Why are women such f**king *****es

Crank Scank

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
There was one time in my life that i actually enjoyed the company of women but since i realised they do not like me because i look intimidating or maybe i'm not presentable or boyfriend material. I ****ing hate ****ing women. They are such *****es, they do not ****ing want me. and i am speaking from the heart here. I am a nice guy and get along well with my friends but when i go out with my friends i cannot meet women. I have built up so much anger and fructraion over the years with women. Because i cannot attract them or they don't like bald muscular guys because it intimidates them, i ask myself what they **** are they doing with loosers who are way below me in terms of looks, status,success in business? I am going through i difficult period in my life that i almost feel suicideal, i am currently seeing a counsellor but even he cannot help me. I don't know what the **** am can do about this situation and i don't believe anybody on this forum can help me solve my issues with women. I ****ing hate them now. I cannot help myself anymore so thought i'd come on this forum and cry about my misforunate lifestyle with women and the pain i am suffering. i have been out 3 nights in a row and got talking to a few women, i am genuinely a nice guy but when i do not get the attention or my friends get alot of attention from women i basically punish myself on the inside and start believing that no women would want to date me for whatever reason.

I thinks it's because i look manly and agressive. So obviously they do not want to talk to a guy like that. So it's got to a stage that when i am in a bar and a women shows interest in me, maybe by touching off me in a club or playing with my chain. When this happens i tell her to get the **** out of my face or gently push her away from me. They usually push me back or give me a dirty look but it only makes me want to threat other women the same way. I know that i am having some serious mental issues with women but every other area in my life i feel completely sane.

I was abused and beating by my mother as a kid so i guess that is a part of the reason why i am still single and make it even more diffcult to talk to women or show any interest in them anymore. I feel so ****ing angry and i cannot help but poor my heart out to you guys and let you know how i feel about my situation with women.

It is pure pain and i don't know what i can do to make myself feel better. My self esteem and confidence has hit rock bottom in this area of my life (Just Relationships). I am seriously hurt and don't believe any theraphy can help me. I feel that if this continues i will probably end up hurting somebody or myself. Even when they are nice to me i am a complete jerk and try to hurt their feelings because of how i feel towards them.

Any suggestions? I don't want to hear any pua bull**** that obviously doesn't make sense, that **** doesn't work anyway. tried it for years. If you are just new to this forum and have very little experience with women please don't try to give advice because you will just be wasting my time.
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Crank Scank

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Please don't give me any tips and tell me to keep approaching or do some breathing or any other relaxation excerses because i have tried that **** before. **** all that pua nonsense,law of attraction, the secret, rsd, wanksystems,mystery,ross jeffreies faggot,etc. Don't wanna hear that ****. Please provide me with solution or the quickest or simpliest way to end my life so i don't have to deal with this pain anymore.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Well first off don't kill yourself. That's never the answer. I'm not sure what kind of advice you're going to get but I'll offer you mine.

Anybody, and I mean ANYBODY, who claims they can't get, meet, fvck, women simply isn't talking to...ENOUGH WOMEN. Trust me dude. You may think you're putting forth a good effort and I'm sure the movies, media, and women would agree with you. HOWEVER, if you truly want to get, fvck a girl you just have to start talking to more of them.

Want to know how I did it? 1 girl a day. That's it. Just start saying hi to one girl a day FOE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, or until you no longer consider women an 'issue' in your life.

I'm not just talking about so called 6's and 7's either. I'm talking about the 9's and above. Just say hi, that's it. I guarantee you'll be surprised at the progress you make, just as long as you keep it up. Sure you'll get some pretty nasty rejections AT TIMES but, you'll also be surprised at how nice some girls are as well.

So there you go. 1 Girl a day.

Hopefully, if you follow through with this you'll realize, like I did, that chicks aren't a big deal, man. They're people like you and me. They are insecure like we are, at times, they are sad, like we are at times, and they FART, like we do. Yep, that's right CHICKS FART MAN. THEY STINK SOMETIMES TOO!

