Why can't I ever get with good looking women?


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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North America
To date good looking women, you have to be good looking guy, simple as that.
This is a useless, self-limiting mindset because you will always strike out before you've even stepped up to the plate.

I've been out of the game for a while too - in all honesty its been laziness and putting the focus on other things. However in the past few years I have slept with women I would normally consider way over my "league", and that was only because I led the interaction with confidence and went for what I wanted.

I am 5'7 and I have a bald head. I shaved my head back in 2009, when I was 22. I got with way more women POST head-shave than PRE shave. Trust me - nothing communicates confidence more to some women than embracing it, rather than dealing with ****ty drugs/comb-overs.

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Guys with these "problems" tend to share certain traits...

The emphasis in BOLD are mine.

DJDeMarco said:
I always have hopes and beliefs that I'll get the good looking women(7's and above), and I take action. But I never get these women. And, as a result, I feel like my life isn't complete without the ability to get a good looking girl, because I'm not settling for less. Successful in everything, but this. Getting lots of friends, social circle is great, hobbies are solid, money is coming in. But women are frustrating me, and I'd rather not focus on them as it's been 3 years of heartache, anxiety, and negativity from all this pursuing.

I recently pursued a female about my age that works in a local store(about 25 or so). I had to walk up and talk to her myself just to start communicating with me. A lot of the reason I went into the store was just to talk to her. Sometimes, I would, sometimes I wouldn't. Mainly to play games with her and build attraction. She was usually around a few workers, so I had to talk to her in front of workers sometimes to speak with her. I would say things to make her like me and build attraction as well. She seemed fine talking to me, but not attracted or crazy about me, which made me wonder. We didn't have anything in common, but I've dated girls like that before. And after 4 weeks or so of this, I decided to ask her for her number. She said she doesn't date and no to me as well. i told her that was sexist. So, I'm rejected by another single good looking girl. Why is this happening so much?
I'm trying to be the prize, but I understand that I need to do and say things to make a girl like me, so I'm really confused about this. Too much PUA in my game I suppose. I'd be happy to have a ton of good looking women in my life and have people look up to me. Perhaps, I do this for validation, not sure exactly.
I'm of the belief that our ability to interact socially with others and how we handle rejection is largely based on how we value OURSELVES.

Even though I don't know you, it is clear to me you value "good-looking women" and certain people in general MORE than you value yourself.

When you approach "good-looking women" do you focus on impressing them? Or are you trying to find out if they impress you?

You asked her out on a date? Why did she deserve a date? Is her physical attraction your only qualifier?

Why did you feel rejected when she turned you down? If your objective to date her was for emotional purposes then you were doing it for the WRONG reasons. It means NOTHING if she turns you down and it means NOTHING if she agreed to go on a date with you.

My advice (if you choose to accept it): Stop acting like your interactions with "good-loooking" women are auditions. In my experience most women are BLAND and live BORING lives, usually (and initially) I'm only interested in them for SEX, and I treat them ACCORDINGLY, unless they have more to offer. Focus on them impressing YOU.

I rarely compliment women on their looks, I look out for others things that they do...things that most men don't see or notice. Her body language, which drink she's drinking, her style of dress, even her speech pattern etc. If I speak to them I make sure they know I'm merely interested, "hot girls" get old quite quickly...she has to be more interesting than the other women or else she'll get what she deserves...

Most women deep-down are little girls, treat them that way until otherwise...


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2014
Reaction score
I'm of the belief that our ability to interact socially with others and how we handle rejection is largely based on how we value OURSELVES.
Perfectly put...

Believe in your own awesomeness and you will attract awesome women.

Forget about rejection, BELIEVE it's her loss.