Why do guys settle for less?


Nov 4, 2010
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as the years progress unabated, Ive noticed many men, not neccessarily the george clooney types, but decent guys, hard working, seem to have a bit going for them, seem to be hapy to hook up and settle for all manner of horrors,ugly, fat women, skanks, all usualy past their sell by dates, for instnace, woman I work with, she is ok but he rbody has been ravaged by childbirth (and a few men) divorced, plyed the cougar role for a while, $lutted around, ended up marrying a guy, an engineer with his own succesful business, reasonable looking, very social, outgoing, good interpersonal skills.
he could do so much better, this is happening quite a bit, he is probably the best example though, women have hit the wall and these mugs seem to trip over themselves and glory in landing these second hand skanks.
I dont get it, id rather be on my own

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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They didnt had a chance to get the blue pill thus are still brainwashed, have a scarcity mentality and most likely a low self esteem regarding dating coming from failed attempt to deal with women (you either are a natural or got the red pill no other way to be successful with women).


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Yeah I've noticed this at times. Poor bastards.

There are SO many fresh, young, unused women out there that it is just pure ignorance or lack of confidence to go after something less.

I'm not saying that a single mom divorcee with a stretched out body and expired looks is less of a person, but if I am going to select a woman to possibly share my genetics with AND my income, I want her to be relatively untouched. I think it's a natural thing to want that. My criteria are:

Never married
No children
Relatively few sexual partners (<10)
30 or under

There aren't a shortage of these women. You could walk out your front door and throw a stick in any direction and hit one. I think MANY guys tend to latch on to the first woman who gives them some positive attention. Of course these expired-types are going to be more forward with men. They have to be.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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These guys probably figure those girls are the best that they can get.
Even here, there is a large number of guys who think that you can't even get a subpar girl unless you are one of the elite top 10 percent of guys.

A lot of guys here think all girls only want one of these top 10 percenter guys. That may even be true, but at some point some of the lesser girls will realize they can't get these guys so they latch onto someone more realistic. Guys will do this too.

I guess part of what SoSuave believes is that any guy here can get into that top 10%. I suppose that's true in theory, but in reality, and by definition, few guys do.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
School's in session:
OP, your spelling and grammar display sloppiness and a disregard for your reader. Yes, I am indeed the self-appointed spelling police. I charge you with murdering the english language.
School's out

Regarding your question, I think these men are bewildered and think this is the best they can do. They live to satisfy that inner craving of love and acceptance and feel that this is so rare that they had best hang on to this whale. Very often, once a man falls in love and feels accepted by a woman, his reason flies out the window. Been there, done that. His vision of her can literally eclipse reality.

When someone scratches you where you itch, your perception of them can change drastically for it is now very subjective.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Colossus said:
Yeah I've noticed this at times. Poor bastards.

There are SO many fresh, young, unused women out there that it is just pure ignorance or lack of confidence to go after something less.

There aren't a shortage of these women. You could walk out your front door and throw a stick in any direction and hit one.
Dude, where can I get one of these magic sticks? ;)

I live just outside of NYC and I imagine this area to be one of the worst in terms of finding a woman of virtue, but perhaps I'm kidding myself in terms of geographical differences.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Atom Smasher said:
Dude, where can I get one of these magic sticks? ;)

I live just outside of NYC and I imagine this area to be one of the worst in terms of finding a woman of virtue, but perhaps I'm kidding myself in terms of geographical differences.
Ok maybe I was exaggerating slightly but I do think they are more common than we make them out to be.

I'm glad you corroborated the point about the need to be loved and desired. We all have it, and that's why so many men end up with sub-par women. It feels good to be wanted, and we get to thinking a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
I swear, man, if I was capable of being with a fat or semi-ugly chick with a great personality I would do it in a heartbeat.

But I can't do fat, period. I could do a few extra pounds than optimal, but not fat. I could do "Good body, not the greatest face", but even those usually have entitlement issues.

You know, it occurs to me how far we've fallen when today < 10 sex partners is considered "relatively untouched" but it is our reality.

