Why Do So Many Guys Worry About The Size Of Their Penises


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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KoalaKing said:
Perhaps the greatest advantage in aging when you are a guy is the fact that you don't have to be as perfect when you get to 38 than you do when you are 21 to be able to allure and keep a HB8 21 year old girl.

It is so much easier to allure and keep a pretty young 21 year old girl when you are a guy of 38, the reasons why are still very much a mystery to me yet it is true.

These days I use a strap on penis extender which in reality does the same job as a normal big di-ck on a man.

When you are 38 and you have a HB8 21 year old Wife, it doesn't bother you so much if she decides to leave you at a later date, as you are happy to be fu-cking a pretty girl who is 17 years younger than you are at this particular moment in time.
I agree a man hits his power stroke in his 30s...

But, you claim to use a strap-on penis extender? Are you a troll? And your wife does not laugh at or mind this? WTF?

BTW, it WOULD bother me if my wife left me later...because divorce SUX for a man!!! Sorry, but your whole fish story just isn't adding up here...


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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yeah, I'd have to say mine is bigger than average but it has nothing to do with getting girls....as I don't have a lot of success. And even after getting laid last week for the first time in months, for some reason when I've been out in public I still don't feel THAT desirable. Usually when I get some I feel much better but the truth is, if your attitude sucks it doesn't matter how big it is. Unless you've got a slight chub, they're not gonna be able to tell how big it is when you're fully dressed.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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wayword said:
I agree a man hits his power stroke in his 30s...

But, you claim to use a strap-on penis extender? Are you a troll? And your wife does not laugh at or mind this? WTF?

BTW, it WOULD bother me if my wife left me later...because divorce SUX for a man!!! Sorry, but your whole fish story just isn't adding up here...
As the years roll on by you learn to accept relationship breakups, I was devastated to the point of almost ending my own life when my first girlfriend dumped me, after I had experianced a few more pretty girls doing the same things to me it became easier to accept it.

If my Wife wants to leave me she can, as I am popular enough with the pretty girls these days to confidently go out and sarge for another one.

Why be devastated by something that you can't change, I've known of guys who were so obsessed by their pretty wives that when they left them they either killed themselves, killed their wives, or killed their Wifes new boyfriend, or did all three of these things, but it didn't have to be that way.

I am just delighted to have a pretty girl who is 17 years my junior in my life at this time, I may be dead tomorrow, so why worry about it.

Many guys use strap on di-ck extenders, even lesbians use them, walk into any sex shop and you will see plenty of them, they wouldn't be there if no one used them. :mad:


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
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KoalaKing said:
I want you all to know that the reason why you see so many famous black dudes like, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Lionel Ritchie, 50 Cent, Denis Rodman, OJ Simpson, etc with gorgeous white girls has nothing to do with their having massive co-cks, it is because of their extremely high celebrity
profile and status.

Being an AlphaMale has nothing to do with the color of your skin, nor the size of your penis, it is to do with the way that you hold yourself in your social interactions with woman.

If you come accross as being a down and out loser wimp goofy wuss type of a guy around the woman you can have the most gigantic di-ck in your pants but you will always lose out to the guy who is extremely confident and charismatic when around the pretty girls who has a smaller di-ck.

Contrary to what many guys on this site believe there are still alot more white guys with a pretty white girl, than there are black dudes with one, although you see alot more black dudes with a pretty white girl than you did 10 or 15 years ago, their are still many more white guys percentage wise who are with them.

I don't know where this line of beleif came from that you are much better off being a black man with a massive co-ck than a very handsome white guy with an average sized di-ck, because statistics strongly refute this.

I think alot of this line of thought comes from the facts that many xxx movies like Blacks on Blondes and pretty white girls like Spring Thomas making statements like "Once you have gone black you never go back" has clouded the true reality of the situation.

I myself have personal friends who are black who have pretty white girlfriends, but not all of these guys have massive co-cks, yet they have AlphaMale type personalities, similar to the white friends that I have who have pretty white girlfriends as well.

I would like to know why so many guys place so much emphasis on penis size because from where I sit it doesn't seem to have alot to do with ones ability to allure the hottest babes, as I know a guy who has a smallish penis yet he always has the hottest babes around him.

To me I think that the number (1) is STATUS, (2) is CONFIDENCE, (3) is LOOKS, and PENIS SIZE comes along way behind those top three things when it comes to a guy being successful with woman or not, I don't think for one second that you need to have a Big Di-ck in order to become a true AlphaMale, what do you guys think about this. :up:
Here is the answer:

Social Comparison in Romantic Jealousy
Bernd H. Schmitt
Cornell University

Past research has shown that jealous people tend to denigrate their rivals in order to preserve a positive self-evaluation. The present two studies investigated whether derogation of the rival is always a consequence of a social comparison with the rival. It was hypothesized that jealous people would derogate their rivals only on attributes that they perceive to be important to their partners; however, jealous people would evaluate their rivals as having attractive characteristics on attributes perceived to be less important to their partners. Undergraduates rated themselves, their partners, their rivals, and their partners' rivals (i.e., persons of whom their partners were jealous) on personality attributes that were either very important or less important to themselves and to their partners. Results indicated that the rivals and the partners' rivals were negatively evaluated on very important dimensions, but were seen as at least equally attractive on less important attributes. The plausibility of a self-esteem explanation, sex differences, and the functions of social comparison are discussed.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
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as far as the title Question goes that is......


