Why do guys thinnks its a good idea to take a woman to a bar on the first date?


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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mocha2010 said:
Because you have met some women who did not appreciate a dinner date, movie, etc. this is no reason to say "freak it" I am not spending my money and I am just taking the next girl to a dive bar because I do not care, if this connotates that I want to just sleep with her.
LOL You think we are saying "freak it" because the women don't appreciate dinner dates? Just about every woman appreciates a free meal, that's not the issue. We are doing bar/coffee dates because we don't want to waste money on some chick looking for a free meal ticket.

mocha2010 said:
The next woman you meet may really be nice, she may really like you and she may not even drink or may drink socially. Then maybe she is too shy or does not want to hurt your feelings, saying she does not want to go to a dive or hole in the wall bar. But this may secretly offend her or change her opinion of you.
If she likes me and isn't out for a free meal, then it shouldn't matter where we meet up. If it offends her, or changes her opinion of me then it's not my fault she has a stick up her ass.

Seriously, what kind of queers are you dating that you are afraid to hurt their feelings by suggesting a new place to go on a date?

mocha2010 said:
Ok lets takes celebrities, would you take these famous women to a dive , or hole in the wall bar on a first date? And if you did , do you think you would ever hear from them again?

1. Kim Kardashian
2. Adrianna Lima
3. Bar Rafelli
4. Gisele Bundchen
5. Zoe Zaldana
6. Angelina Jolie (maybe she would not be offended, lol but she is CRAZY)
7. Britney Spears (not offended but BIPOLAR)
8. Natalie Portman
9. Selena Gomez
10. Beyonce
11. Lyndsey Lohan (would not be offended but she is CRAZY)

I'd take all of them and I'd leave them there.


New Member
Jan 6, 2012
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In the desert
Why not?

If she doesn't drink then a bar would not be my first choice. If she does however, and I sure as hell do, what's better than good company, a glass of wine and some atmosphere. Not like a bar at a rave or anything but a chill lounge works wonders. Alcohol has been a social lubricant for thousands of years. If it still works why try to fix it?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 18, 2001
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Desert_DJ said:
If she doesn't drink then a bar would not be my first choice. If she does however, and I sure as hell do, what's better than good company, a glass of wine and some atmosphere. Not like a bar at a rave or anything but a chill lounge works wonders. Alcohol has been a social lubricant for thousands of years. If it still works why try to fix it?
sit down dinners don't go well, feels like interview, no kino.

people are more out going with a couple drinks in em.

Wine bars have great ambiance.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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I agree 100% with the original poster. A local bar for a first date is a horrendous idea if you are trying to impress a girl worth impressing (a good girl). It screams "sleazebag." And for those of you who say--screw you, there's no such thing as a good girl anymore, they're all the same--I say to you guys- how's that mindset working out for you? You attract into your life what you think about. If you're labeling all the good girls as "prudes" and "no fun"- guess who is not going to meet any good girls, forever doomed to dating loose and dirty women.

I just want to say- I haven't been to this forum in a long time. Months. But after being in the real world and coming back to read some of these responses, it's incredible how bitter and twisted a lot of you sound. Brainwashed, even.

Listen, you want to know how to get good women? Become a GOOD MAN. That's the most worthwhile thing you can be working on.

Check out what Ben Franklin did when he was 20:


Pretty good stuff IMO.


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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North America
Im a beer snob and I love great beer, so whenever I take a girl to a bar on a first date its going to be at a more upscale place with a decent selection. Then I know that if she orders a bud lite or a corona I can kick her to the curb.


I'd love to take a girl paintballing.

Paintballing is a great laugh, it hurts, but it's a fun, action packed day that would live long in the memory, I am sure.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2012
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Darth said:
I agree 100% with the original poster. A local bar for a first date is a horrendous idea if you are trying to impress a girl worth impressing (a good girl). It screams "sleazebag." And for those of you who say--screw you, there's no such thing as a good girl anymore, they're all the same--I say to you guys- how's that mindset working out for you? You attract into your life what you think about. If you're labeling all the good girls as "prudes" and "no fun"- guess who is not going to meet any good girls, forever doomed to dating loose and dirty women.

I just want to say- I haven't been to this forum in a long time. Months. But after being in the real world and coming back to read some of these responses, it's incredible how bitter and twisted a lot of you sound. Brainwashed, even.

Listen, you want to know how to get good women? Become a GOOD MAN. That's the most worthwhile thing you can be working on.

Check out what Ben Franklin did when he was 20:


Pretty good stuff IMO.
You got it. This is the exact point I am trying to make.

I love you :) Will you marry me. Finally a sensible man. People tell me that I am a fun humorous "good girl". I was raised by two loving fully functional highly educated parents. I have lots of friends, I socially drink, I like sex in a real relationship. But NO I do not like casual sex and no I am not a drunk.

I am highly educated and have been on the honor roll all my life and I make alot of money. Though, I am no prude or nerd. I am fashionable and keep up with style.

Alot of guys like me and they are amazed when they discover that I am fun but not a *****. Many people say I could have been a supermodel (truth), so I have no problem getting all types of guys. Some guys consider all pretty girls *****s. I like to dance, travel, go out and party but NO one night stands for me. And I like football, basketball and all sports.

So you can be a"good" and cool girl at the same time.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2008
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Actually no, a good girl would be modest about her good qualities and accomplishments. Bragging about yourself is not feminine or attractive.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2012
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omkara said:
Actually no, a good girl would be modest about her good qualities and accomplishments. Bragging about yourself is not feminine or attractive.
Its not bragging if its all true and it is TRUE. I am sorry if you dont believe me but most people tell me I am a good girl. What I stated were things that people tell me about myself and FACT not what I think about myself.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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Is the OP really this dense? How can she still not get it through her thick skull that not all bars are sleazy dive bars?

Seriously, this thread is absolutely pointless and should be closed. Why do guys think that meeting at a bar is a good first date? Who cares? If a girl is so hung up about where to go on a first date, then she is not worth it.


New Member
Dec 19, 2011
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You're a stupid self-obsessed attention ***** and nobody here cares about you. Also, from your syntax you're fifteen pounds overweight, perennially dieting, and a 5 at best.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
omkara said:
Actually no, a good girl would be modest about her good qualities and accomplishments. Bragging about yourself is not feminine or attractive.


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2011
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I think the main issue most people are having here is that you assume that bars are creepy disgusting places, that you think you are talking for all (good, well educated, you name it) women and that you seem to think it is the guy who has to make an effort and impress the girl.
I think as long as it is a cool place and doesn't look like it came out from a bad horror movie most bars are good places for a first date. There is no pressure, one can talk, have a few drinks and get to know each other. Of course, if you don't like bars you are free to tell the guy and make another suggestions, I think most guys will be more than happy about that.
Why should I impress the girl? Men and women are supposed to be equal, right? Why shouldn't you impress me?