I wonder how Amish women are these days. I should go down there and scout them out. I can see myself out on a hot date in my horse and buggy with a nice shapely Amish girl by my side. Something tells me they may be very reserved on the outside and something else again behind closed doors.

What do you guys say? Should I infiltrate the community and report back my findings?

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Atom Smasher said:
I swear, man, if I was capable of being with a fat or semi-ugly chick with a great personality I would do it in a heartbeat.

But I can't do fat, period. I could do a few extra pounds than optimal, but not fat. I could do "Good body, not the greatest face", but even those usually have entitlement issues.

You know, it occurs to me how far we've fallen when today < 10 sex partners is considered "relatively untouched" but it is our reality.

I wonder how Amish women are these days. I should go down there and scout them out. I can see myself out on a hot date in my horse and buggy with a nice shapely Amish girl by my side. Something tells me they may be very reserved on the outside and something else again behind closed doors.

What do you guys say? Should I infiltrate the community and report back my findings?
There is already some videotaped material with a field report in amish communities:


Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension

I forgot how well done that one was.

Love you description, too... "Field Report"

Thanks for the laugh.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
School's in session:
OP, your spelling and grammar display sloppiness and a disregard for your reader. Yes, I am indeed the self-appointed spelling police. I charge you with murdering the english language.
School's out
my typing is abysmal now f cuck off copper! ;-)


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
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I work in company when there is a lot of Good guys with decent paying (I am one of them but put me aside since I am immigrant ) . believe me or not a lot of them are singles and without woman to **** her , while most if not all women who work here has bf or some ****ing buddy .
when I worked there first I thought every one from that guys have a hot wife waiting him , but that wasnt the case .
I know a very social person who is director of sales and has a very high paying job , I saw that day his wife pic , I surprised she is average BBW , and I was thinking some one like him has now a 9 or 10 blonde wife .
it is not the fault of men , it is the community that converted most of women to sl^ts .
women dont want to settle unless they expire from biological perspective.
so the few percent of beautiful women who want to settle in there peek fertility go to the men in their social circle .



Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Because Prostitution isn't legal in all 50 states :rock:

@evan12 is right....the hottest biatches date and marry dudes within their social circles...they are in that high demand....the moment she hits the market another dude on the sidelines is in...you don't 'open' these girls at starbucks..they already have 40 dudes waiting lol.

take your average young nerd millionaire in the making....gets his first round of vc funding at age 22 by 30 he'll go IPO...but in the meantime...its 100 hour workweeks...if the dude isn't already dating a hottie (and he won't be) he won't ever get one unless he pays by the hour....he is simply not going to ever meet a chick up to his income level...he will meet a programmer in his circle she is going to be an uggo ....look at zuckerd!ck's wife.

because the moment 100 hour future millionaire nerd hits the bar unless he is famous, he will be the dork....the swimmers build, and roid monsters :)crackup: :crackup: ) will likely scoop up the bishes....the young millionaire geek will be forced to beat off as usual or get an escort.....

this is the way it is folks...bishes don't care...the hottest chicks are looking to hop d!ck, guzzle semen, then cash out at age 35 to the richest man they can find.

and really why should rich nerd put up with it? Once he hits 30 he'll have money and can rent jenna haze by the hour (for the rich everything can be bought:)....but nerd might get lonely...in comes 35 year old former hottie (bill gates' wife) she's already fvcked 50-60 dudes, been gangbanged by the 49ers and the raiders but now sees that nerd millionaire will be the perfect wallet for the rest of her life....trips to europe and nordstroms forever....

