Originally posted by Pro
Yes, these guys are right. It's basically just jealousy.
Not in the sense that she wants you and the other is getting you, but that she wants "the someone" to be all over them and not the friend.
That's only a partial explaination.
Girls detect each other's Buying Temperature and how hot/horny they are. When in groups of girlfriends, they all have to have roughly the same level of BT.
You can't get one girl too pumped up without her and her friends feeling how out of sync they are to one another. The same goes for depressing her BT, if you're a killjoy, then she's going to feel alienated from her friends and won't like it.
This is the reason why, during my LR about the Big Titty Blonde, my girl kept on going back to the Ditzy Blonde for affirmation. She kept on asking her, "What's the plan?" etc etc. While the other dude was being a total chump and not getting DitzyBlonde hot, my girl was all pumped up.
The discrepancy between the two was too much. That's why I did the thing with blankets to separate them from each other and why I finally pulled her to the hallway and bathroom so that they were separated.
Think of it as a herd mentality. Each member of the tribe/herd has to be in sync and in line.