So why give a f*ck if you don't have a girlfriend right now or aren't getting laid right now? There is soooo much SH*T to do in this lifetime. So many things to see. Honestly, man you need to pursue other things. I read that for the longest time here and couldn't quite grasp it because I was so obsessed with getting laid, but it's the truth.

Life is so beautiful that to spend yours entirely on trying to get a chick is a complete waste bro. So please man, forget about women. They're not that big of a deal. LIFE is a big deal. Enjoy yours

Crank Scank

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for that advide but my fear is so real inside my head that i am not able to deal with it anymore, I have been socially conditions for years of PUA that most of my friends are into it also but i realised after 2 years that that **** doesn't work, routines and all is a complete joke and so is "The Game". ****ing marketing bull**** scammers trying to make money out of guys who are insecure and having difficulty meeting women. So of course they is a market for these scammers.

I don't know what to ****ing do, i am so angry and even your advice of appoaching one girl a day doesn't do **** for my confidence. I have this look on my face that i am going through problems in my life and find it hard to smile at women or put them at ease. Even when i try to smile, its a painful smile and only scares them away. I am feeling so low so how can i decide to go out and appoach one girl a day if i feel like F***ing S**T and hate women so ****ing much?????

I have given up, it's too hard to grasp and don't have the patience and hope evertthing will turn out right. but i have been feeling angry and frustrated that i can not get any women, sure i can get interest to an extent but i keep pushing that away as well. I don't know what the **** has happened to me i am breaking down, i am constantly crying my eyes out, i don't know what to do anymore.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Have you tried/considered medication?

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
btownbuck2012 said:
You just figured that out?

9 times out of 10, someone whose FIRST post is all extreme and dramatic and sh*t is trolling. The sad thing is that someone has the time to write all that stuff, just to play with strangers on the internet.

Crank Scank

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
If Theraphy doesn't work then i don't believe medication is going to help either.

Mantis Toboggan said:
You just figured that out?

9 times out of 10, someone whose FIRST post is all extreme and dramatic and sh*t is trolling. The sad thing is that someone has the time to write all that stuff, just to play with strangers on the internet.
I have been posting on other forums throughtout the years and i agree that this is extreme s**t going on in my life. I also agree that it is sad that i have time to write out my issues to strangers on the internet but i am not trying to play any games here, this is what i am experiencing in my life. As you may know i am here in hope that someone can relieve the pain i am going through as regards to women. need some solid advice.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
If you're for real, and nothing else works, then you should try meds. The problem is in your head, and your head isnt right. I've had great results using meds when I was so low I didnt think I could make it. Or you could keep crying about it, your choice.

Crank Scank

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Yes I am for real. do you mean medication? If so what type of medication, anti-depressants?

Crank Scank

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
No i don't think i need medication i just need to start believing in myself and that i am just as equal as any guy who is good with women. The only issues i am having resolve around women and once i get passed that and start believing i am good enough to date and attract women then i can be happy again. But i am not happy with my life until i start feeling good around women again. Deep down i want to feel loved and i'd like to feel comfortable with women but i have built up so much anger as a result of not having the confidence to approach and have an interesting conversation with a girl. I am constantly wrestling with the believe that i am not good interesting or attractive enough to women. Basically i want to feel happy again and don't want to feel so angry and frustrated whenever i'm in situations where there are women around.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
I don't think he's lying. I've been through stuff like this before, unfortunately. Those negative emotions can really spiral out of control if allowed to become a focal point. What I eventually concluded was that when I feel myself going down that spiral, I don't want to feel those ugly emotions. Sure I still have bouts of irrational anger at times. But those are more sporadic than lasting for weeks at a time, day in day out.

