this is another reason women play games...women enjoy being the object of our desire and love to be persued. women enjoy the chase, a challenge, and the element of drama. they all fall hand in hand. here's an analogy: if you are playing a video game thats way too easy, and you beat the game in one day. you get bored with it and never play it again. its no longer a challenge. thats where women throw in the hot/cold tactics. its not that they are not attracted to you, they just want to see if you are willing to play along. if you fail the s.hit test and get upset, she will end the game. its just a s.hit test and is a little jab just to get a reaction from you. i still believe most women do this sub-conciously. as far as the drama goes, some women will knowingly, logically, and intentionally f.uck things up to create drama in the courting process. this is done in the same context as the s.hit test but on a much higher level of intesity. its just another obstacle for us as men to overcome. i'm not sure where women got the idea to do this intentionally? but i blame tv, movies, trashy romance novels, and magazines like cosmo. think about every chick flick you've ever seen. whats the one thing that they all have in common. boy meets girl, they fall in love, there's some kind of drama that happens where there's no way they can be together, but in the end they some how work through the drama, get back together, and live happily ever after. if you learn how to pass these little "obstacles" and i know they are a pain in the ass, you will be much better for it. after reading this post just be aware that 99% of all women play these little reindeer games, prepare yourself, know that its coming, so you will know how to win the game.