...and this is what rich nerd gets

for average dudes...200,000 dollars and less....only the fatties remain....and they've been gangbanged too :eek:

remember on average there is a 3 point hb difference between wife and husband....an hb 5 chick can go into a bar and get desperate hb 7-8 dudes wanting to date her...its just the way supply and demand seems to be...because the few hb 9-10 perfect face and body chicks have so many suitors..there is an overflow into the lower ranks...you can be a 9 dude with money but unless you are famous you may have to settle for a 6 or 7 chick, and that chick will have entitlement issues on top of her lower ranking so not only is she below you in looks SHE THINKS SHE IS BETTER THAN YOU!.....which if you are a 9 dude sucksz azz.

most men are so sex crazed, lonely, mommy starved, weak minded faggots they will take any pig and try to dress her up as a legitimate partner even though deep down the men are dying inside


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Not every man can get a HB10. Not every man is gonna be in the top 10% of guys.

Guys settle for less because they notice that many women are shallow, have entitlement issues, etc. I remember when guys would go for HB10's always. Then they went to HB 6-7's. Then down to the plain janes. Then the cougars & milfs! Then the fatties (more cushion for the pushin'). Then the uglies. Then the fuglies! Thanks to the media addressing this and the enormous amounts of men going after them, look at all the power they have now. How low do men have to go?

Lots of guys nowadays have started to learn game and seduction techniques because they don't know how to get a woman. These guides are overly common, and the growing number of men who buy and use them doesn't help. Game can only do so much, but it's been taken out of context, as in bothering women out of their league. That's why women stay in social circles, don't go to bars to meet men as often, instead, using their smartphones to get on facebook and twitter. That situation isn't getting any better either because with all these issues that are going on in the dating game, I predict that in about 2030, men are gonna be high into this PUA stuff, and women are gonna get more, vague, wierder laws protecting the hell out of them, and having men look really bad and evil.

Burroughs, the sad thing is that women are still in control of the sexual marketplace and the dating game. Women hold the sex card always. Men hold the relationship card. The relationship card is laughable because unless the woman chooses you, it's near useless! Also, women don't care about your future, they care about the NOW. I have yet to see a dorky MIT Student with groupies. I didn't even see that sh*t on that movie 21! :crackup:

The fact is, men want to be loved and desired and wanted, but since desire is not negotiable like a new car is, they jump on the first piece of tail they luck up on because they know it'll be a while before they get another woman. Men feel loved as long as they have at least ONE woman. Yes, men chase and women choose. A woman can have a man whenever the f**k she wants. Most men can't get a woman when they want. The male penis has no social value, but the male bank account does. Millionaires know this, so even they settle, because they spend so much time working trying to come up. A working man trying to come up is not that desirable unless he's handsome. :(

Other things that weren't mentioned. HB10's are always celebs (mindset wise), and even down to HB3's think so too. If a male has celeb status with millions and movie star looks, that just brings the male up to the female's level. :eek: Hence why male plastic surgery is on the rise. Also, if you put an attractive man and an attractive woman together, the woman will always get more attention.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Because Prostitution isn't legal in all 50 states
It's not the legalisation, it's the social acceptance.

Where I live, it's legal, but doesn't change a damn thing.

I know places where it's officially illegal, but socially accepted, and women have a very different attitude.

Best is where it's both legal and socially accepted, of course.

It's all in the guys' heads. They are too afraid to imagine any better. I have two friends my age who are like that. One is a handsome smart guy who's been with a chick that is scarily ugly for 4 years now. The other is one of the most cunning businessmen / entrepreneurs I've known who makes great coins, yet his mousy live-in girlfriend publicly announces how he still has to cook his own foods at home and she'd never do any of that nor housework.

Among the typical AFC habits, those two have one deadly thing in common: they're both terrified of being by themselves.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Jitterbug said:
It's not the legalisation, it's the social acceptance.

Where I live, it's legal, but doesn't change a damn thing.

I know places where it's officially illegal, but socially accepted, and women have a very different attitude.

Best is where it's both legal and socially accepted, of course.

It's all in the guys' heads. They are too afraid to imagine any better. I have two friends my age who are like that. One is a handsome smart guy who's been with a chick that is scarily ugly for 4 years now. The other is one of the most cunning businessmen / entrepreneurs I've known who makes great coins, yet his mousy live-in girlfriend publicly announces how he still has to cook his own foods at home and she'd never do any of that nor housework.

