving and you place her value above your own to such an extent that you become a puppet and a doormat. If she feels that she is constantly earning your affection there's no problem. Anyway, I wouldn't deliberately put it out there, because it would seem like a line and therefore be disrespectful to your wife, but I wouldn't hide it after all you loved her and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm deeply sorry for your loss.