Why can't girls just admit that they have everything easier when it comes to dating?


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
I'm going to rant right here and I don't care what you think of me, I don't care if it sounds annoying, because obviously I don't give a **** what all of you think of me. This is a complaint because the way I see it, the way I view the dating and relationship world, scene, is that girls have it way easier than us guys, and nobody can change my opinion, aside from the fact that us guys have to initiate everything, these are the main reasons why I think girls have it easier. Girls just have to look good, be hot, born cute, be pretty, thats all, nothing else, zero, nada, zip. A girl can have no life, have a negative attitude, have no confidence, have low self-esteem, not value herself, have little or no friends, be a boring person, have no passion for anything, have no goals and no ambition or drive be stupid, retarded, bratty, whine and mope around all the time, etc. Like I said, a girl just has to be hot and cute, pretty, thats all, nothing else literally. Overall, a girl can be negative everything but if she is at least very hot, good-looking, us guys will still accept her, still consider her girlfriend material. Like when us guys see a very hot girl, well mainly me, I am like "who cares about her personality? I like her already" However for us guys, what I hate and despise is that it always comes down to our social skills and conversation skills that determines our success with the ladies. In order for us guys to be "boyfriend material", we have to walk right, sit right, stand right, talk right, think right, breathe right, have the right attitude, the right mentality, the right way of thinking, the right mindset, have a leadership-type attitude, have a passion for something, be interesting, have hobbies and passions for things, we have to say the right things, it always comes down to the words and sentences that come out of our mouth that determine our success with the ladies. We have to have high status, or just high social status, have a life, have an occupation, etc. That's what I really hate about life in general, in order for us guys to be boyfriend or relationship material, we have to have a good attitude, a positive attitude, or just overall comes down to the type of attitude we have, our way of thinking, mentality, our social skills, conversation skills, having our sh*t together, being involved with something or just having a life, be a productive person, see ourselves as an object of power, we have to walk right, stand right, sit right, talk right, think right, breathe a certain way, we have to have dreams and ambition, have a passion for something, we have to be extremely content with ourself and content, have high social status, be a fun or interesting person with a lot of hobbies and the list goes on and on. Because it is way easier to attract people with your looks and body, than it is with your social skills, attitude, mentality, confidence, because Confidence is a Mental thing.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Sure "This is a men's world" is bull**** because women rule everything! Why do men work? to buy a nice car, to dress nice, to show a woman you put a lot of effort in her by buying drinks, presents etc. just to impress women. And when we put our money in her she buys new clothes to attract another guy who will work hard to buy a nice car, dress nice and so it is a viscous circle...

I do kind of agree with you! I always love it when women say men are picky, I think women themselves are the most picky of all...


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
couldn't agree with you more, although it sounds shallow of what I wrote, it is reality, it's the truth. It's way easier for a girl to get a boyfriend than it is for a guy to get a girlfriend, whether the girl is passive or not.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
playergamehater said:
It's way easier for a girl to get a boyfriend than it is for a guy to get a girlfriend, whether the girl is passive or not.
Yup. If a girl is good-looking, she basically has everything in life handed to her on a silver platter. Friends, social life, dating, material possessions, etc. For some reason, the loner girls with no friends are never good looking. For some reason, when I drive through the bad parts of town I never see any good looking girls.

Supply and demand at work. Google the phrase: "Never had a girlfriend": 854,000 results. Now Google the phrase "Never had a boyfriend": 163,000 results.

Pretty much the only advice my dad ever gave me in life was "Women can just marry some rich guy and have everything provided to them. You have to provide for yourself".


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
a real alpha male who has confidence/entilement/isunreactive/...etc..etc... has HIGHER value than most pu$$y


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Kerpal said:
"Women can just marry some rich guy and have everything provided to them. You have to provide for yourself".
Gonna remember that one!


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
..... Do you know why women have dating and life so easy? Because MEN MAKE IT EASY FOR THEM,behaving like RETARDSS everytime they see a good looking girl. It´s just men´s fault....


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wow, you guys are moaning like a bunch of emo-b*tches! "Oh look at me, my life is so difficult, I have to put effort in getting a girlfriend and all they have to do is sit back!". So what? Seriously, who gives a f*ck?

