This is infuriating me. Today I was in the library and there was girl in the cubicle behind me that I had blantantly check out before as I was getting there, and she didn't seem to mind, didn't really make eye contact, but didn't mind. Anyways she goes back to her seat and I'm sure she knows I'm behind her, anyways I noticed she was taking the same course as me and I was going to sit next to her and start with "So I noticed you're taking". The thing was everybody around me was studying and it was dead quiet like absolutely no one was talking and I felt it might have been wierd to try and get her number in this situation. I also felt self concious that if she somehow did reject me, everyone around would know, which would suck since the school somewhat has regular studiers or whatever in that spot. Was I in the right or wrong here, and what would you have done, and how would you have initiated the convo and gone about it?