Why do girls criticize men about their looks?

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
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Yeah right.

You know how many female "freinds:)rolleyes: ) who gave me the same lip-service?That they don't even look at anything less than a ten. Or that they won't date a guy that won't take them places.To only have laid out with a few weeks of long phone calls?

I agree with Craig ,women who say they want only dimes are usually pennys and nickels themselves.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Tha Realnezz

I agree with Craig ,women who say they want only dimes are usually pennys and nickels themselves.
Those would be the inexperienced ones living in their fantasy world ;)

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
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Texas, USA
Those would be the inexperienced ones living in their fantasy world
And those that say that good looks are all you need to be successful with women are living in an even MORE un-realistic world.

I never did say that looks didn't play a role, but what I'm saying is that it's not ALL that matters, and you do not need to be unusually attractive to have unusual success with women - you just don't. There is no need to go the extra mile to look better than everybody else. All you need to do is just take pride in your appearance and you will be just fine.

Becoming good looking is far easier than becoming everything else you have to become to reach success with women. So too many guys go through the trouble of getting some makeover without actually doing the harder work to become successful. These guys never find succes - they're just good looking AFC's.

Biotch, please...

Didn't I just admit that I'm shallow when it comes to looks? Hell, a guy can look good to me and I can still not have any interest in him for other reasons.
What other reasons are these?

Yes, I'm picky, but when I DO settle on someone, they won't ever find a more devoted, giving, attentive woman on the planet. So I'm selfish and want it all...that's my perogative.
That's what they all say...;)

Come on man are you serious? She never said anything about the guy having to be a 10. Why is it alright for you as a man to not give a woman a chance because you don't like her looks but it isn't alright for a woman? I'd rather see a woman with a guy because of his looks than with an ugly guy that has money.
How do you know what I give a chance what I don't give a chance? No I'm not going to want to date every single female in the world, but I'm not going to just blow a girl off just because I don't think she's the hottest girl in the room.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Craig Reeves
And those that say that good looks are all you need to be successful with women are living in an even MORE un-realistic world.

I never did say that looks didn't play a role, but what I'm saying is that it's not ALL that matters, and you do not need to be unusually attractive to have unusual success with women - you just don't. There is no need to go the extra mile to look better than everybody else. All you need to do is just take pride in your appearance and you will be just fine.

Becoming good looking is far easier than becoming everything else you have to become to reach success with women. So too many guys go through the trouble of getting some makeover without actually doing the harder work to become successful. These guys never find succes - they're just good looking AFC's.

What other reasons are these?

That's what they all say...;)

How do you know what I give a chance what I don't give a chance? No I'm not going to want to date every single female in the world, but I'm not going to just blow a girl off just because I don't think she's the hottest girl in the room.
For starters...it IS important to strive to look your best. The reason for this is because it not only improves the way you look and will attract more members of the opposite sex...but it makes you more confident...and anyone who claims otherwise is full of it. Confidence is one of the (if not THE) most important qualities in being successful in life...dating, relationships and otherwise.

I've been uninterested in men I found extremely attractive for many reasons over my lifetime. Immaturity, being boring, not being able to carry on intelligent conversation, being lazy in their relationships and friendship (all take and no give), ignorance, a history of sleeping with nasty ho-bag women, continuously going back to very bad relationships despite being miserable in them, bad attitudes...tons of things. I've NEVER looked beyond a guy for not making a lot of money, for driving a crappy car, for having a crappy job, being poor or for making mistakes in the past (as long as he owns them and at least tries to learn from them).

Yes, I'm very shallow about certain things. Other things I'm not at all. I like to look into the face of the guy I'm with, and by God, I've gotta really adore that face, period.

Bottom line is that just like you guys, I need certain things in a potential partner to be happy. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, and by God, I'm honest about it. If I'm happy with the guy and he treats me well, he'll be treated so well he'll think he died and went to heaven. If I'm not happy with someone and I try to be with them my heart won't be in it and I'd only be wasting both his and my time, and I'm not big on that sort of thing. So, I know what I want and what will keep me happy and I'm not willing to settle for less, just as I wouldn't ever expect anyone else to settle for less than what they want.

I find it really bizarre than some men have such a difficult time with women who are honest about this sort of thing. That probably plays a big part in why so many women lie through their teeth and make up a bunch of cliche' BS when asked what they find appealing in men.

If you don't want women to fib then don't make them feel like they have to in order to avoid wounding your egos.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2003
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London UK
girls who blame guys for being shallow are even more shallow then them, but society tends to give women a clean image about this and men always get the blame. that's the truth and no one can deny it.

other thing i notice is that the hotter the guy the more respect he gets from girls. a ugly or unnatractive men is often disrespected, i've noticed and experienced this sometimes myself.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
unless you are BROKE looking you can date women you want if you have:

tell them what they need to have CHRIS!!!!!


CONFIDENCE...its you guys with no confidence who start these stupid threads!

now go get some CONFIDENCE!


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score
Why should a man even CARE what a woman thinks!!!

The only way to "win" at women is not to participate. Really, do you need a relationship? Is your life so bleak and empty that you need to emotionally attach yourself to someone to consider your life meaningful? Hell no. fark her and dump her. The end justifies the means and any hole is goal. Beat them, abuse them, harass them and stalk them. Women are nothing to a real man.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by sux2bu
Why should a man even CARE what a woman thinks!!!

