Martial law.
All this turmoil in the middle east, chemical weapons, biological weapons, nukes - (not saying there is much of that or something will be used by arabs) - not at all, but the people that brought down the towers will most likely use those types of weapons on people. The purpose is simple, martial law.
A lot of people in the know within United States, when all that crap starts going down, it only means one thing, revolution. Do you think bankers want the people to have the power? Thus there shall be martial law, FEMA camps, executions. Socialism, communism, nazism, are just a few tools that have been used in the past to rid of people. The new one is scientific dictatorship.
These 3 (apparently masonic) mosaics in bank of America reveal what is happening, and what will happen, according to their plan.
To their plan there will be pandemic, FEMA camps, and exterminations.
Thus my question to you all, what the heck are you still doing in United States?
I mean, do you have weapons and ammunition glued into pvc pipes and buried?
Do you have food supplies that will last you at least six months?
Do you plan on dying for the constitution?
If not, gentlemen, you should get out of the country. Russia looks freaking promising. China is promising too, but there is a possibility it will end up in war with United States. (all that Chinese crap you buying is U.S. toxic debt that Chinese are buying from you, when dollar crashes, they won't be happy) You have by all estimates less than 9 months before death of a dollar. In fact it already might be too late, those naked body scanners are designed for population reduction.
I left prior to body scanners. You could live an American dream outside of America.
Decide soon, because the clock strikes 12 soon. United States is next nazi Germany, and you folks are screwed.
P.S. Your IQ level rises sharply after a month of not drinking fluoridated water. Your awareness of world increases after watching real television. Your appreciation of life increases and generally you become happier........after you leave United States. Not exaggerating..... As far as language, you'll learn it, there are classes.