Not every man can get a HB10. Not every man is gonna be in the top 10% of guys.
Guys settle for less because they notice that many women are shallow, have entitlement issues, etc. I remember when guys would go for HB10's always. Then they went to HB 6-7's. Then down to the plain janes. Then the cougars & milfs! Then the fatties (more cushion for the pushin'). Then the uglies. Then the fuglies! Thanks to the media addressing this and the enormous amounts of men going after them, look at all the power they have now. How low do men have to go?
Lots of guys nowadays have started to learn game and seduction techniques because they don't know how to get a woman. These guides are overly common, and the growing number of men who buy and use them doesn't help. Game can only do so much, but it's been taken out of context, as in bothering women out of their league. That's why women stay in social circles, don't go to bars to meet men as often, instead, using their smartphones to get on facebook and twitter. That situation isn't getting any better either because with all these issues that are going on in the dating game, I predict that in about 2030, men are gonna be high into this PUA stuff, and women are gonna get more, vague, wierder laws protecting the hell out of them, and having men look really bad and evil.
Burroughs, the sad thing is that women are still in control of the sexual marketplace and the dating game. Women hold the sex card always. Men hold the relationship card. The relationship card is laughable because unless the woman chooses you, it's near useless! Also, women don't care about your future, they care about the NOW. I have yet to see a dorky MIT Student with groupies. I didn't even see that sh*t on that movie 21! :crackup:
The fact is, men want to be loved and desired and wanted, but since desire is not negotiable like a new car is, they jump on the first piece of tail they luck up on because they know it'll be a while before they get another woman. Men feel loved as long as they have at least ONE woman. Yes, men chase and women choose. A woman can have a man whenever the f**k she wants. Most men can't get a woman when they want. The male penis has no social value, but the male bank account does. Millionaires know this, so even they settle, because they spend so much time working trying to come up. A working man trying to come up is not that desirable unless he's handsome.
Other things that weren't mentioned. HB10's are always celebs (mindset wise), and even down to HB3's think so too. If a male has celeb status with millions and movie star looks, that just brings the male up to the female's level.
Hence why male plastic surgery is on the rise. Also, if you put an attractive man and an attractive woman together, the woman will always get more attention.