Why can't I get hotter chicks?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Having a hard time attracting hotter chicks.


I have been approaching much more lately and have been fairly successful. I consider myself a good looking guy (9.7) according to hot or not.


When I go out I look my best hair, teeth, clothing especially.

However, whenever I approach the hotter chicks 8 or above aren't responding at all. I know its a numbers game, but I haven't been having success at all. I think it has to do with my game.

These are the approaches I have been using with success with ugly chicks, but failure with pretty ones.

1. "Hey do u think I look like Micheal Phelps" (my most successful opener, because like 8 people have actually told me this)

2. "Hi" (worst one)

3. "Ur lucky I almost wore the same thing" (moderate success)

4. "My best friend is about to ask a girl hes dating to marry him, but one night when he was working she grabbed my crotched on the outside of my pants in a bar, should I tell him" (true story)

These are not canned except for 3.

Any possible reasons for my failures with hotter women are the lines lame? I have the same confidence but they just aren't receptive enough.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Just got home from pounding a 9. My hot or not rating (I checked it a couple years ago mainly to look for *****) was high also, I think mine said I was rated hotter than 89% of members or something like that. I'm not sure how accurate a hot or not rating system is given random clickers and things but I think it's probably somewhat relevant.

Anyway the thing is being good looking will sometimes get me laid, at a bar I've had a woman tell me I was cute and she wanted to take me home before, but often it only makes a good impression easier to pull off and makes women less likely to want to leave. Also I've had women who loved my strong arms, etc, etc,etc again definitely helps them feel protected by and horny for me, but there is something else going on too. The nuances of verbal & nonverbal communication, the place the other person is in life, the style of listening skills of the people, etc that all combines into this unique thing we call chemistry. Because you're good looking, you won't need any canned material or any of that weird crap, actually that could possibly explain your lack of results. That kind of crap gets in the way of making a connection for some people. I don't know how to explain it fully but for me it is no harder to get a hot chick than an ugly one. I hate that line because it sounds like a Mystery quote, but there's just better way to say it. I can have a hotty jonesin for my bone and an ug that is resisting... Also a lot of hot women Ive met turned out to be real headcases, so be careful what you wish for... strippers who were coke heads and ****, it's all out there and if you don't screen the hotties too you're going to have drama, fortunately I was always smart enough to not get too close to the headcases regardless of how hot they might be.... enjoyed the fun and got out of there before the sun.. Wish I knew why I can attract hotties easier than ugs to help ya out, but all I can say is go out with the intent of getting laid. That's the opposite of what most people say ha to have no intent. Well I don't buy into that, I intend to **** hot women thats why I email them, that's why I approach them, that's why I go park on a dead end street with them, that's why I chose the times to come to their places that I do. I intend to **** them and it just happens. If you are intended to talk to them rather than **** them, maybe that's why you're just talking to them. If you just intend to talk to them and talk to them until you're a jedi master than do the ****ing guess what happens, you just never **** anyone then you don;'t believe anyone wants to **** and you become more timid and miss more opportunities to become intimate with beautiful women. I think you just have to decide to start succeeding or get shot down trying.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
thanks for that post if you see the girl on my arm to the left she was a hb 9 and my ex, and she surely was crazy. I like those openers because it gets the conversation started, if I rolled up with "hi" nothing can stream from it, I hit them with good body language, but it just seems like they aren't feeling me.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
These lines are all crap in a word, my friend. Be youself dude "Hey Babe" is a good opener.

I don't quite know how i did this but the other night i got tipsy, started dancing around birds, then got drunk and started pulling like f uck.


Went up to a HB 9 who worked behind the bar and I didn't say anything I just stared into her eyes.

She eventually said "what do you want?" (as in what do you want to drink) with a smile on her face.

I just carried on staring with a little grin on my face and said "you"

She repeated the question and again I said "you" with a serious look on my face.

I then had her chatting to me for 5 mins while i got her number.

The rest of the male bar staff were laughing (one looked the spitting image of 2Pac)

I had 5 guys behind me ask "How the f uck did you do that"

So my point is anyway, don't fabricate these sh it pick up lines, go to a bar, get drunk, and think of something on the spot, that way you won't be anticipating anything at all and thus you shall have a good time.