Yea, we have to "work" to get poon, be interesting, be a good conversionalist, have a social life, dress well. And you know what? That makes life a whole lot more interesting than being a boring c*nt with no life at all and just wait till someone comes around and pick you up. Because I have to get my sh*t in order, I get laid more often than the average guy, but I also get ample business opportunities, get along with almost any person I come across, I have great hobbies I enjoy and on top of that, I actually feel pretty good about who I am.

Yea, life is a b*tch, and then you die. You make your own happiness. Instead of moaning like a little girl, you could go out there, stomp some dirt around and improve yourself. No, instead you go sit in a corner and moan. Man the f*ck up and deal with it. Life is going to be a lot tougher than realizing that girls have it easier than you.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 19, 2005
Reaction score
JdelaSilviera said:
..... Do you know why women have dating and life so easy? Because MEN MAKE IT EASY FOR THEM,behaving like RETARDSS everytime they see a good looking girl. It´s just men´s fault....
Going to have to agree with Jdela here.

As for the original poster: You claim that a girl just has to look pretty and needs NOTHING else. This is true to an extent. If a girl is pretty, guys are MUCH more likely to engage her in conversation, because they're only going to take her at face value. If she's hot, she'll get WAY more opportunities than most guys....

However, I would like to think that most guys, after realizing her *****y attitude, would dump her ass, forcing her to improve on some level. This unfortunately is not the case, and this is where the problem lies. Guys with low self esteem allow themselves to be with b**chy, bratty women who offer nothing but a nice pair of tits. Don't let this be you...

It's unfair, but only because men allowed it to get this way.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
JdelaSilviera said:
..... Do you know why women have dating and life so easy? Because MEN MAKE IT EASY FOR THEM,behaving like RETARDSS everytime they see a good looking girl. It´s just men´s fault....
JLW said:
It's unfair, but only because men allowed it to get this way.
But why do men make it easy for them? Why did men allow it to get this way? I would argue that the basic, axiomatic rules of economics offer an explanation. If any of the following conditions were met:

1. A higher than current percentage of the world's population was female.
2. A higher than current percentage of women were very sexually attractive.
3. A lower than current percentage of men were very sexually attractive.
4. The demand by men for sex fell.
5. The demand by women for sex rose.

What would be the results? Supply and demand says that the value of attractive women would fall. In other words, men would have to put in less work to **** hot chicks.

We wouldn't have to be 6'+, muscular with 6 packs, have great social skills and a million friends, make over $250,000 a year, drive sports cars, etc. just to attract a very desirable woman. The more any one of those 4 conditions are met, the less effort men have to put in to **** hot chicks. The reasons we have to put in so much work now are:

1. There are more men than women. Naturally, without artificial interference, 105 males are born for every 100 females. And this is before artificial pre-birth gender selection, sex-selective abortion and infanticide, all of which skew the numbers even more toward a higher percentage of males.

2. There are way more very sexually attractive women than very sexually attractive men. This is why there are a few guys who **** many very attractive women, but most guys rarely get laid or settle for fat chicks.

3. Men want sex much more than women do. This is axiomatic.

If you understand basic economics then you understand why a man has to put in so much more work to have sex with a very attractive woman than a woman does to have sex with a very attractive man.

Jay Dee

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, so if they did admit they had it easier than guys.

Well, they are not about to do anything about it.

So back to square one, get out there and initiate with them.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Kerpal said:
But why do men make it easy for them? Why did men allow it to get this way? I would argue that the basic rules of economics offer an explanation. If any of the following conditions were met:

1. A higher than current percentage of the world's population was female.
2. A higher than current percentage of women were very sexually attractive.
3. A lower than current percentage of men were very sexually attractive.
4. The demand by men for sex fell.
5. The demand by women for sex rose.

What would be the results? Supply and demand rules say that, axiomatically, the value of attractive women would fall. In other words, men would have to put in less work to **** hot chicks.

We wouldn't have to be 6'+, muscular with 6 packs, have great social skills and a million friends, make over $250,000 a year, drive sports cars, etc. just to get laid. The more any one of those 4 conditions are met, the less effort men have to put in to **** hot chicks. The reasons we have to put in so much work now are:

1. There are more men than women. Naturally, without artificial interference, 105 males are born for every 100 females. And this is before artificial pre-birth gender selection, sex-selective abortion and infanticide, all of which skew the numbers even more toward a higher percentage of males.

