Why Cant we just be ourselves

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
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This was a post that I got from Pook's Mill

Why won't you stop harping about the 'be who you are' stuff?"

Because it is the most important lesson I ever learned. Our lives seem so powerless because we actually GIVE power to others to define us, to shape us. For example, on Sosuave and life, you've certainly seen guys give women so much power to define the guy in question, to judge the guy, to determine the guy's worth. Instead, why don't we have the girl prove HER worth to us!?

It is time for you to define the rules for your life. If you give up those rules to anyone else, then YOU are to be blamed for where you are in life. Don't blame women, corporations, politics, or anything else. You define your life.

"We demand more business information from you Pook!"

Then consider this the first lesson of becoming a CEO. CEOs I've met in real life do share one quality: they don't care what anyone else thinks of them. It takes a hefty set of balls and confidence to direct a business. The CEO is the captain. Now, they certainly do care what the consumers, shareholders, and employees think, of course. But they only care within a set of strategy. Why would a CEO ask his employee advice on how to run the business?

If you can't define rules for your own life, how they hell are you going to define rules for your business?

In fact, this Pookish First Commandment even applies on a far greater scale. You, from sosuave, know about the dillemma of the Nice Guy. But what about Nice Guy Nations? What about Nice Guy Military? Act like a wimp on the world's stage, terrorists will smell weakness and bomb you. No nation has ever been attacked for being too strong.

For our personal direction, we always hear, "We need to obey the opinion of society." What is society and why let it define how your life is? And for the national direction, we always hear, "We need to obey the opinion of the world." What exactly is this 'opinion' of the world and why would a nation let itself be defined by other nations? Isn't the point of being independent country is for the country to define itself?

It is my hope that America tries to be America, the UK tries to be the UK, France tries to be France, and so on. Why should America try to be like France or France try to be like Algeria? It is like the entire world is infected with feminzation. There have been too many reincarnations of Neville Chamberlains (picture above) and not enough Churchills. Worrying about what everyone else thinks, the world is caged in fighting minimalist wars. By not allowing the full might of power to be unleashed, the problem just grows. I hear with the battles in Lebanon that terrorists wear civilian clothing and fire their rockets from houses. They are using the West's virtue as their primary weapon. They know no one is going to bomb those houses.

I believe most addictions and disorders are due to people not being who they are and giving the rules of their life to someone else. Eventually... they crack.

Imitation is suicide. There is nothing I find more disapointing than someone trying to be someone else. There is nothing more depressing than living your life to someone else's vision. You have a soul for a reason.

posted by Pook at 2:57 AM


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2006
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Didn't read all of the other posts so someone may have touched on this.

You need to be yourself.

The saying just be yourself doesn't work for one reason.


Most of the time when guys get with girls they become clingy and needy, they stop being themselves, they allow the female to push them around.

They transform into this needy clingy person, that is soo easily controlled by the female in the relationship.

But then they go back home and get pushed around by one of their female friends or mother or female relative and they don't take it, they stand up for themselves, yet they still care for that loved one and vice versa.

The you that still stands up for yourself, but loves your loved ones at the same time, is the person you need to be.

That is being yourself.

So it's not really being yourself, but more of staying yourself.

I don't think there should be a specific routine to getting a girl BUT there are some aspects of human nature that are attractive no matter what.

Traits such as confidence, and having a fun nature, are attractive and addictive to everyone.

I do also believe that there may be certain ways you approach a girl depending on how much attention from guys she gets.. If a girl is, for lack of a better term, a 10, chances are she gets hounded by guys non stop so you may want to use a different approach because to her you merely talking to her is going to seem like a pick up.

Someone lower than a 10, you may have to use a different approach.

I don't think you should change yourself that's dumb. You just need to remain yourself, and understand sociology a bit more in life to understand how to better socialize.


Stacks Of Terror

Don Juan
Feb 26, 2007
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I haven't read anything else except for the first post but I just want to say I never stop being me. I'm always Stacks I just accentuate the positives and tune out the negatives. Now if you're saying or asking why do we need to do this I don't fully follow other than that in our basic instincts we're told the man who can hold his own is the one who is dominant. We might not fight over women in the same way as our ancestors ancestors ancestors .... but we do it by making ourselves bigger and better. If you've ever seen the 6 Million Dollar Man its kind of similar. We want to be this perfect being and the only way to do so is to accentuate the positives and tune out the negatives because nothing is truly perfect.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
Stone Cold Fox You perfectly understand what im saying and I agree with you 100% Stacks of terror I agrre with you to but just remember Perfect Is Boring.