Are you from some specific religion or something... I just read the last pile of pages. Dude, there is a huge chunk of missing story here that you're not telling us.
Is she Asian, anyway she looks like a nice girl. I bet she looks better with makeup. Stick her in D.VA's uniform. Change it up a bit.
You guys need to go on an adventure together, really. Sex is not all about 'attractiveness', my gf carried me down 5 flights of stairs and hauled me into the back of an ambulance by hand, then stayed at my bedside for 48 hours standing only. By the end, I was so greatful to her, the feelings of devotion were overwhelming. I've never lost that for my wife and I'll walk through hell and back for her if need be. Sex for us is just natural. I catch her eye one day or something after a walk, the feelings just come rushing in. Like I said before, its important to politically align, my wife and I like and HATE the same things and I enjoy talking to her and getting her feedback about my day. As I write this, my wife is sitting on the bed reading it and commenting "Why did he marry her? For Trophy? For Sex?". I spend everyday, all day beside my wife and I still have the same feelings I did when I first met her 12 years ago.
I know if I put a gun in my wife's hand and tell her to watch my back, I can trust she'll blow anyone away at 30 paces. Stuff like this is important. in the end its about how much you two get along. I'm thinking you didn't marry because you loved HER, maybe you plowed her a couple times and gave a half hearted proposal. Am I wrong?
I've posted this before but I literally feel like your wife should be your R2 unit.
You need to be Alex Rogan looking at his gf and being like, ok lets do this. 1 Starfighter against the whole armada.