I know he's gone but pook taught me what I know big respect.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
HMmmm you bring up something here that could be helpful, you think that they just arent feeling you. This is a huge thing Ive noticed when I go out to clubs. If I am feeling excited and energetic I already know I am going to be on fire that night. If I have some issue like being run down or aggitated it is incredible how people seem to be able to pick up on that. Mind you I've taken all kinds of courses on nonverbals and such, and I am very mindful of that fact that I don't want to project negative energy. Just one of those things. A lot of people talk about "not being state dependent", but I have a master's degree in social sciences and I've yet to find a way to make this non-revelant so instead I use it to my advantage. Actually, checking in with yourself and addressing lingering problems of frustration or sadness or whatever is a good idea anyway from a health standpoint.

Here's what I do believe though, Im not sure how long you've been in the "community" but you're surely more mindful of things than before you started reading the forums and stuff. You're at least 6 months in, and it takes about 2 years of practice to get really proficient at anything worth doing. The good news I think for you is that success is probably not very far away, that's not help advice I know but hopefully it offers some reassurance that you'll soon be in the land of plenty.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
2Pac_Makaveli_1 said:
These lines are all crap in a word, my friend. Be youself dude "Hey Babe" is a good opener.

I don't quite know how i did this but the other night i got tipsy, started dancing around birds, then got drunk and started pulling like f uck.


Went up to a HB 9 who worked behind the bar and I didn't say anything I just stared into her eyes.

She eventually said "what do you want?" (as in what do you want to drink) with a smile on her face.

I just carried on staring with a little grin on my face and said "you"

She repeated the question and again I said "you" with a serious look on my face.

I then had her chatting to me for 5 mins while i got her number.

The rest of the male bar staff were laughing (one looked the spitting image of 2Pac)

I had 5 guys behind me ask "How the f uck did you do that"

So my point is anyway, don't fabricate these sh it pick up lines, go to a bar, get drunk, and think of something on the spot, that way you won't be anticipating anything at all and thus you shall have a good time.


I know he's gone but pook taught me what I know big respect.
you sound insane:crazy:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
everywomanshero said:
HMmmm you bring up something here that could be helpful, you think that they just arent feeling you. This is a huge thing Ive noticed when I go out to clubs. If I am feeling excited and energetic I already know I am going to be on fire that night. If I have some issue like being run down or aggitated it is incredible how people seem to be able to pick up on that. Mind you I've taken all kinds of courses on nonverbals and such, and I am very mindful of that fact that I don't want to project negative energy. Just one of those things. A lot of people talk about "not being state dependent", but I have a master's degree in social sciences and I've yet to find a way to make this non-revelant so instead I use it to my advantage. Actually, checking in with yourself and addressing lingering problems of frustration or sadness or whatever is a good idea anyway from a health standpoint.

Here's what I do believe though, Im not sure how long you've been in the "community" but you're surely more mindful of things than before you started reading the forums and stuff. You're at least 6 months in, and it takes about 2 years of practice to get really proficient at anything worth doing. The good news I think for you is that success is probably not very far away, that's not help advice I know but hopefully it offers some reassurance that you'll soon be in the land of plenty.
Now this is good advice, I know its a number game and I can feel myself getting closer to pulling hotter broads, it is just they seem not to vibing with me and I also added some motivation to my cause. I bought two tickets to see THE KILLERS in Milwaukee March 30th. My goal is to find a broad to go there with. However, I will agree I see success on the horizon


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Belle Vernon, PA
Well for me, situational openers work best. 2 Nights ago, I pulled into a parking space at the bar, and right next to me, I seen a really good looking girl pull in. She hit the curb, and apparently was driving a stick. She tried to back the car up 3 times, stalling every time. I got out, tapped on her window, and was like "Looks like you're having a hard time, need any help." She was actually quite friendly and I backed her car away from the curb she hit.

Anyway, we joked several times in the bar about me giving her driving lessons and such.

So situational openers work great, for me at least. I haven't seen this written out in a few years. But try this:

On your spare time, think of situations and places where you might see a girl you want to approach. The bar/club, the mall, the grocery store, a restaurant. Now use your imagination and think up ways you can use your environment to strike up a conversation. Of course canned lines are not my thing, but it does give you a better idea of where to start, and gives you practice thinking of things to say on the spot.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
Reaction score
Those lines your using are crap.
When you approach do you even look for any IOI's?
If not your ho chasing. That ain't going to work.
I looked at your picture and you look average.
Sure you got nice white teeth and a dark complextion but that
ain't going to cut it. You have to market yourself as a superior
product. Your wearing a tee shirt with print. That may be making you look
boring to the hotest girls in the clubs.

