She's saying that when she approaches a guy just for sex, the guy thinks she's too aggressive and creepy.
That may well be her experience. Chalk it up to the ever changing (read: fvcked up) gender roles in the West.
I’m skeptical about this one. I can only think of a few possibilities if she’s too aggressive and the guy turns her down (and creepy isn't one of them):
1. He’s worried about sticking his D in crazy and her causing drama later.
2. He thinks she’s bluffing/Kok-teasing or attention whoring him. All talk no action.
3. She caught him off-guard or intimidated him. He might be tired, drunk, shy, etc. and just missed the boat or froze up.
4. He's genuinely taken or not attracted to her.
I don’t think “creepy” is a concern here per se.
She did quote an interesting (if oversimplified) formula, on how difficult it is:
Attractive men > attractive women > unattractive women > unattractive men.
That would imply Chads have it easiest. I don't know if that's true, but there's little doubt that unattractive men are on the bottom. And to agree with
@stormrider above, probably 90% of men fall in the "unattractive" category.