2. There are way more very sexually attractive women than very sexually attractive men. This is why there are a few guys who **** many very attractive women, but most guys rarely get laid or settle for fat chicks.

3. Men want sex much more than women do. This is axiomatic.

If you understand basic economics then you understand why a man has to put in so much more work to have sex with a very attractive woman than a woman does to have sex with a very attractive man.
Partially true, but the main reason is that man have become more feminine and women more masculine... Women also may have huge numbers of guys chasing them, but most guys aren´t of high quality so this could be very frustrating to them.
Also the male female ratio is almost 1:1 and there are a lot of countries in europe where there are more females... so this shouldn´t be used as a excuse.... Of course you have point... if there were twice as women they would have to fight a lot more...


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
playergamehater said:
I'm going to rant right here and I don't care what you think of me, I don't care if it sounds annoying, because obviously I don't give a **** what all of you think of me. This is a complaint because the way I see it, the way I view the dating and relationship world, scene, is that girls have it way easier than us guys, and nobody can change my opinion, aside from the fact that us guys have to initiate everything, these are the main reasons why I think girls have it easier. Girls just have to look good, be hot, born cute, be pretty, thats all, nothing else, zero, nada, zip. A girl can have no life, have a negative attitude, have no confidence, have low self-esteem, not value herself, have little or no friends, be a boring person, have no passion for anything, have no goals and no ambition or drive be stupid, retarded, bratty, whine and mope around all the time, etc. Like I said, a girl just has to be hot and cute, pretty, thats all, nothing else literally. Overall, a girl can be negative everything but if she is at least very hot, good-looking, us guys will still accept her, still consider her girlfriend material. Like when us guys see a very hot girl, well mainly me, I am like "who cares about her personality? I like her already" However for us guys, what I hate and despise is that it always comes down to our social skills and conversation skills that determines our success with the ladies. In order for us guys to be "boyfriend material", we have to walk right, sit right, stand right, talk right, think right, breathe right, have the right attitude, the right mentality, the right way of thinking, the right mindset, have a leadership-type attitude, have a passion for something, be interesting, have hobbies and passions for things, we have to say the right things, it always comes down to the words and sentences that come out of our mouth that determine our success with the ladies. We have to have high status, or just high social status, have a life, have an occupation, etc. That's what I really hate about life in general, in order for us guys to be boyfriend or relationship material, we have to have a good attitude, a positive attitude, or just overall comes down to the type of attitude we have, our way of thinking, mentality, our social skills, conversation skills, having our sh*t together, being involved with something or just having a life, be a productive person, see ourselves as an object of power, we have to walk right, stand right, sit right, talk right, think right, breathe a certain way, we have to have dreams and ambition, have a passion for something, we have to be extremely content with ourself and content, have high social status, be a fun or interesting person with a lot of hobbies and the list goes on and on. Because it is way easier to attract people with your looks and body, than it is with your social skills, attitude, mentality, confidence, because Confidence is a Mental thing.
First off, use paragraph form from now on.

Secondly, men have it easier than women. i would have disagreed with that statement in 2004 to 2006, but now after I have improved so much. I can firmly say that I am doing the choosing. I don't need to rely on women taking a fancy to me first (although i do to a certain extent). It seems like you are just b!tching about everything because you are not at the level that you want to be at. You are just a regular guy and you want to be greater otherwise you wouldn't be complaining. Ask any of the great men like Senor Fingers, Pook, BackBreaker, or any of the other greats. They will say the same thing, Once you get it the field is entirely changed.

The only thing that I can say is keep improving and doing exciting things to make your life interesting. The more interesting you become, the easier it gets. I do not mean keep going to parties and drinking, I mean go climb mountains or accomplish charity rides or learn boxing/MMA or whatever exciting thing that you can think of and make it a passion for life.

Personally, I do biking and fix up other peoples bikes. I constantly get calls and texts asking for help and sometime they are from hot girls that want their bicycle fixed for around campus.

- comic_relief


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Do women have it easier at some points than men? If we are talking about leveraging what we were born with, than yes. A good looking women will always have options which will make them reliant on others. The drawback according to a women I know is this; more often than not the choices presented aren't all that great. Guys who are the sh1t are often unavailable or doing their own thing be it work, sports, eating sandwiches, flying planes, blowing **** up, or investing in the stock market.