Mind you I'm only going by what you said and that one picture.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
Dannyrt34 said:
Well for me, situational openers work best. 2 Nights ago, I pulled into a parking space at the bar, and right next to me, I seen a really good looking girl pull in. She hit the curb, and apparently was driving a stick. She tried to back the car up 3 times, stalling every time. I got out, tapped on her window, and was like "Looks like you're having a hard time, need any help." She was actually quite friendly and I backed her car away from the curb she hit.

Anyway, we joked several times in the bar about me giving her driving lessons and such.

So situational openers work great, for me at least. I haven't seen this written out in a few years. But try this:

On your spare time, think of situations and places where you might see a girl you want to approach. The bar/club, the mall, the grocery store, a restaurant. Now use your imagination and think up ways you can use your environment to strike up a conversation. Of course canned lines are not my thing, but it does give you a better idea of where to start, and gives you practice thinking of things to say on the spot.
Cheers dude, thats basically what I was trying to say, in better wording. Girls will sense fabricated pick - up lines and they do not work. Not from experience, because I have never used them, and do not need to use them, but from what others have said. You will look more naturally confident if you adapt to the situation. They don't even have to be witty.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
JDA70 said:
I looked at your picture and you look average.
Sure you got nice white teeth and a dark complextion but that
ain't going to cut it. You have to market yourself as a superior
product. Your waring a tee shirt with print. That may be making you look
boring to the hotest girls in the clubs.

Mind you I'm only going by what you said and that one picture.
If thats a 9.7 then f uck me, i'm an 11.7.

t-shirt in a bar?

Man I wear shirts to go out for a smoke, you should be wearing waistcoat or some ****. Think of the effort ladies go to. Make yourself look unique.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
You may be trying too hard or over thinking how to approach the "hotter" chicks. Keep it simple.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
2Pac_Makaveli_1 said:
If thats a 9.7 then f uck me, i'm an 11.7.

t-shirt in a bar?

Man I wear shirts to go out for a smoke, you should be wearing waistcoat or some ****. Think of the effort ladies go to. Make yourself look unique.
Post a picture. You know your kinda of a d_ick. However, you reply to my post albeit with questionable advice. However, in that picture I was in a **** bar with my gf in the summer on a wednesday. When I do go now I out I am much more fashionable about what I wear and I can honestly say without bragging in terms of clothing/hair I am set. However, thats beside the point.

IOI haven't really been looking for those signs I will be a little more keen on that next weekend when I go out. I usually just go there and hit them with a canned line and they seem to love the "phelps line" sure I also use situational things since most venues I attend are live concerts/bar events. I do try to use situational things, but when you lost and want to approach those lines can be money and they aren't really canned since they do all actually apply to me. That being said I could use improvement on body language, but I will try to be a little more genuine.

p.s. jeru the damaja and gza > 2pac


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
LOL before I even read your post I looked at your pic and I was gonna say you look like Michael Phelps.

That's funny how you use that as an opener. But I say let the GIRL tell you OMG you look just like MP.. etc. you dont need to tell her u know.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Instead of asking if you look like Michael Phelps, act like you're him. Play a character.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
NewAndImproved said:
Instead of asking if you look like Michael Phelps, act like you're him. Play a character.
I agree, you have to work on your strength. In this case, if you role play Michael Phelps in an exagerrated way, and get a girl to laugh -- you've won the battle. Humor is supposed to disarm girls. Try to get her to chuckle with a Michael Phelps act and then talk about something else.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
I agree, you have to work on your strength. In this case, if you role play Michael Phelps in an exagerrated way, and get a girl to laugh -- you've won the battle. Humor is supposed to disarm girls. Try to get her to chuckle with a Michael Phelps act and then talk about something else.
As a virgin, and a dweeb (yes you are) you should be doing more listening and applying and less talking.

Your opinion has no value. Why don't you change that?
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Alle_Gory said:
As a virgin, and a dweeb (yes you are) you should be doing more listening and applying and less talking.

Your opinion has no value. Why don't you change that?
That's up for the OP to decide not you.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
That's up for the OP to decide not you.
Luke Skywalker is a 35+ year old virgin who lives at home with his mother. (check his posting history)

Now the OP has enough info to make an informed decision.