Among the typical AFC habits, those two have one deadly thing in common: they're both terrified of being by themselves.
Being by yourself isn't hard, I've been by myself for over a year. I've failed to jump on a few grenades and landmines and most women will say, oh you're bitter, you're scared, you're gay, because they just can't understand that a man wouldn't want them. These were not your 8s & 9s. These were your 5s & 6s. The pumps n dumps. Most of them have some lame afc boyfriend now.

I could easily be with some woman, but I'm at a crossroads in life and right now a woman is the last thing I need as I struggle with other more important issues. All a woman can do for me is to be a temporary respite from this struggle. If she adds to my struggle,what is the point?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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I actually prefer being by myself and have been so most of my life. I enjoy it when a woman visits me (meaning we're about to have sex lol) and when she leaves, but I can't stand living with one, which rules out most serious relationships for me.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Jitterbug said:
It's all in the guys' heads. They are too afraid to imagine any better. I have two friends my age who are like that. One is a handsome smart guy who's been with a chick that is scarily ugly for 4 years now. The other is one of the most cunning businessmen / entrepreneurs I've known who makes great coins, yet his mousy live-in girlfriend publicly announces how he still has to cook his own foods at home and she'd never do any of that nor housework.
Yes social acceptance is key..but that will come...there was a time 300 years ago when eating in restaurants was considered a very low class affair suitable for merchants and (ironically) prostitutes...when the rich travelled back then they brought their own cooks with them! So things can change.

Men have been conditioned to think that they are worthless which is why we are so obsessed with proving our worth to women. We have to earn our way out of worthlessness which is why most men don't give a damn that the vast majority of homeless are the same gender as them, men are worthless, and you with your job and your mortgage and your responsibilities, you my friend are just a little less worthless than that male bum on the street, aren't you.. That mentality is what gets us into trouble.

women are paying us with the counterfeit currency of sex, and to be honest, most men arent even paying for just sex they are paying for some skewed form of motherly companionship. Many men secretly fantasize about some kind of constant motherly female affection is my best guess from what ive observed. Its far from just sex, we have a weakness within ourselves that desires female affection.

We as men have a bad habit of imagining the ideal women as being kind, inviting and warm, and someone that we can show our weakness to, but the reality is that women simply hate weak men. Its the cold hard reality that men need to face and address, you will find no solace in the bosom of a woman i assure you.

it is time for men to stand up and look around them and see that it is a very cold place, and you are the only one that can pull yourself up out of this frigid abyss...you. There is no mommy coming to save you men, there is no mommy to make you feel safe, and as a matter of fact women despise men that show any weakness, because they want to be taken care of.


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2010
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Guys - This is all depressing, but there's so much truth here. The world really is a cold place. Men used to be at home with this, though. As men, survival or whatever our mission in life might have been was paramount and women were secondary or even further down the list of importance.

It's like a terrible malaise causes men to be so bored that we are desperate for anything to break us out of this feeling. For many that's women. It's really this intense boredom that causes us to either chase tail like there's no tomorrow or settle for some fattie that makes us feel slightly less bored and utterly alone.

There's a line in Shakespeare's Richard III about why Richard is after the throne and I believe he talks about just this type of boredom which impels him to either take a lover or try to be a hero. He is ugly and deformed so he opts for the hero route by taking over the kingdom of England.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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its all around us you can see it...all my married friend desperate for sex and understanding, a little warmth and kindness at the end of the day but getting neither as the marriage wears on.

why is this? I wondered.

Because women love men for what we give them not who we are...that includes status, looks, protection, movie roles, jobs, genes, prada, everything.

Once you marry a woman there is really no reason for her to love you anymore...and in time she realizes this....what you have is essentially hers.

That men are esssentially a slave class in the western world good for paying taxes and alimony is beyond obvious.

problem is most main are brainwashed beta faggots that have been raised by single mommies and television....the real men have been systematically destroyed....why is it that men today have 50% less testosterone than our grandfathers...that should be an alarming fact shouted from the headlines...but its not.