To the OP: There is a lot of reason to be frustrated. The women have so much power right now in the sphere of romance. A small percentage of guys have more poon than they know what to do with, while a lot of decent, even above-average guys are getting left out in the cold. The way I see it, we only have 2 choices: to improve our life generally, or to be miserable while letting the negative emotions take over. It is often a back and forth struggle between the two. I have been steadily improving my life for 2 years, but it still hasn't been enough. It can be a slow, incremental process. Anyway I don't know what I'm trying to say here, but I hope things work out for you and you could benefit from some of the advice here if you stick around and tone it down a little maybe.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2008
Reaction score
To the OP: Do what you have to do, pay for it, go find an gramma, someone 2x your weight, whatever. Get some action. That should steady your nerves.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
So it's got to a stage that when i am in a bar and a women shows interest in me, maybe by touching off me in a club or playing with my chain. When this happens i tell her to get the **** out of my face or gently push her away from me. They usually push me back or give me a dirty look but it only makes me want to threat other women the same way. I know that i am having some serious mental issues with women but every other area in my life i feel completely sane.
It's good that you realize that suicidal thoughts are dangerous and you're seeking help with them. Unfortunately the women you describe as being b*tches, that's completely understandable. Your problems and general feeling of hate and frustration are causing this entire situation. You're causing the women to become b*tches towards you by your behavior.

Sounds to me that your problems stem from childhood, why would you mention your mother beating you then? I hope that's something you're working out with the help of your therapist. Unfortunately this isn't something that you can fix, it happened in the past and it wasn't your fault. The only thing you can do is accept that it happened and hopefully just let it go. It can't be changed so why dwell on it? Why keep thinking about it? The past cannot be changed.

Now, are these problems something recent? Or have they always been there and just gotten worse until you reached this point?

Crank Scank said:
No i don't think i need medication
You've reached the point of suicidal thoughts and you're afraid you're going to hurt someone or yourself. I think that's the call for medication.

This isn't like a broken leg, there's nothing physical about it, but medication can help you feel better for a time and give you some relief. Antidepressants don't cure depression, but they give you time and energy so you can work through it.

Or did you want to see how far you can take this? Maybe after you hurt yourself, you'll reconsider and go for medication. Hopefully it won't be too late.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
OP, first of all, how old are you? Your age bracket can be helpful in understanding your issues.

Secondly, on one hand you're saying girls don't want you, and on the other hand you're saying that there are times when one will touch you or play with your chain and you are still so angry that you push them away.

Is your problem one of comparison with your friends, who seem to pull more attention than you? (This has always been my problem). I find that routinely my friends will draw the attention of more women than me, but I will draw some. I'm convinced it's because I project "hardness" and anger, although over time I am loosening up. But they sense that hardness and they will naturally gravitate toward my more loose, relaxed friends just like water finds its own level.

Look at my age, bro. I still have mommy issues!! When I was growing up my mom was very unstable and rageful. She would be nice one second and the next second raging and slapping me silly. Add to that an almost absentee father, no brothers and three sisters, and you will realize that I grew up in an absolute madhouse. It's miracle of God that I survived and am writing today.

I FULLY understand that I'm about to tell you something you already know, but sometimes it's good for us to be reminded. I personally spout off a lot of advice here that is generally well received, but even the the newer brothers here sometimes set my ass straight with reminders of things I already know.

I recommend staying out of your normal venues, and work on loosening up around people. I'm pretty sure women are intimidated by your vibe (just as they are with me) and they are VERY prone to that. They have virtually no internal locus of control. Everything they feel and think is a result of what is happening around them.

Perhaps it would be wise to stay out of the clubs for a month (I personally hate clubs and I hate the type of girl that hangs out there), and instead work for that month on GENUINELY connecting with random people in your day-to-day. Talk to men and women equally, ask how they are doing, and most importantly, CARE about their response. Make that shift and really try to connect and empathize with them. That's the single best thing I ever did in order to learn how to attract women.

Speak to men and women equally. Be in the business of brightening others' day. You will find:
95% or more of men will respond well and be friendly. 5% will be unfriendly douches.
70-75% of women will respond and be friendly. The other 25% of unfriendly *****es are socially conditioned and lost. They are not worth your time or concern. Expect that percentage, because you WILL find it to be true. Since that is an expected outcome, ignore that 30%.

You will see a gradual shift in your attitude. First, you will be changing your priority from attracting women over to providing VALUE to others. That causes a fundamental change inside us. It allows us to be the nice guy most of us really want to be without having to use techniques and lines.

It gets our focus off ourselves and onto others, and that ALWAYS facilitates healing when it comes to the kind of stuff we're talking about here. It's all about getting outside of your head and shifting your concern to others.

Very, VERY often, Crank, a man who feels he is not interesting or attractive enough for women is actually superior in intellect, hyper-aware during interactions, and consequentluy projects a tense "feeling" to her. I'm the king of that. And again, if you're with friends men who are looser, women will naturally gravitate toward them because of the CONTRAST. They are weak and externally-motivated. They are seeking fun and comfort and are generally capable of little more.

So to nutshell it, I advise you to stay out of the clubs temporarily, re-tool and CREATE fun wherever you go. Interact in your day-to-day to add value to others but equally to create a fun, relaxed atmosphere for YOURSELF. Once I started projecting that I wanted each of my interactions to be fun for MYSELF, things started changing.

This is probably fairly poorly articulated as I've had a long day and I'm exhausted, but I think you've been around long enough to see what I'm saying. Good luck!


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
This following long response is a true story. Do not read it if you think it is a troll or if you plan to make fun of the poster and act as a huge douche who is made of stone. Don't read it if you won't have 5 minutes in your hectic lifestyle or if you're a quitter.

With that being said, OP here it is:

Hey man, I don't know about the other guys saying you're a troll, so I'm going to speak for myself. I don't know if you're a troll or if you're real and it doesn't matter. Just let me tell you something--a story about a teen-age boy:

He immigrated to the US at age 13 from a Latin-American country. He had always been a straight "A" student, but his family, in the search of a better tomorrow moved to Massachusetts. Off to a new start, he found himself in a middle school where people made fun of him; he was never socially accepted, he struggled learning English, and felt like taking his life was the only way out. He cried himself to sleep every night for months because he had no idea how life had changed for the worse so much. This was "the land of opportunity," not the land of frustration. He loved playing the his brother's keyboard and listening to the sounds he could create; his father was a traveler and saw him for 60 days every six months due to visa issues; he bought his son a bigger, better, brand-new keyboard he had to put on his credit card because of his high debt and low-income background; he could barely afford traveling to see his wife and three children in the US.

So what did he do? He let his embarrassment, anger, fear, frustration, sadness, suicidal thoughts, humiliations, and struggles take over him. About seven months later, he was found hanging out in his middle school graduation. About 80% of his grades were "A's." He was speaking English to a few friends he made during lunch class, while struggling to communicate a few months ago. He was the new kid who managed to win the talent show; he played a mix of his version of the latest songs on the radio on the keyboard his father bought him. He got a hold of all of his negative emotions and their power and turned it around to build himself into the person who was admired by others. He was really happy for a many months.

When high school came, the story repeated itself. This time it was much worse. He made it to the start of junior year with practically no friends; he was always alone and frightened about life and his difficult reality. A few months later, his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. He immediately withdrew from school and stuck to his mother like glue. He supported, helped, and drove for dozens of miles to take her to medical appointments and sessions of radiation therapy; he was devastated, but he never allowed his mother to see this side of him; he had to hold his emotions together and be a leader who was there to support her mom in every way, but especially emotionally.

Time went by and he was out of school for two years in a deep depression. He talked to a therapist, but she didn't do anything for him. A few months later, he returned to school. His few "friends" had dropped out of school either to work, do drugs, be gangsters or simply be a part of darkness. He couldn't take the shame of people staring at him wondering what he was doing in high school at his age. His class had already graduated. The boy loved music and dancing. He always wanted to go to parties, but he had no friends. One afternoon, he did his research and a few days after getting his driver's license and he found an under-21 night club. He went to it for weeks and never had the guts to dance with any girls until one day he broke free.

He approached a couple of girls sitting down not knowing what the heck to say in the loud environment. As he sat down on a booth acting casual, he talked to the a beautiful girl who had caught his eye earlier that night with her way of being. As he talked to her, she couldn't hear him and she said "what? oh, you wanna dance? let's go!" She, her friend, and the boy danced together; he ever took turns between the girls and they were loving it. Men in the club were staring at him with the "bastard!' stamped on their faces. Long story short, he got into the PUA world and a few months after meeting and having gone out in appointments, the girl asked him to be her boyfriend. They were together for 2.5 years in which the boy graduated high school at age 20 while attending community college. The girl came from a high-class family and the boy came from a low-income, first-generation immigrant family. The boy noticed many things the girl and her family had that he wanted he and his family to have; she was also attending a high-end university and the boy never had a chance to even know what college was; it was just never part of his family.

The boy always wanted to live in California and he had saved money from working during the time he wasn't attending school. He found out about a community college in Los Angeles county known for having transferred students to UC(University of California) campuses throughout that state--one of them being the world-famous UCLA. One day, he talked to his family and he told them he was moving to California. He didn't have any support from his family because no one in that family had ever acquired post-secundary education. He didn't allow that to stop him and he drove to CA.

He paid tuition with savings. His mother softened up and got him a roof where he could live with her sister(the boy's aunt). He got into an honors program in his new community college, got a job, made a few friends while still being with the girlfriend he loved so much. A few months passed and his girlfriend started changing as she "couldn't take the pain" of being a way from him( she was in the east coast). He broke up with her and he stayed in CA to pursue his dream: being in the first in his family to ever attend a university and have a better future without killing himself working crazy hours doing manual labor. He was devastated after the break-up and he is still hurting very much, but the girl told him "she'll find him in CA in 18 months when she's done with her degree and she'll be with him." He didn't buy..or did he? He doesn't know that himself to this day or what will happen in his romantic life. Maybe another girl will come to his life or maybe that girl who brought many "unreachable" things to his life that made him chase after happiness and a greater future will keep herself clean and come back to him.

The boy's, who is now a man, was really glad to know his mother is now on her last few months of chemotherapy after being in it for 5 years. During the times he was with her in therapy, he realized how many people were affected psychologically in this field and also in the middle and high schools that he had experienced himself. He realized he wanted to be a psychologist and it is now his major at the community college and it will be at his future university and grad school until he receives his Ph.D. After seeing his ex-girlfriend's life style, the man turned his life around in his mind and he is building his future to give his family what they have never had; he is a very determined student on the way to success and having his own business so that his family doesn't have to be humiliated again. The man has recently registered in a fund-rasing organization for breast cancer; he is going to talk 60 miles to raise money on top of the mandatory sum he has to achieve, but it doesn't matter, because he owes it to his mother.

Morale:Don't let your mind rule your life; let your mind be the heart of your life.

Not all of the man's issues have been solved. He has many things to learn in life as he is only 21 years-old, but he will get there. The man was last last known to have posted a very long response about a true story involving a 13-year-old boy, in a website where women are the main subject; he is a working progress and he will be somebody one day--and everything started because of something he thought he'd never have: a woman.
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Crank Scank

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
OP, first of all, how old are you? Your age bracket can be helpful in understanding your issues.
I am 31 now.

Secondly, on one hand you're saying girls don't want you, and on the other hand you're saying that there are times when one will touch you or play with your chain and you are still so angry that you push them away.
I am saying this because i have reached the point where at one stage i would get along with women for a while and they'd show interest but never really lead to a date or long term relationship. All of this would happen in a club or bar but i avoid making any contact with women during the day out of fear. Yes i am afraid of women, i don't feel like talking to them anymore so i have all these different reason i think why i am not good enough to date a girl, my self-esteem is so low that even when i'm out in a bar i reject women even when they make an attempt to talk to me. I am basically torchering myself on the inside because i have had enough of this pain that is mainly associated with women. I am so pissed off with women having so much power over men and alot of them are so rude.

The other night i was out with my friend i saw this really hot 10,long blond hair, absolutely stunning. So i said to myself **** it i want to see if this girl is nice just so i can prove to myself that alot of women that are attractive blow off guys like me. So i walked up to her, smiled and said "Hi, i don't think i have every seen hot celebrities here before". Whats your name? She told me, and then i tried to get into a conversation with her about fashion etc because she dressed and looked so good, but then all of a sudden she turns her back on me and starts talking to some tall, under-dressed, average looking guy. I was like "What the **** happened"??? I thought to myself "It was a big mistake paying her that compliment, she was so rude turning her back on me when i was just been polite and social. I guess i was right in the end that alot of women who are attractive blow off guys who are well dressed, nicely groomed, well built, now i think you can understand my point why i get angry with women and threat them like crap after a few blow-outs.

