why does being a nice guy never work on the ladies?


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
Because a "nice guy" does not approach life honestly and directly, including women. He pretends to be interested in their lifes when hes not and just wants some piece of ass as everyone.

Women spot this on the instant of course so "nice guys" are retarded.

But a REAL NICE GUY is good, I want to live like that and try to do the best I can, a nice guy for me is someone who has values and lives his values. And is always honest like a man, rather than manipulative like a woman. A nice guy does not **** people over for personal gain.

For example Ive cheated on every GF I ever had, no ***** has been good enough to please me so far, and dumped first everytime (I didnt have that many), BUT I neva neva neva neva neva slept with a woman of a friend of mine, and there was plenty of interest:

I just love telling *****es: "Dont mess with XXXX, hes a great guy, dont disrespect him". And *****es **** their pants.

I see people stealing their friend's woman I want to puke. I feel ashamed I belong to the same species.

So I try to be a nice guy. I try not to **** people over. God is my witness I try the best I can, and when I make mistakes my consciense is killing me.

So I dont see anything wrong with being a nice guy. Its all in the moral, the values, the friendship. Friendship is much much more important than getting laid. If you lose your job and have nothing to eat tommorow who will feed you and get you a beer - you buddy or some skank ass ho who only watches her ass huh? Men are altruistic, women are egoistic its just the way nature works. So bros over hoes.

I dont see how getting laid makes you a bad boy or whatever and what it has to do with being nice.

And what you around here call a "nice guy" is simply a manipulative faggot.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
om1xr said:
Nice guy wait for too long to make a move.

But you are a fool or you don't really get laid and don't know sh!t about women if you think jerks get real beautiful women. Like attract like. What you seek seeks you. Period.

Jerks attract hot/attractive broken girls with insecure ego and too much personality issues and fvcked up pasts. I Have many friends who are jerks and that how they all roll. For a naive/inexperienced man it may seems he is always with hot babes and they are hot until they open their mouth and you get to know them. then if you have self respect and value your time you won't spend more time with them unless you are only seeking secs or desperate as fvck just to be with an attractive girl.

Who gets the real beautiful girls with great personalities and true feminine nature are guys who as well has great personalities, good looks (yeah they are attracted to good genes as well ), masculine, make their intentions clear and truly love women.
Well said!

Jerks and nice guys are the same to me, low quality. Good guys, or DJ's whether natural or not, are high quality.