Why do women do this?!


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
Afc Grenade Alert

The following is going to hurt me more than it is going to hurt you:

DJorBUST said:
What an absolute pack of losers this site has created. We have been brainwashed into allowing ourselves to believe that every bad thing that befalls us from women is our fault for letting it happen. We are brainwashed into believing that a woman lying to us instead of being honest makes us LUCKY.

The fact is that she didn't just say she was sick. She said she wasn't feeling well but she still wanted to go out the following night and would call me. I didn't ask her to call me anyways or beg her. SHE is the one who suggested she might still make it and WOULD call.

I did have other plans. I had a friend call up earlier asking to see a movie and I passed it up because I'd rather have a chance at getting laid.

What the **** is wrong with this board that a woman can lie to you, tell you she'll call you and doesn't and continue to lie to you and then some a*shole comes on here and tells me I'm a loser. This idiot is probably wankin it to a picture of his mother but because this board is anonymous and he can afford a keyboard he's allowed to say this **** and not get his teeth knocked out. You must be real proud!

Get a GRIP.

You have anger issues. You are hyper sensitive, and the girl just didn't want to come out and say "You dumbie, I'm not interested." And as you get older, and wiser, you will realize MOST WOMEN WILL NOT COME RIGHT OUT and say that sh!t because it ISN'T VERY NICE.

To spare your feelings since you can't take a goddam hint, they will say:

1) I have a boyfriend
2) I can't cuz gramma died/dog died/have cold/have to study.
3) My phone died so thats why i never get your calls to return them
4) Its not you its me
5) I am an alien

I mean take your PICK. They all mean the same thing which is "I am not interested at this time."

There could be an added "But I might be later" but don't get your hopes up.

It is YOUR FAULT for depending on a chick with LOW IL to do what you want. This is dumb and AFC. This makes you seem desperate (you are), and the fact you are getting so upset is silly.

AFC = Average. Frustrated. (You are very frustrated). Chump.

When a chick is NOT INTERESTED, move along. Move along.

This happens to women too. The men who have low IL? Just don't even call back! Ever. Does this make them evil lying scum? For a month maybe. But then it all boils down to this: He just wasn't that into you! AND it was up to YOU to see the signs, and be a fool or be one step ahead.

Young buck - she just isn't that into you!

You can keep placing the blame on her and all women, or you can man up and learn
1) How to successfully qualify a chick who won't flake
2) How to raise IL (it isn't by throwing a hissy fit or pestering for a date)
3) What a Plan B means.
4) That this sh!t is going to happen MORE than it DOESN'T happen.

Save yourself a hernia and wisen up.

here is a tissue, blow your nose.

I had to do it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
DJorBUST said:
So, I've gone on a couple of dates with a girl and I've known the whole time that she had moderate to low IL in me. So, I try one last time to ask her out for tonight. She agrees at first but then gives me a very predictable excuse last night that she's feeling "under the weather" and she doesn't know if she can make it tonight and she'll have to let me know today. Why the **** would a chick who is not interested allow you to sit at home on a Saturday night and do nothing waiting in vain for her call (which is not coming) instead of just being straight up with you?

Because she can and she knows you are emotionally invested in her. Once she knows this, she'll use it as much as she can to her advantage to stroke her own ego. If a girl wanted to go out with you on Sat night and you didn't like her, would you phone her and say "listen, thanks for the offer of the date but I don't like you and I'm going to bar to get some action from a Angelina look-alike, take care and be safe."

She's probably at a club tonight and I passed up other plans to open tonight up for her.

Why did you pass on other plans? You should have just kept them. She may call if she feels like it? If nothing better comes along? What the hell is that? You can't be held hostage like that. You are letting her determine your happiness. You have to do what you normally do on Sat night, and if she wants to come along, she can. If she really wanted, she would have said "You phone me Sat night before you go dancing at the club."

Are women that ****ed up? Why did she even first agree to the tentative date several days ago and respond to me yesterday? What's the point?

