why do we do things thats bad and we know better.


New Member
Jun 6, 2007
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Well, I was messing around with this married man. I didnt plan on it, but it happened and i wanted it to. Yeah, it was wrong because he's married, but im single and i can do what i want any day of the week. (This is not the right attitiude to have).

I called myself breaking it off because i felt that it would never end. He said he was leaving his wife once he opens up his business, but i dont believe him. Every married man who cheats say they are going to leave but it never happens.

I didnt talk to him for days and when i tried to end it on good terms he ignored it. I find myself talking to him all over again for the past few nights. I thought he wouldnt contact me anymore since his wife saw the phone bill with my number on there along with text messages. But i was wrong again.

I reallly do want to leave this man alone. Why wont he just leave me alone?
Peopel say that they would never do certain things until they are in the situation themselves. I use to say i would never talk to a married man and it happened.
How come we say we are going to do one thing and always end up doing the opposite. Everyone has said that they are done with something and always end up going back to it, until they are really tired. Like drugs or relationships.
I know its wrong but why am i doing it anyway? And why wont he just stop calling me?


Mar 19, 2007
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Falkland Islands, Florida
Women are weak creatures, that's why.

Men that aren't real men, not DJs, PUAs, or not recovering, also are like women. Plus any men with hang ups.

Doing these things is not neceserally a bad thing..

Why you wanted him: because he is married, and that alone has more value to him for you. You also said you won't have one, by removing something out of your life you want it more. Thus you wanted a married man to begin with. Not a bad thing, because he is so much more valuable to you than a none married man...

Why more valuable: because it's about YOU. You feel more beautiful and desirable if you able to lay a more valuable men. That's just the way women are.

Why you still talking to him: because there is so much value in him, and because there is no one else in your life. Women will not leave one guy if there isn't another man in the picture. Because if you don't have a guy you feel like a freak. Having a guy for you is like verifying you're beautiful.

What to do? Since you're weak, and we want you that way. You should find another guy. I fvck hoes off the internet for a limited time only. Find someone.

This someone will be your way out of this one, and perhaps onto the next one. But the more value you place on married man, the more you'd want one.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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I know its wrong but why am i doing it anyway?

I strongly believe that you are responding with your Emotions, not your intellect.
You know it's wrong, but....he's GOT you. He put his claws into you, and you can't or won't respond with logic.
You see value in him, and you're attracted to the emotion, the excitement, and the danger elements.
To you, this is exciting. Your hormones are raging, your emotions are all over the place, and you're "High" on this illicit affair.
He won't leave you alone because he knows you're weak.
Plain and simple. You can't control yourself. You aren't using your intellect and LOGIC.
Plus, I believe you have a strong desire to find a good man to be a husband and father to you child. So there is an empty space in your life. And for a while there, he filled this emotional and physical vacuum you have.

You have what we call.... a "Oneitis". You can't stop thinking about them. You obsess over them. It's over, but you can't let go.
You know it's wrong though.
You know he's NOT going to leave his wife and kids.
And you can't really trust and have a guarantee that if he ever does leave his wife for you, that maybe there is nothin to stop him from cheating on you.
Can people change?

Yes, they do. ALL the TIME.
Do you have a guarantee with this guy?
Also, have you ever thought, knowing that you and he are not REALLY "In Love", at least not a Healthy Love, that you are helping to create disturbances in theLife of this man's Wife and Children?
If you don't love him, and he doesn't love you, what the Hell are you doing?

Why don't you just go out and find a genuine, nice, intelligent, and charming SINGLE Guy?
I mean, F*ck,Yogurl2, how many single guys out there are looking for a Good Woman?!
And you're messing around with a Married man?
That makes Single guys out there feel like Sh*t!
Think about that for a while.

Move on. Stop taking this guys' calls. Stop talking to him. End all contact and move on. What about your kid? What kind of example are you going to give him?
There ARE guys out there who don't see kids as a liability, or a deal breaker.
Go find them, FCS!
You're single, so go find some Single guys out there.
You're going to tell me you have no idea how to attract a Good man?

Reality has been checked.
And you know what you're supposed to do.
I hope for everyone involved you do the right thing.
Good luck to you.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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yogurl2 said:
How come we say we are going to do one thing and always end up doing the opposite. Everyone has said that they are done with something and always end up going back to it, until they are really tired.
What's this we? I don't do that crap. Leave me out of your little posse of weak willed people who have no real control of themselves.

I know its wrong but why am i doing it anyway?
Because you are pathetic and weak and choose to remain that way.
Jun 10, 2007
Reaction score
WHAT THE ****?

you are in the wrong forum

why did u just join and are complaining to men about this?



Jun 7, 2007
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Yogirl.....He's been using your body to masturbate with. How does that make you feel? You keep entertaining him, because to do otherwise, you would have to ADMIT to yourself that you were USED.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2007
Reaction score
one of the problems modern societies face is the overwhelming choice available in relationships. another associated problem is the 'opportunity cost' of commitment. that is, when we marry a woman, we are made very aware of all the other options we could have had. but we don't worry too much because there's always some woman who'll provide us with some extra sex. a lot of older guys i know have a wife and some damaged goods on the side. one gives them a relationship, the other keeps their **** warm because their wife has decided that now she's used sex to get the commitment she wants, she doesn't need to put up with it anymore, and if the man doesn't like it, she'll just **** him over in court.

congratulations, you've been used by someone who's been used. now you need to find someone to use yourself. sweet world ain't it