Maxtro said:
One thing I don't understand is how a girl can seem to really enjoy your company when she is with you, and then be avoidant when you're trying communicate over the phone or through text.
Why the 180?
so she likes the company but doesn't like the texts/calls? then make it that there are fewer texts/calls
are you using the texts/calls for some kind of interaction/conversation? if so, stop. if its to arrange stuff - then there doesn't need to be much of it, keep it short and simple. make it that the majority of the time with you is the in person stuff she likes,
lets say you see a girl saturday and she likes it, and then maybe the idea is that you will see her the following sunday, 8 days later, which she will also presumably like - but the texts and calls on the weekdays are not so good. i think its that she is viewing the texts/calls as a bit pressuring or an imposition, girls like to enjoy the 'after' part of a date, a few days kinda daydreaming about it , and they like the 'before' the looking forward to it - texts/calls intrude into this time (this is where overcontact starts)
in general i think girls like a block of time with the inbetween bit being kind of empty whereas dudes want constant lowlevel contact inbetween for reassurance (ie its actually the dude that is the AW in a way!). see the girl, leave some space afterwards before thinking about arranging the next thing, then when you arrange it, keep the arranging short and simple, then leave space until the next date - dont overcontact between the dates, just concentrate on the dates and back off inbetween them