Alle_Gory said:
Good you're getting it. Now don't lose hope. Like I said, you need experience.
Firstly you need to calm the fvck down. Chicks don't like guys to be more emotional then they are. You're supposed to be like a rock. Calm and collected when she goes nuts... because she's female and emotional. They crave that stability and its supposed to come from you, the man. So calm down and work through all that junk you have inside you. Don't try to supress it but rather understand why you're feeling that way (desperate, anxious, like you want to be super nice) and figure out whether its the right or the wrong thing for you to be feeling like.
Now as far as this girl, ok so she lost interest. So you take a step back and try again. Do not set up a date or any commitment. You're taking a step back and trying to sell your company to her again. What did you do before to get her interest? Before the date. Way before.
Ok I met her at a house party, but it was such a quick pick up that i didn't build enough rapport. she was really tipsy and kinda semi gave me a fake number by giving me 1 digit out but then i gave her my number and she missed called me. i kissed her goodbye.
i called tuesday and i made her laugh had her in hysterics cos i negged her for being a clutz cos she dropped her phone while speaking to me, i made some joke about me already having such an effect on her. she didn't remember who i was though, in regards to my name etc cos she didnt save my number. but then she had high interest.
im good at picking up girls at house parties, 99% of the time i'll get the number and they'll be interested but that's 10mins of talk and splitting. going on dates and keeping it up for 1 hour is the problem because all these tests come in, the questions they ask etc etc. i cant be mr funny man the whole 1 hour i need to demonstrate other qualities.
so she was excited to see me on thursday despite her having an important exam on friday, i think she was worried she'd lose me if she didn't.
now thats the story, everything else which happened on the date is in the first post i did with a few extra details. i did establish i liked independent women who paid their own way etc and she agreed, so i knew if it worked out at least i wouldn't be paying for her. however when the bill came she said she only had her credit card to pay which i think was manipulation to get me to pay however i was going to pay anyway. but i did the dumb thing of taking the change rather than just leaving it, i saw her eyes looking when this happened and the worst part is i left 5 cents hahaha by quickly grabbing the change. so i might look cheap.
anyway what's the plan now? when to call, should i text something intriguing?
she's one of those high class girls but is a student still so pretty much starves herself to pay for her expensive clothes etc. just cos shes looking for a rich guy doesn't mean she isn't like any other woman who has emotions and feelings that need to be validated.
You said dont set up a date with her which i wont but i was thinking when the time comes later on when it's right i was contemplating sending her a text this time next week along the lines of 'hey sorry i haven't been in touch ive been busy and out a lot but dont worry i havent forgot about you
expect a message from me later about details of our next meeting.'
see i like to do surprises and make things intriguing, i used to do this which worked quite well but better on girls who were interested, i'd send a text the next day saying something like. hey for out next meeting, you have 3 options. a)we go for a drink b)we go shopping (dont get too excited!
haha, for me, not for you.) or c)the mystery surprise... choose wisely.'
this works well on interested girls and 99 times out of a 100 they choose the mystery surprise but at least it gets them intrigued again and makes me look adventurous, do u think this wouldn't work on an uninterested girl though?
this could test the water to see if she replies and sends the right message that i been too busy for her and maybe out with other girls. but it needs to be done after that point where she wonders why i haven't called, remember she may have no interest anymore so wont even notice i didn't call.. or would she?
anyway, before all of this. what is the next step to raise her interest again? (bear in mind she may not answer her call cos shes expecting me to set up a date again. i need to show persistence, but not neediness and patience. however if she doesn't answer her phone, thats a clear sign shes not interested and theres not much i can do) she's a texting type of girl. not a call one.)