Why crisis in mid east and how dollar is going to be replaced


Jan 9, 2011
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outskirts of myville
I'm not going to try to convince you why this info is credible or list all the credible info this man gave in the past, those who care to know will dig. Thus let's keep it simple:

This above presents global elite's game for the next 2 years. Game is very smart, and I had to watch twice to understand everything in its entirety.

Around this you could build a plan for saving your capital and preserving your life.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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If there was a global elite so powerful it could really manipulate everyone like a pawn, you would be dead right now for posting these links.

Wake up, bro. Yes, elite does exist and yes, time to time they do some plans, agreeing and whatever but in most cases they just react. There is nothing sinister going on behind the curtains.
Let me assure you the world is unpredictable place and to plan something on bigger scale or even predict something is impossible. Even the real dictatorships can't do shyt....ask Kadaffi.

The douchebags on youtube are probably paid by the elite to make them look powerful :]

Ask yourself, why do you want to believe them? When you try to actually listen to what they say on youtube, well, it is so damn complicated, demagogue and twisted, over thought, naive and dumb.

Wake up, Neo...


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
Interesting look at what i found a couple of days ago.


Global elitist theory on mainstream media like it was straight out of alex jones mouth.

DanelMadr said:
If there was a global elite so powerful it could really manipulate everyone like a pawn, you would be dead right now for posting these links.

Wake up, bro. Yes, elite does exist and yes, time to time they do some plans, agreeing and whatever but in most cases they just react. There is nothing sinister going on behind the curtains.
Let me assure you the world is unpredictable place and to plan something on bigger scale or even predict something is impossible. Even the real dictatorships can't do shyt....ask Kadaffi.

The douchebags on youtube are probably paid by the elite to make them look powerful :]

Ask yourself, why do you want to believe them? When you try to actually listen to what they say on youtube, well, it is so damn complicated, demagogue and twisted, over thought, naive and dumb.

Wake up, Neo...
This guy is a zionist there's no hope of him changing his views.

The reason why there are small groups of people able to expose freely the hidden agendas of US-UK governments and the powerful influencers of them is that it would do more harm than good to assasinate every protestor. They allow a small sect and further use it to call them 'conspiracy theorists' and ridicule them by mainstream media. Don't get it wrong there were still some known and probably many unknown assassinations, threats and removals after 9/11 of people who may have had too many ideas.

I originally thought Egypt overthrow was the issue to do with the Iran war policy and Israel relations. But why Libya and the rest of these countries?

It is quite obvious and becoming more and more reported that these uprisings are provoked by the west. CIA are pushing buttons behind a desk and the disguise is 'freedom and democracy to the people', and the citizens themselves are supporting the wrong team.

What i'm waiting for is the real deal behind this whole 'arab revolution'. I'm not entirely convinced yet.


Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
outskirts of myville
Man zionist is a wrong term. Zionism is an abstraction layer just as nacism, communism, capitalism. I'm very careful when they say zionist, as people associate that with judaism, and thus message is dismissed.

Elites have one religion, paganism.

Both of you a steering left and right, instead of focusing on the road.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Danger said:
Nations that have pegs to the dollar are experiencing high inflation which is causing those that spend enormous amounts of money on food to riot.
I agree. Also contributing to the rising global cost of food for the poorest people is the US Congressional mandate that 40% of all the corn we produce be used to make ethanol. Grain prices around the world are pushed higher by there being less corn on the world market.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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Ease said:
Interesting look at what i found a couple of days ago.


Global elitist theory on mainstream media like it was straight out of alex jones mouth.

This guy is a zionist there's no hope of him changing his views.

The reason why there are small groups of people able to expose freely the hidden agendas of US-UK governments and the powerful influencers of them is that it would do more harm than good to assasinate every protestor. They allow a small sect and further use it to call them 'conspiracy theorists' and ridicule them by mainstream media. Don't get it wrong there were still some known and probably many unknown assassinations, threats and removals after 9/11 of people who may have had too many ideas.

I originally thought Egypt overthrow was the issue to do with the Iran war policy and Israel relations. But why Libya and the rest of these countries?

It is quite obvious and becoming more and more reported that these uprisings are provoked by the west. CIA are pushing buttons behind a desk and the disguise is 'freedom and democracy to the people', and the citizens themselves are supporting the wrong team.