Reverse the roles, if you have 10 fat chicks trying to go after you, would you consider your dating life easy? You have easy options, but what self respecting man wants anythings that's easy but a piece of sh1t?

The power of choice is an often overlooked advantage men have. If given the choice, I would Never abdicate this advantage for an easy out like what women have. Sure its harder at times, but nothing worthwhile in life is easy to come by.

game the fvck on kids!!


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
playergamehater said:
I'm going to rant right here and I don't care what you think of me, I don't care if it sounds annoying, because obviously I don't give a **** what all of you think of me. This is a complaint because the way I see it, the way I view the dating and relationship world, scene, is that girls have it way easier than us guys, and nobody can change my opinion, aside from the fact that us guys have to initiate everything, these are the main reasons why I think girls have it easier. Girls just have to look good, be hot, born cute, be pretty, thats all, nothing else, zero, nada, zip. A girl can have no life, have a negative attitude, have no confidence, have low self-esteem, not value herself, have little or no friends, be a boring person, have no passion for anything, have no goals and no ambition or drive be stupid, retarded, bratty, whine and mope around all the time, etc. Like I said, a girl just has to be hot and cute, pretty, thats all, nothing else literally. Overall, a girl can be negative everything but if she is at least very hot, good-looking, us guys will still accept her, still consider her girlfriend material. Like when us guys see a very hot girl, well mainly me, I am like "who cares about her personality? I like her already" However for us guys, what I hate and despise is that it always comes down to our social skills and conversation skills that determines our success with the ladies. In order for us guys to be "boyfriend material", we have to walk right, sit right, stand right, talk right, think right, breathe right, have the right attitude, the right mentality, the right way of thinking, the right mindset, have a leadership-type attitude, have a passion for something, be interesting, have hobbies and passions for things, we have to say the right things, it always comes down to the words and sentences that come out of our mouth that determine our success with the ladies. We have to have high status, or just high social status, have a life, have an occupation, etc. That's what I really hate about life in general, in order for us guys to be boyfriend or relationship material, we have to have a good attitude, a positive attitude, or just overall comes down to the type of attitude we have, our way of thinking, mentality, our social skills, conversation skills, having our sh*t together, being involved with something or just having a life, be a productive person, see ourselves as an object of power, we have to walk right, stand right, sit right, talk right, think right, breathe a certain way, we have to have dreams and ambition, have a passion for something, we have to be extremely content with ourself and content, have high social status, be a fun or interesting person with a lot of hobbies and the list goes on and on. Because it is way easier to attract people with your looks and body, than it is with your social skills, attitude, mentality, confidence, because Confidence is a Mental thing.
You really think girls have it *easier* when it comes to dating?

Oh and as a sidepoint, your post is weak.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
It wasn't that long ago that seemingly arbitrary traits like height, musculature, social skills, preselection etc. didn't matter for attracting women. All a man head to be was a good provider, and he could look forward to settling down with a young, slim, doting wife. [Ever watch footage of NASA mission control from the 60s? Nerdy socially awkward guys with ridiculously pleasant, cute wives.] It was your "reward" for working hard and playing by the rules of society.

Feminism, birth control, the dissolution of faith/family, and women entering the workplace changed all that. Today your girl spends all her best hotter, younger, tighter years succumbing to her base desires and riding it out with all the "exciting" but wrong guys. By the time career GRRRLL hits 30 and realizes shes' ready to "settle" for a "provider" type, she's damaged goods - hardened from all the baggage accrued from riding the alpha **** carousel of bad boys and playas who pumped and dumped her.

Nathaniel Schnerdling can't excite her like Mr. Sixpack bartender. Is it any wonder then that today 50% of marriages end in divorce, of which 70% are initiated by women.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
It's definitely a different game for women and men. Women are always more valuable in our society. The price of eggs are worth more than sperm. However it is a similiar game for supermodels and male superstars. In your average men v women situation, the women have easy leverage in the dating market.

arbitrary traits like height, musculature, social skills, preselection etc. didn't matter for attracting women. All a man head to be was a good provider, and he could look forward to settling down with a young, slim, doting wife.
These are the betas of society. The lesser men. They have low attracting power and will be **** on by girls and alphas in their lives. Even after the mid 30's girl settles down with the beta provider, he still isn't going to be happy in the relationship. He still will be doing dishes and communicating his feelings while trying not to hurt her feelings. That's a depressing future.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
So, okay, let's say that for a day, all the women of the world name ONE woman the Ambassador of Women. Let's say for just that one day, the Ambassador arranges a press conference for the entire world to see. Every channel and radio station has it, every website links directly to the feed. This so-called Ambassador of Women walks up to the podium and speaks directly into the microphone:

"Women have easier when it comes to dating than men do."

