jafyk said:
(.)(.) I'ill go out on limb here and say that what if these female CEOs aren't getting the support from the men working with them because of the attitudes men have towards women becoming CEOs?
We have been blaming men for womens poor performance for years. Turns out it had alot more to do with them being less driven, having more days off, leading with emotion rather than cold logic, b!tchiness and lacking the testosterone required to take calculated risks.
These are all counterproductive to running a business and leading the workers (men) who actually do the work. Both genders have unique strength and weaknesses for a good reason. When you start messing with that your only setting yourself up to fail.
jafyk said:
I don't think I'm speaking for myself alone here but I feel most men don't want to have a female boss.
Fvck no. I'll tell you this for free also. It's not just men either, without a word of a lie every single woman I've talked to who has dropped her guard has admitted to me they always prefer male bosses, not just because sh!t gets done but because the catty competitiveness (the non productive competition, not the productive kind) disappears.
Personally my belief is if they weren't there 50 years ago they shouldn't be there now. I have loads more respect for a secretary, nurse or hairdresser than the masquerading CEO. Hell even a stripper gets more admiration from me, at least she's doing something she's suited for. But that's just me, I still shake my head when I see a police woman who's trying to look intimidating with all the tricks and tactics they taught her at the academy, how the fvck is that going to save me when a 120kg Hells angel is wailing on me? Or a female ambulance driver. Since when did we leave navigating an automobile at high speeds in a life and death situation to women? And the crazy part is they are everywhere now. Don't even get me started on female soldiers and firewomen.