What i'm waiting for is the real deal behind this whole 'arab revolution'. I'm not entirely convinced yet.
OK. The guy in the video is saying that the whole revolution is a plot by western world in order to make the countries more free, liberal and therefore less aggressive against the west. And that motherf@ker (lack of better term) would rather have Lybians suffer under dictatorship as long as the dictatorship shares his hatred of the western world.

I remember not many weeks ago all these douche bags cried about the USA keeping these autocratic regimes in power.

If the Lybians waved red flags with Che Guevara and burned US flags, I think these douchebags would cheer them up then.

Hopefully all dictators and autocrats will fall in middle east. And hopefully they won't be changed by some extremists like communists, national socialists or islamists. Democracies don't fight each other and there is a chance for peace in middle east and some hope.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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Ugh, far too many people use the internet as a toilet to vomit their paranoia into.

Man do they love to blame the US for every evil under the sun. Ironic, that the billions in aid that we (foolishly) send to other countries is readily provable, but all these conspiracy theorists are not only devoid of proof, but they have the gall to present their lack of real evidence as the greatest support of their argument. Like the college professor who taught you to never trust your own mind, "You don't really think the sky is blue, do you? That's exactly what they want you to think."

As an aside, I agree with bible that the ethanol mandate is a horrendous money waster and needs to go NOW. I think it's days are numbered, it'll be the first bearish move for the wayyyyyyyyy overheated ag markets.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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You might appreciate this article. Here's a quote from it..

"Why silver and not gold? 95% of all of the gold that has ever been mined is still in existence in some form or another because it has treasured. 95% (probably more if truth be told) of all of the silver that has ever been mine has been destroyed and used in such small quantities that it is gone forever. "



Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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I'm a big believer in something like this happening. As a follower of everything business, especially the stock market, I see things that are leading to this path all the time.
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
Danger said:
Did that over 10 years ago. Have now quietly exited most of my positions and gone to cash. Looks like the whole market is getting frothy. I'll be getting back in once everything has corrected a bit.
The big pinata is about to break;


Gold @ 5800+ / ounce
Silver @ 170+ / ounce

Dollar collapse
Stock market crash
Gold dealers suspend all sales due to no inventory
Opec halts oil trades in US dollars
Empty supermarkets
Civil unrest

God, Guns & Gold.

It's all going down man 2011-12.


Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
outskirts of myville
Martial law.

All this turmoil in the middle east, chemical weapons, biological weapons, nukes - (not saying there is much of that or something will be used by arabs) - not at all, but the people that brought down the towers will most likely use those types of weapons on people. The purpose is simple, martial law.

A lot of people in the know within United States, when all that crap starts going down, it only means one thing, revolution. Do you think bankers want the people to have the power? Thus there shall be martial law, FEMA camps, executions. Socialism, communism, nazism, are just a few tools that have been used in the past to rid of people. The new one is scientific dictatorship.

These 3 (apparently masonic) mosaics in bank of America reveal what is happening, and what will happen, according to their plan.


To their plan there will be pandemic, FEMA camps, and exterminations.

Thus my question to you all, what the heck are you still doing in United States?

I mean, do you have weapons and ammunition glued into pvc pipes and buried?

Do you have food supplies that will last you at least six months?

Do you plan on dying for the constitution?

If not, gentlemen, you should get out of the country. Russia looks freaking promising. China is promising too, but there is a possibility it will end up in war with United States. (all that Chinese crap you buying is U.S. toxic debt that Chinese are buying from you, when dollar crashes, they won't be happy) You have by all estimates less than 9 months before death of a dollar. In fact it already might be too late, those naked body scanners are designed for population reduction.

I left prior to body scanners. You could live an American dream outside of America.

Decide soon, because the clock strikes 12 soon. United States is next nazi Germany, and you folks are screwed.

P.S. Your IQ level rises sharply after a month of not drinking fluoridated water. Your awareness of world increases after watching real television. Your appreciation of life increases and generally you become happier........after you leave United States. Not exaggerating..... As far as language, you'll learn it, there are classes.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
The Earth and everything that inhabits it is waking up.

The Mayans were right.

Confusion is spreading exponentially, it is not the leaders that should've been blamed.

Soon enough humanity will find out the truth about God, which is also the truth about ourselves.

Some of us have already awakened.


Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
outskirts of myville
Now the dessert.

Why am I not surprised Saudi Arabia is reported in the news shooting protesters?

Oh wait, it's because people in the know said something about Saudi Arabia being next. Right. Why it's not surprising, people in countries with oil shoot civilians. That's the problem.

Then they spin it for you - Reaction.

Then they offer you the solution.

Anyway, f*ck all this, the only thing I can do I guess is throw my shoes at George Soros if he comes that close to me. What we need is intercontinental ballistic shoes, cuz we don't have a horse in this race, both camels in D.C. aren't ours. Get familiar with false left-right paradigm. It's important!

Seriously. As you know I moved from United States and sold most of my property. Today I'm converting all remaining dollars into local currency. Ask not why, you should know, and if you don't or don't care it's the carma for you to be poorer than an african cattle rancher. What you gonna do when you can't afford cheap chinese crap, punk!

EA Gold

Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
People actually still watch the news?

I have no idea whats happening in over there and I don't really care. I'm not spending a second feeling bad over what I can't control. I feel that each one of us is 100% responsible for our own lives and not happens around the world and the lives of others. If your going to live in fear and hide in a cave with your stock of canned food and silver bars, then go for it. You may think you have the upper hand but you've allowed the elite to control your life, because you feel that your a victim of outside circumstance and theres nothing you can do about it.

For me I'm living life happy right now and doing that things I've always wanted to do. At the same time I'm also helping the less fortunate and loving people in general. Now I know how to fix whats happening over there, and that fix starts with me, and it starts with you. I believe that within us, our heart is the source of the problem. We're no different then those people over there, it could have easily been you protesting on the street.

If we change whats within our heart and your heart, we can heal or solve whatever is happening within your life experience. So if this libya situation or currency issue is a big thing for you. You have the power to resolve it.

Change doesn't start with the government, the president or anyone else, but it starts with you.

Why do you think the elite news always broadcasts bad news. They know that for the situation to exist, they need millions of you to feel bad, anger about the situation and what does that do, creates more anger and hate in the world because your now included in that hate and anger. Let me ask you, does anger or hatred solve anything? No, It makes things worst for the situation, for other and for yourself.

People ask, what happened to the love in the world, or where is the love? I can tell you where it is, and that love is in the heart within you and you can start sending out that love today, right now to yourself, to others in the world and to God.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
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I dont think the elitist-banking-globalist agenda is a valid theory. It has no credibility and sounds like the work of conspiracists.

Unopposed american world superpower is closer to the truth we are seeing. America has only been getting more and more influential since the cold war. Since russia has fallen, they are unopposed in control global affairs. Russia used to be the one invading, manipulating and controlling world affairs as well, this is nothing new. Put that much power in 1 government's hand and of course this is what will happen.

Having said that I think anyone who doesn't believe 'US intelligence' had a hand in 9/11 is the real conspiracy theorist. Mossad-CIA organizations are truly the real terrorists.


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2011
Reaction score
Ease said:
I dont think the elitist-banking-globalist agenda is a valid theory. It has no credibility and sounds like the work of conspiracists.

Unopposed american world superpower is closer to the truth we are seeing. America has only been getting more and more influential since the cold war. Since russia has fallen, they are unopposed in control global affairs. Russia used to be the one invading, manipulating and controlling world affairs as well, this is nothing new. Put that much power in 1 government's hand and of course this is what will happen.

Having said that I think anyone who doesn't believe 'US intelligence' had a hand in 9/11 is the real conspiracy theorist. Mossad-CIA organizations are truly the real terrorists.
Please expand on 'had a hand in 9/11" to what extent are you referring to? US knew about some attack on American soil? US planned in themselves? US worked with Middle Easterns to get the controlled demolition?

I'm not doubting you I think the 9/11 story is very sketchy, and Bush staying in the elementary or wherever he was and not doing anything is strange as well. 7th tower is strange, the Pentagon security videos don't show any plane etc. But then you get to talking about 9/11, then you get into Illuminati controlling the media, then Satanic, finally Lizard-people being in the government and controlling the church, banks etc. FINALLY aliens and that's wher I draw the line.