She steps down and the press conference is over and EVERYONE has seen/heard it.

What then? Would them admitting it change anything?

playergamehater said:
... aside from the fact that us guys have to initiate everything, these are the main reasons why I think girls have it easier.
Girls have it easier because you have to initiate everything?
If anything, I thought initiating something would make it easier on us, because we get to CHOOSE who we want to approach. The fact that they can either accept or reject is what sets them apart.

Sorry, but I'd much rather have the power to approach than that of being approached.

Imagine an UG-3 walking up to you asking you for what time it is and then proceeds to hit YOU with Neg-Hits. What then?

Girls just have to look good, be hot, born cute, be pretty, thats all, nothing else, zero, nada, zip. A girl can have no life, have a negative attitude, have no confidence, have low self-esteem, not value herself, have little or no friends, be a boring person, have no passion for anything, have no goals and no ambition or drive be stupid, retarded, bratty, whine and mope around all the time, etc.
Are these the type of women you date?
Because to be honest, the woman you just described is a one night blip on my radar. She looks hot. Great! But if she is all of those personality traits you described, why would I take her seriously? Why would I even attempt to go past anything other than a FB with her?

We have the power to CHOOSE. You don't seem to understand that. And I choose to NOT settle for a woman like that, because guess what... in about 10 or 15 years, that woman you described will no longer be hot, but will still harness all of the personality traits that you mentioned.

You can either choose to see the negative side of the coin or the positive.
I choose to see the positive.

Like I said, a girl just has to be hot and cute, pretty, thats all, nothing else literally. Overall, a girl can be negative everything but if she is at least very hot, good-looking, us guys will still accept her, still consider her girlfriend material.
Not "US" guys, but you guys.
If you choose to accept her and consider her girlfriend material just based on looks, then the problem isn't her, it's YOU.

Like when us guys see a very hot girl, well mainly me, I am like "who cares about her personality? I like her already"
And that's a woman's fault? You are basically admitting her that your view on women is already jaded. You're complaining about low quality women that are only physically attractive but then contradicting yourself by saying that this is the type of women you are attracted to.

However for us guys, what I hate and despise is that it always comes down to our social skills and conversation skills that determines our success with the ladies.
Well how do you expect for women to find out whether we will be the "provider/bad boy" type for them? Your selection process is: She's hot. Their selection process is: Does he provide me security?

Has it ever occured to you that maybe you were going about this wrong?
You are trying to turn ONS into LTR's. That's on YOU.

In order for us guys to be "boyfriend material", we have to walk right, sit right, stand right, talk right, think right, breathe right, have the right attitude, the right mentality, the right way of thinking, the right mindset, have a leadership-type attitude, have a passion for something, be interesting, have hobbies and passions for things, we have to say the right things, it always comes down to the words and sentences that come out of our mouth that determine our success with the ladies. We have to have high status, or just high social status, have a life, have an occupation, etc. That's what I really hate about life in general, in order for us guys to be boyfriend or relationship material, we have to have a good attitude, a positive attitude, or just overall comes down to the type of attitude we have, our way of thinking, mentality, our social skills, conversation skills, having our sh*t together, being involved with something or just having a life, be a productive person, see ourselves as an object of power, we have to walk right, stand right, sit right, talk right, think right, breathe a certain way, we have to have dreams and ambition, have a passion for something, we have to be extremely content with ourself and content, have high social status, be a fun or interesting person with a lot of hobbies and the list goes on and on. Because it is way easier to attract people with your looks and body, than it is with your social skills, attitude, mentality, confidence, because Confidence is a Mental thing.
Now, in this last paragraph (if this was even a paragraph, substitute the phrase "boyfriend material" with "successful").

So what you are saying is that you want to be a boyfriend simply by having a negative attitude, a poor way of thinking, terrible conversation skills, and so on and so forth... AWESOME.