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2006
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Sydney Australia
Floridaboy23 said:
yeah, I'd have to say mine is bigger than average but it has nothing to do with getting girls....as I don't have a lot of success. And even after getting laid last week for the first time in months, for some reason when I've been out in public I still don't feel THAT desirable. Usually when I get some I feel much better but the truth is, if your attitude sucks it doesn't matter how big it is. Unless you've got a slight chub, they're not gonna be able to tell how big it is when you're fully dressed.
They DO look at it trust me :D

Sometimes mine pokes a bit when I'm not wearing underwear, and I've seen theyr eyes looking in that direction like when I'm walking down the aisle...

Dirty ho's!!

Aaron B

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
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as long as you truly love your penis, you will have no problems

if you are insecure or ashamed of your penis, your chances of keeping a woman happy in the long term are very low

Also, you can hold it in certain ways that will make it appear larger. The more familiar you are with your ****, the better. I rub mine all over my wife's face, I slap her ass and her ***** with it. Beat the ***** up. Go all out.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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AtomicDog said:
They DO look at it trust me :D

Sometimes mine pokes a bit when I'm not wearing underwear, and I've seen theyr eyes looking in that direction like when I'm walking down the aisle...

Dirty ho's!!
Then try to explain why attractive woman always flirt with me when I am in the shops, I am good looking, but still have a di-ck that is in the small average range.

Guys like skip2mylou who detest these penis size threads must obviously be ashamed of their own penis size, as it seems that the guys who have the biggest di-cks who write on here are more than happy to brag about them.

If you are blessed with a massive co-ck then you want the whole world to know about it, if you have a small di-ck, then you will hate this topic. :yes:


Jan 14, 2006
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im ashamed that u dare give advice when u didnt ever get pvssy till u were 28!!!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
im ashamed that u dare give advice when u didnt ever get pvssy till u were 28!!!
You are not even a BIG BLACK BROTHA yourself, you are just a WHITE WUSS in reality, so why are you giving ADVICE. :crackup:


Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
KoalaKing said:
If you are blessed with a massive co-ck then you want the whole world to know about it
How would you know microd!ck?


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Do not let this post degenerate guys, it was quality.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
Slevin said:
How would you know microd!ck?
I know because guys I have met who have massive co-cks have continuously been flashing them around, unzipping their pants in bars, so that the pretty girls in there could see them, you must have a small di-ck as well, or you would know about this. :crackup:


Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
KoalaKing said:
I know because guys I have met who have massive co-cks have continuously been flashing them around, unzipping their pants in bars, so that the pretty girls in there could see them
You hang out with guys who continually flash their penis?:confused:


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
Slevin said:
You hang out with guys who continually flash their penis?:confused:
Yes I do, unlike me you and skip2mylou they have something impressive to show. :crackup:


Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
KoalaKing said:
Yes I do, unlike me you and skip2mylou they have something impressive to show. :crackup:
You find other mens co-cks impressive... seriously how can you even try to spin that as an insult?

Don't answer, my real question is why are you trying to give advice about an insecurity that you have yet to overcome? I'm being serious, all your threads come across as you giving advice for something you haven't figured out for yourself yet.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
Slevin said:
You find other mens co-cks impressive... seriously how can you even try to spin that as an insult?

Don't answer, my real question is why are you trying to give advice about an insecurity that you have yet to overcome? I'm being serious, all your threads come across as you giving advice for something you haven't figured out for yourself yet.
Most of my threads have true advice in them, this one however is different, the reason being that just as many people, both guys and girls, seem to differ with their opinions concerning penis size.

If you read all of the answers on this thread you will see that half think it is important to have a big di-ck but the other half say that it has no importance at all.

I like to read what others veiws are concerning this particular subject. :D


Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
KoalaKing said:
Most of my threads have true advice in them, this one however is different, the reason being that just as many people, both guys and girls, seem to differ with their opinions concerning penis size.

If you read all of the answers on this thread you will see that half think it is important to have a big di-ck but the other half say that it has no importance at all.

I like to read what others veiws are concerning this particular subject.
Understood, I wasn't trying to get into a "d!ck waving" contest ;)

The post I quoted just seemed unhelpful, and likely to cause more neurosis.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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Big is a bonus, though girth is more important than length. I was blessed with both, and it definitely makes my job easier.

But imagine you were a woman or a gay. Would you bang/date a guy you didn't find attractive or respect just because he had a huge dong? Like a woman with small breasts, the most unattractive thing about it is if the owner is embarrassed or ashamed.

Oh, and have any older guys noticed theirs growing? I'm sure I've put on about an inch since I was 16.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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Nighthawk said:
Big is a bonus, though girth is more important than length. I was blessed with both, and it definitely makes my job easier.

But imagine you were a woman or a gay. Would you bang/date a guy you didn't find attractive or respect just because he had a huge dong? Like a woman with small breasts, the most unattractive thing about it is if the owner is embarrassed or ashamed.

Oh, and have any older guys noticed theirs growing? I'm sure I've put on about an inch since I was 16.
Why is it that most guys say that they love girls with large breasts yet girls with small ones who are gorgeous to look at don't seem to have any problems in getting guys to go out on dates and marry them. :confused: