for all the forums, pickup, red pill content, how many dudes are actually doing it right? Very few. If you remove genetic predisposition, good looks, resources, etc. said male becomes even more of an outlier. I am not saying, dude that pulls girls. I am saying, dude, male manlet, pulling hot girl several deviations above his SMV despite lack of sex appeal and resources? The amount of actual game is miniscule and what is sold and packaged as game is a gimmick more then anything.
I've watched a recent red pill video from a dude in Australia talking to college age girls about different things. Its funny how the female solipsism operates. Male orbiters, betas, beta bucks alpha ****s, etc. is comedy. Its funny to women but, when her party days are over, when her best days are done, when she trashes her SMV, its now white picket fence and baby rabies time.
For all the years of pickup, MM, free tours, inner circle, abundances of approaches, and time spent at "game," most men are ****ing softer then baby ****. Semi decent girl at the tail end of her SMV comes around with her good girl shtick, "I am not like that," all the while, she was getting double teamed during her best years. High sex drive was for the alpha. Low sex drive is for the man willing to be stupid enough to give her the ring, children, and risk half his resources on her during the period in which the milks gone bad and bulking season is kicking off.
Dudes need to wake up. Open their ****ing eyes. If she is not young/thin/attractive, DO NOT WANT.