Maybe she got a pimple?
Maybe she's playing a power move?
Maybe she's being "nice" and declining the meeting by flaking?
Maybe she's been abducted by Aliens? (don't laugh! It happens!)
Dude, women flake ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
get used to it.
It happens to EVERY GUY.
You hear that?
Next time you see her, don't give her too much attention.
We, as men, believe that a woman shoudl be straightforward like many men are.
What if it were your guy friend?
How many timeshave you not called a guy that you were supposed to "do something " with?
Did he cry?
Did you cry?
nah, man. We're guys we do that to each other from time to time.
You EGo was hurt. You felt disrespected. YOu felt lied to your face.
Are you going to give this female your time, attention, and interest?
You're smart.
Next time you see her, don't treat her any better than anyone else.
She just proved to you, she's not too good at communication.
basically, heres the deal.
Yous ee girl. You are attracvted to girl. You state you want to meet with girl to find out what she's like, to see if you're interested in her.
Girl flakes.
Guy is Not too interested anymore.
Guy is still alive, living life.