The only way to "win" at women is not to participate. Really, do you need a relationship? Is your life so bleak and empty that you need to emotionally attach yourself to someone to consider your life meaningful? Hell no. fark her and dump her. The end justifies the means and any hole is goal. Beat them, abuse them, harass them and stalk them. Women are nothing to a real man.
Dude, you are in for one very lonely and miserable existence with an attitude like that. "Real man"?...I think not. Men who speak like that are nothing more than insecure AFCs that attempt to hide their weakness behind an a$$hole front.

Note to Craig...now this guy could be the best looking guy I ever saw in my life and I'd still find him gut wrenchingly repulsive and if I were stuck on a desert island with only him I'd swim for it and find the company of sharks more inviting.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Craig Reeves

How do you know what I give a chance what I don't give a chance? No I'm not going to want to date every single female in the world, but I'm not going to just blow a girl off just because I don't think she's the hottest girl in the room.
What I basically was saying is I know you wouldn't date a girl if you didn't find her physically attractive. You're a man, don't deny it. That's what Wyldfire was saying too. Why is it wrong for her to not want to date ugly guys?


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fatality
What I basically was saying is I know you wouldn't date a girl if you didn't find her physically attractive. You're a man, don't deny it. That's what Wyldfire was saying too. Why is it wrong for her to not want to date ugly guys?


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
girls don't respect man who don't stand up for themselfs..

generaly, a ugly dude would have much less confidence them someone with good looks...

they disrespect who don't act like a man


Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
South Florida
Keep in mind that despite our desperate need to generalize, not everyone is the same. I think Wyldfire's attitude is fine, but not all women will be quite so picky about looks. Either way you need to face the fact that you should make an effort to put your best foot forward. Anything else is just being lazy.

But in the long run confidence and just making yourself the best man you can be will get you a lot further in life and with women than being born with a pretty face.

Panda 2000

Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
For starters...it IS important to strive to look your best. The reason for this is because it not only improves the way you look and will attract more members of the opposite sex...but it makes you more confident...
I don't know about other people here, but I have enough confidence as it is, and I really don't need and don't want to get it from looks. I try to look good enough for myself, and that's it. I will not go to any great lengths to appease other people with my looks, because their opinion is secondary to mine.

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
Wyldfire I misunderstood your post. The point that I was making was that there was nothing wrong with looks being a factor, but the fact that looks was the ONLY factor was what was bothersome to me, however, like I said, I misunderstood your post because you clearly state that looks aren't the only factor to you. Carry on :)


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Craig Reeves
Wyldfire I misunderstood your post. The point that I was making was that there was nothing wrong with looks being a factor, but the fact that looks was the ONLY factor was what was bothersome to me, however, like I said, I misunderstood your post because you clearly state that looks aren't the only factor to you. Carry on :)
No problem...

I may have sounded initially as if looks were the most important thing to me. In some ways, they are...because if I don't like how the guy looks I'm simply not going to have any further interest in him. However, looks alone will not win me over. I am very picky and even turned down a drop dead gorgeous multi-millionaire's offer to fly me to England for a few days just because I thought he should get back with his ex girlfriend. I dare say that there aren't many women who would have said no to him. He was utterly shocked, lol :D


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
for me personally...Id say attraction is key

more important weight...most thin females are attractive..but as long as I find her remotely attractive..personality and character are next


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
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I havn't read alll the responses, because i'm busy, but here's something to remember when dealing with women.

What women say and what women do are two different things, always focus on the latter

Ignore what they say. look at what they do.


Master Don Juan
Nov 7, 2002
Reaction score
The World In My Eyes
Originally posted by WesCottII
I havn't read alll the responses, because i'm busy, but here's something to remember when dealing with women.

What women say and what women do are two different things, always focus on the latter

Ignore what they say. look at what they do.
True sh1t...I know this girl, she isnt that banging though, she is the most shallow girl Ive ever seen, cause she compares everyone to Colin Farrel and Angelina Jolie...Now one of my friends, she said he was a 5 out of 10...Funny thing is, she was on his dikk like you wouldnt belive and she basically threw herself at him and he turned her down...

Actions speak louder than words...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2002
Reaction score
Wyldfire thanks for your advice and your input as a women on this forum but i dont think you have to be attractive looking to attract beautiful women. I have found if i smile at a girl and start talking to her alot of the times she will find me attractive and we would end up kissing or whatever. But I have done an experiemnt on the internet and not sent a picture until i have spoken to a girl for a few days and found the following things very interesting.

1) If i am being confident with the girl and not too needy and i send her a picture of myself they respond positivly and say they like my picture and usualy continue talking to me ( i know im fairly attractive)and sometimes wants to meet with me.

2) If i act like an afc then wait a while and send my picture i dont get as good a responce and they dont say how good looking i am or watever.

3)if i get a pic of a fairly ugly guy and send it when im being confident i still get a positive responce and the girl continues talking to me and sometimes wants to meet up with me/.

4 if i send an fairly ugly pic and act like an afc the girl almost always responds negitivly and wont talk to me.

I feel alot of the times girls may judge your looks at the start but as you talk to them they find more and more things attractive about your looks if you have a good personality.

Here are some more examples.

Alot of girls say certain rock stars or film stars are "so hot" when really they are not. I confirmed this by asking people to rate a guy from perticular bands who they are fans of and mostly all the females who are fans of this band say o yes this guys so hot...when clearly he isnt that nice

But on the other hand if i ask girls who have never heard of this band before most of them say ahh hes ok.