Dude, women are not logical creatures. They are emotional. Do not try to justify her actions or think "why did she do this, why did she do that?" It's not worth it.

I feel like chicks like this will go through life just f*cking over endless numbers of men until somebody just walks up and ***** slaps her!

No comment.
Just try to do what you like to do. Don't let this chick or any other chick determine anything.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Obsidian said:
The reason you're upset now is because she texted you. What you should've done, the moment she said "I'll call you the day of to let you know," is told her, "Nah, that's ok. Don't bother calling. It was fun hanging out. Bye."
I think you should go with what this guy said.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
DJorBUST said:
What an absolute pack of losers this site has created. We have been brainwashed into allowing ourselves to believe that every bad thing that befalls us from women is our fault for letting it happen. We are brainwashed into believing that a woman lying to us instead of being honest makes us LUCKY.

The fact is that she didn't just say she was sick. She said she wasn't feeling well but she still wanted to go out the following night and would call me. I didn't ask her to call me anyways or beg her. SHE is the one who suggested she might still make it and WOULD call.

I did have other plans. I had a friend call up earlier asking to see a movie and I passed it up because I'd rather have a chance at getting laid.

What the **** is wrong with this board that a woman can lie to you, tell you she'll call you and doesn't and continue to lie to you and then some a*shole comes on here and tells me I'm a loser. This idiot is probably wankin it to a picture of his mother but because this board is anonymous and he can afford a keyboard he's allowed to say this **** and not get his teeth knocked out. You must be real proud!
Look buddy, you're the one not getting *****! Ha, joking, but seriously.. I said it before and I'll say it again. A lot of women are inconsiderate, dishonorable *****s. Are you happy? Good. Now here's the kicker.. theres not a goddamn thing you can do to change women. You could spend your whole existence on this planet and make no difference in how women think.

It may take a little time to "suck up your pride" but mark my words, you will not get many women if you don't like them. So learn how women think and manipulate their feelings (if that makes you feel better). I don't think you yet fully understand how women work. They give you a hint of rejection, and they expect you to overreact. They THRIVE off of your bad feelings. Not because they are bad people, but because it gives them affirmation that you like them that much more. Don't give women that satisfaction. If you're taking a woman out and spend money on her, just to have her treat you like ****, then tell her you have better options and hangup the phone. Getting mad at a woman who doesn't like you in the first place doesn't really have any positive outcomes.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
Obsidian said:
The reason you're upset now is because she texted you. What you should've done, the moment she said "I'll call you the day of to let you know," is told her, "Nah, that's ok. Don't bother calling. It was fun hanging out. Bye."

great advice. it jsut take some awareness of the situation and some balls to follow through with though.
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
DJorBUST said:
So, I've gone on a couple of dates with a girl and I've known the whole time that she had moderate to low IL in me. So, I try one last time to ask her out for tonight. She agrees at first but then gives me a very predictable excuse last night that she's feeling "under the weather" and she doesn't know if she can make it tonight and she'll have to let me know today. Why the **** would a chick who is not interested allow you to sit at home on a Saturday night and do nothing waiting in vain for her call (which is not coming) instead of just being straight up with you? She's probably at a club tonight and I passed up other plans to open tonight up for her. Are women that ****ed up? Why did she even first agree to the tentative date several days ago and respond to me yesterday? What's the point? I feel like chicks like this will go through life just f*cking over endless numbers of men until somebody just walks up and ***** slaps her!

I think the better questions to ask are :

1. Why would you knowingly persue a woman who YOU know for sure has low interest level and you know is gonna flake on you?

2. Do you believe in santa claus? Cause her chances of giving you the punany are about as real as that so why even persue her from the beginning unless you like spending money to be seen with a female out on the town buying her drinks and dinner. In that case get a hooker and save the extra doe and call it a day.

3. Why complain about women when you already know how some of them (not all) can be? Selfish, Selfcentered, ect ect...Does that make sense? Why waste your time posting about this when it just is.