Look, I hate to break it to you like this, but all of those things:

Social skills, attitude, mentality, confidence, style, looks...

These are all things you should possess already, WITH OR WITHOUT women. The beauty of this game isn't that we're going to do this FOR women, it's that we are going to do this for OURSELVES. Women are just a piece in the puzzle to our lives. It's not the finished puzzle, but just a piece.

The minute you start thinking in these terms, is the minute you've already lost the game... the inner game.

Revise your thoughts on women and start looking on the inside. It just comes across as a bitter AFC rant. It's like you are condemning men that DO take the time to improve themselves... and mostly because women choose to be with them. Again, it just seems that the problem isn't women, but YOU.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Kailex said:
So, okay, let's say that for a day, all the women of the world name ONE woman the Ambassador of Women. Let's say for just that one day, the Ambassador arranges a press conference for the entire world to see. Every channel and radio station has it, every website links directly to the feed. This so-called Ambassador of Women walks up to the podium and speaks directly into the microphone:

"Women have easier when it comes to dating than men do."

She steps down and the press conference is over and EVERYONE has seen/heard it.

What then? Would them admitting it change anything?

Girls have it easier because you have to initiate everything?
If anything, I thought initiating something would make it easier on us, because we get to CHOOSE who we want to approach. The fact that they can either accept or reject is what sets them apart.

Sorry, but I'd much rather have the power to approach than that of being approached.

Imagine an UG-3 walking up to you asking you for what time it is and then proceeds to hit YOU with Neg-Hits. What then?

Are these the type of women you date?
Because to be honest, the woman you just described is a one night blip on my radar. She looks hot. Great! But if she is all of those personality traits you described, why would I take her seriously? Why would I even attempt to go past anything other than a FB with her?

We have the power to CHOOSE. You don't seem to understand that. And I choose to NOT settle for a woman like that, because guess what... in about 10 or 15 years, that woman you described will no longer be hot, but will still harness all of the personality traits that you mentioned.

You can either choose to see the negative side of the coin or the positive.
I choose to see the positive.

Not "US" guys, but you guys.
If you choose to accept her and consider her girlfriend material just based on looks, then the problem isn't her, it's YOU.

And that's a woman's fault? You are basically admitting her that your view on women is already jaded. You're complaining about low quality women that are only physically attractive but then contradicting yourself by saying that this is the type of women you are attracted to.

Well how do you expect for women to find out whether we will be the "provider/bad boy" type for them? Your selection process is: She's hot. Their selection process is: Does he provide me security?

Has it ever occured to you that maybe you were going about this wrong?
You are trying to turn ONS into LTR's. That's on YOU.

Now, in this last paragraph (if this was even a paragraph, substitute the phrase "boyfriend material" with "successful").

So what you are saying is that you want to be a boyfriend simply by having a negative attitude, a poor way of thinking, terrible conversation skills, and so on and so forth... AWESOME.

Look, I hate to break it to you like this, but all of those things:

Social skills, attitude, mentality, confidence, style, looks...

These are all things you should possess already, WITH OR WITHOUT women. The beauty of this game isn't that we're going to do this FOR women, it's that we are going to do this for OURSELVES. Women are just a piece in the puzzle to our lives. It's not the finished puzzle, but just a piece.

The minute you start thinking in these terms, is the minute you've already lost the game... the inner game.

Revise your thoughts on women and start looking on the inside. It just comes across as a bitter AFC rant. It's like you are condemning men that DO take the time to improve themselves... and mostly because women choose to be with them. Again, it just seems that the problem isn't women, but YOU.
beautiful post man

- comic_relief


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2009
Reaction score
What the OP said is true, but it works both ways.

For a woman looks and youth are everything, because men mostly only care about looks. If they have it they have everything handed to them. But every single woman, no matter how attractive, will lose her looks with age. Then they can't do anything to raise their value, because men only care about looks. Of course unattractive women can always get sex or have casual relationships, but a lot of them really want serious relationships with high caliber men. This is something they often can't get after they lose their looks.

That is why there are so many successful, powerful women with lots of friends and money who can't find the caliber of men they want.

Men, on the other hand, can be young and good looking but still get rejected by women. But men have a much better chances of improving their odds with women. Men can get money, get game, get experience and improve their chances with women, even if they're older. Women can do very little to improve their chances. They're either attractive or they aren't.