Master Don Juan
This guy is cool.Status, money, confidence................and most importantly,.....................they don't chase
This guy is cool.Status, money, confidence................and most importantly,.....................they don't chase
If you want a long scientific discussion this, check The Red Queen.Are younger women more attracted to mature good looks than youthful good looks?
While I agree with your post almost entirely, I disagree with the assertion that it is entirely biological.If you want a long scientific discussion this, check The Red Queen.
Long Story Short:
Women are programmed (into their DNA) to be subconsciously attracted to power/wealth. (Or rather their indicators).The IDEAL MAN from a DNA perspective, is the tribal leader (usually older than most of the guys but not yet out to pasture) who can secure the most resources. That he can get resources is NOT what she's attracted, she's attracted to his experience, power, leadership, etc. these are all INDICATORS of resources. (No girl thinks to herself, "hmm, I like him because he can get resources). That's why some guys that are broke can still pull. They effectively put off the "tribal leader" vibe. This is subconscious attraction, not rational thinking.
Men are Programmed for YOUTH. And anything that represents youth. WHY? Because young girls can have more babies that old girls. So guys who liked young girls made more copies of themselves than guys who liked old girls.
Women Like Older More Powerful Men
Men Like Younger Attractive Women
DNA, not society, not conditioning, not culture.
Why are you putting the onus on women? Maybe you've changed. Maybe in your 20s you didn't know your left hand from your right hand and that you are in your late 30s you are much more perceptive.I am 38, I am in the best shape in my life and look about 32.
I get more looks from women in their 20s and sometimes teens now then I did when I was in my 20s.
I am NOT complaining, but what is it?
Are younger women more attracted to mature good looks than youthful good looks?
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I might argue that our susceptibility to social pressure (social proof to be specific, and not the PUA kind, but in general) is biological, as those ancient cavemen who "went their own way" and didn't follow the crowd as an INSTINCT didn't live pass on those genes.To me, there is no doubt, that societal conditioning has effects on the love game.