All very good questions. First lets correct a false claim. You say:ImTheDoubleGreatest! said:So OP, I'm assuming you speak from experience, as most people say you do. Now my question pertains to your view of high value women. Now according to you, these are the only type of women who should be considered for marriage.
How many of these 'high value' women have you seen/dealt with and why haven't you married one yet? {And why is marriage such a 'blue pill' idea if one does marry such 'high value' women? What about polygamy with 'high value' women? Is it still a stupid idea?}
Another question, I know you do advocate men to have self respect and dignity. This is great wisdom indeed. But why can't women have self-respect either? I personally would prefer equal rights with both men and women (because I look at people as humans, not 'man' or 'woman'), I just want men and women to play different roles in society though, but have equal rights nonetheless. I tell you this just to give you an idea on my stance. So I ask again, why can't women have self-respect? You got me wondering this because you said that any woman who doesn't treat you like a king is utter trash. That's basically saying that a woman must be the female version of an afc in order to be considered as high value. Of course, afcs have little to no value. So this contradiction confuses me.
"Now according to you, these are the only type of women who should be considered for marriage."
WRONG. I never said "marriage" I said commitment.
Lets brake down your questions individually:
How many of these 'high value' women have you seen/dealt with and why haven't you married one yet?
I don't believe in marriage in 99.9% of cases. Also.. all high value women I've come across were only high value from a personality stand point. Physically, they were unattractive and hardly f*ckable. As far as attractive high value women.. never met one. The video link in my signature explains this in a funny way.
And why is marriage such a 'blue pill' idea if one does marry such 'high value' women? What about polygamy with 'high value' women? Is it still a stupid idea?
I've got a better question: What makes marriage a SMART idea?
So I ask again, why can't women have self-respect? You got me wondering this because you said that any woman who doesn't treat you like a king is utter trash. That's basically saying that a woman must be the female version of an afc in order to be considered as high value.
Who says women can't have self-respect? Feminists have brainwashed men into believing that treating a man well in a relationship is somehow beneath her and means she has no self-respect. Such is not the case unless the man is abusive.
What value does a woman bring in a relationship if she isn't treating her man like royalty? That would just make her a "friend" that you f*ck. In which case.. why bother committing when you can have many friends that you f*ck?
A woman treating a man like royalty is not afc. Its the natural and proper gender role for a female. Men being stronger and more dominate are afc if they submit to women and act like b!tches. Because a man's role is not to be a woman's servant. Men serve the world and women serve men. That is the most healthy situation and the situation in which both sides feel happiest. The two genders are not equal. You've been listing to too many feminists.