Why do women "objectify" men but shame men when they do it?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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It just struck me today when I made out with a girl, she felt my crotch on my clothes and at my half-erect d!ck said paraphrased and shortened "haha... 10 cm pen1s". She went on about it for a few minutes. Whether she was joking or not and whether it's true or not it completely turned me off in the situation. Why?

Ever since boys start reading and talking about sexuality they're told to not objectify women. Don't shame her for being fat, don't pump and dump her because she's not a supermodel, bla bla bla bla bla. Every one of us knows the drill, I don't have to make more examples. But women do this just as much as men do without feeling a hint of negative emotion about it, they just do it less openly and men tolerate it more. That 20 year old girl who likes some feelgood picture about tolerance toward womens' bodies is the same girl who later finds a new f*ck and laughs with her girlfriends about the "small d!ck" he had or how he was no good at X/Y/Z (ie. shaming a lack of sexual experience despite complaining about players). They seem to enjoy belittling men just like some men enjoy belittling women.

Are they just too vapid to realise this double standard or do they lack the integrity?

By now I think practically all misogynists are women-made. You start out thinking of girls as the fairer sex and believe the lies you're fed throughout growing up and then it hits you in the face how much bullsh!t women spew. From now on I have 0 sympathy for anything a woman complains about in this matter because I know she's no better if not worse herself.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
The end goal of feminism is for the population to be 90 percent women of all looks from fugly to hot and 10 percent hot guys. The average and below average men will go to labor camps.

Women, no doubt, get more hung up on fine details of a guy's look than the reverse.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Hard to disagree with that, those girls which are not cvnt by birth turn into that by the herd mentality of females in general and the fact that feminists/bpd/fvck heads tend to be louder and more aggressive into pushing their opinions, to that you add mainstream culture and medie which not only stop wrong behaviour but actually support them and you get this result.

Talking about d1ck size, I had sex with a girl a couple of years ago, moved down to lick her but moved away after half second cause of the smelly forest, just gave her a couple of thrusts cause I was tired then felt asleep...surely not what a gentleman does but she made sure to tell all her friends that I had a small d1ck, which I dont think its the case since its above any european country average.

Then something similar to what happened to you, making out at the club with a girl put her hand of my c0ck only for her to say it was not "worth", not sure what she is used to but if I would tell something similar to a girl the whole cheerleaders bunch would shot cannons at me.

Many other times I had girls telling me how X was ugly and looked like frankenstein or Y was too short (Y was taller than them).

I dont believe they discriminate willingly, I believe its on a small scale what Mike said above, you either are in the top 10% or you simply are not registered not only as man but not even as human therefore unworth of rights or opportunities, more like a sexual nazism.

Im totally sure that those expired women which manage to get a beta as husband not only dont feel guilty of giving to others what would be the fair reward for those who support them, I believe they also resent him for being who he is as if its his fault if he doesnt look like brad pitt and its an abuse for her to be forced to stay with such unworth man.

Dont get me wrong they are free to think whatever they want, what is wrong is that there is a whole system which is rigged and treat as second class humans those man outside that 10%, considered as tax slaves and holder of an inferior legal protection.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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I was reading an article the other day and it was talking about how some women don't feel d!cks inside them.

The woman writing the article said "It's not because our vag!nas are loose so don't even dare go there. You just aren't putting enough effort to make us feel you inside."

Lol. WTF?

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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Mauser96 said:
Haha, El Payaso....of course it couldn't be THEIR fault. Never is?
Nope. It is never their fault. It's always the fault of the man.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2014
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Im totally sure that those expired women which manage to get a beta as husband not only dont feel guilty of giving to others what would be the fair reward for those who support them, I believe they also resent him for being who he is as if its his fault if he doesnt look like brad pitt and its an abuse for her to be forced to stay with such unworth man.

How Do I Act Around My Ex


May 17, 2013
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America is best
Because feminism is a twisted mental disease that is an attack on masculinity and looks out for the interests at the expense of mens rights and needs, it should be scourged from society. There should be very heavy laws against any ideals to that nature.

I kind of wonder, you know how in the past they would burn witches? I wonder if those were early feminists.

There must be a very good reason thats in all civilizations for the last thousand years or more, no form of feminism was allowed.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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The last time I heard the word peeeenis used, was in anatomy lectures....

Not surprised you were turned off. 'Scientifically accurate terminology does not count as talking dirty....'


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2011
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Who Dares Win said:
Many other times I had girls telling me how X was ugly and looked like frankenstein or Y was too short (Y was taller than them).

I dont believe they discriminate willingly, I believe its on a small scale what Mike said above, you either are in the top 10% or you simply are not registered not only as man but not even as human therefore unworth of rights or opportunities, more like a sexual nazism.

Im totally sure that those expired women which manage to get a beta as husband not only dont feel guilty of giving to others what would be the fair reward for those who support them, I believe they also resent him for being who he is as if its his fault if he doesnt look like brad pitt and its an abuse for her to be forced to stay with such unworth man.
That kind of thing is where bodily insecurity really comes from, specifically over what we can't control. It was never all this crap about comparing yourself to billboards and TV.
The behaviour described above is the contributing factor of the problem, and it really says something about how we overestimate looks as a culture.
By this logic, for a woman to date a man whose not conventionally attractive is some kind of crime against sisterhood. It's anti-feminine. That's why her cliques/peers will make fun of her.

My 'bros' down the pub can go fukk themselves if they take the p*ss out of my unattractive girl.
I've said this before I was raised to respect difference, not to ridicule difference to satisfy my ego.

I have had friends who were big or disadvantaged in some way, and I have witnessed them going through some terrible kinds of social, let alone romantic, adversity.

If a guy has as much as his penis cut off it would equal hilarity. When I was younger I gave many women too much credit for them to even have a shred of empathy or understanding for others, much to my tragic error. I became needy, as being/turning gay is not an option in this culture.
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Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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It's the same with many women who complain about lack of women in x, tech for example, yet they're not working in tech. Why not? "Oh that doesn't interest me".

Similarly the bechdel test, instead of making movies they want to see, they simply complain that the movies other people are making don't conform to their standards.

Feminists would have you believe that for a man to sexually desire a women, he is objectifying her. Not only that, but also that such objectification is wrong and shameful.

Of course little to nothing is said about women who sexually desire men other than the idea that "sluts" are perfectly okay and as displayed by the slvtwalk protests, feminism has no problem with women who sleep with many men purely for sexual enjoyment.

Hypocrisy much?

I have even heard mentions of disgust on very prominent feminist blogs at the idea that a man could have sex with a women without knowing her name or being aware of her personality and other intangible qualities.

Such notions should make people stand up and ask why it is that the sluts in the slutwalk can sleep with as many men as they please, but yet a man who deos it is guilty of the objectification of women.

It takes years to learn how to think like a self righteous, hypocritical feminist.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2014
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AttackFormation said:
It just struck me today when I made out with a girl, she felt my crotch on my clothes and at my half-erect d!ck said paraphrased and shortened "haha... 10 cm pen1s". She went on about it for a few minutes. Whether she was joking or not and whether it's true or not it completely turned me off in the situation. Why?

Ever since boys start reading and talking about sexuality they're told to not objectify women. Don't shame her for being fat, don't pump and dump her because she's not a supermodel, bla bla bla bla bla. Every one of us knows the drill, I don't have to make more examples. But women do this just as much as men do without feeling a hint of negative emotion about it, they just do it less openly and men tolerate it more. That 20 year old girl who likes some feelgood picture about tolerance toward womens' bodies is the same girl who later finds a new f*ck and laughs with her girlfriends about the "small d!ck" he had or how he was no good at X/Y/Z (ie. shaming a lack of sexual experience despite complaining about players). They seem to enjoy belittling men just like some men enjoy belittling women.

Are they just too vapid to realise this double standard or do they lack the integrity?

By now I think practically all misogynists are women-made. You start out thinking of girls as the fairer sex and believe the lies you're fed throughout growing up and then it hits you in the face how much bullsh!t women spew. From now on I have 0 sympathy for anything a woman complains about in this matter because I know she's no better if not worse herself.
Your absolutely right...nobody should be objectifying anyone. People should realize that the world doesn't revolve only around sex.

Anyways, you should have been calling her a slut since she is touching your penis like that...I know most guys would have done that....And yeah, I think it's wrong how it's wrong when a guy makes fun of fat girls but it's ok when girls make fun of guys' small penis. I think we should get rid of double standards because they're very unfair.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2011
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They do it because they have been allowed to do so. The tree hugging hippy BS that came in the 70s freed women, free sex, if it feels good do it. Sounds good right? Sure it does but it all went downhill from there. They behavior from then on unchecked has run rampant through our culture.

Its a double standard. Look at all the female teachers that sleep with their male students. They almost never get a harsh sentence. A male teacher, 35+ sleeping with a female student? You bet he would get the book thrown at him. Its a double standard and for some reason everyone is bending over backwards to let it happen.

I guarantee you if there was a breakdown in society, a calamity, men would be called out to get things under control. Women need you when they need you and when they are done with you, you can go. They want all the control and none of the responsibilities.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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americangirl_234 said:
nobody should be objectifying anyone.
Why not? How would this even be possible? I don't give two $hits if certain women objectify me. So why shouldn't they? And, on the contrary, I know women that have only wanted me to objectify them. They didn't want me for anything other than for me to treat them like a piece of meat and fvck the $hit out of them every once in a while.

I was okay with it, so were they. So why should this not happen?