I don't need medication for this i just need help with women, it really scares me to think that i am 31 and i'm single and if i am single at 31 i will always be single. But then again i'm thinking women are **** i don't need them, they threat really cool guys badly and cheat on them when they are in relationships with them. Atom Smasher, I will definitely take your advice and stay away from the clubs for a while, i feel broken and i don't know what i can do anymore so i might as well use some of the advice from this thread.

This isn't the first time i have snapped with women, when i was in my early 20's i was out in a club and a girl who i taught was interested in me came onto another guy so i completely lost control of myself and started calling her the worse possible names she possibly never heard before. I was in such a rage that night that i ended up getting into a fight with the guy she came onto and never looked back after leaving him in a bloody mess.

I am afraid this could happen again, so my best bet is to stay away from women because this situation is getting worse each time i get rejected. Most of you guys here can deal with rejection but rejection to me is like a punch in the face. I am not lying, i am just speaking the truth about how i feel inside. I don't feel this way everytime i go out but if the night goes bad or my mate meets a girl and i don't i start to get jealous and get into a grumpy state with him and completley ignore or insult the girl he's with.
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Crank Scank

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
I am 31 now.

Secondly, on one hand you're saying girls don't want you, and on the other hand you're saying that there are times when one will touch you or play with your chain and you are still so angry that you push them away.
I am saying this because i have reached the point where at one stage i would get along with women for a while and they'd show interest but never really led to a date or long term relationship. All of this would happen in a club or bar but but i avoid making any contact with women during the day out of fear. Yes i am afraid of women, i don't feel like talking to them anymore so i have i have all these different reason i think why i am not good enough to date a girl, my self-esteem is so low that even when i'm out in a bar i reject women even when they make an attempt to talk to me. I am basically torchering myself on the inside because i have had enough of this pain that is mainly associated with women. I am so pissed off with women having so much power over men and alot of them are so rude.

The other night i was out with my friend i saw this really hot 10,long blond hair, absolutely stunning. So i said to myself **** it i want to see if this girl is nice just so i can prove to myself that alot of women that are attractive blow off guys like me. So i walked up to her, smiled and said "Hi, i don't think i have every seen hot celebrities here before". Whats your name? She told me, and then i tried to get into a conversation with her about fashion etc because she dressed an looked so good, but then all of a sudden she turned her back on me and started talking to some tall, under-dressed buy average looking guy. I was like "What the **** happened"??? I thought to myself "I should not have given her any kind of compliment, she was been so rude when i was just be polite and social. I guess i was right in the end that alot of women who are attractive blow off guys who are well dressed, nicely groomed, well built, now i think you can understand my point why i get angry with women and threat them like crap after a few blow-outs.

I don't need medication for this i just need help with women, it really scares me to think that i am 31 and i'm single and if i am single at 31 i will always be single. But then again i'm thinking women are **** i don't need them, they threat really cool guys badly and cheat on them when they are in relationships with them. Atom Smasher, I will definitely take your advice and stay away from the clubs for a while, i feel broken and i don't know what i can do anymore so i might as well use some of the advice from this thread.

This isn't the first time i have snapped with women, when i was in my early 20's i was out in a club and a girl who i taught was interested in me came onto another guy so i completely lost control of myself and started calling her the worse possible names she possibly never heard before. I was in such a rage that night that i ended up attacking the guy she was into then never looked back after leaving him battered and bruised.

I am afraid this could happen again, so my best bet is to stay away from women because this situation is getting worse each time i get rejected. Most of you guys here can deal with rejection but rejection to me is like a punch in the face. I am not lying, i am just speaking the truth about how i feel inside. I don't feel this way everytime i go out but if the night goes bad or my mate meets a girl and i don't i start to get jealous and get into a grumpy state with him and completley ignore or insult the girl he's with.

Crank Scank

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Also me and a friend went to a social meet up where people come together to meet others to possibly form new friendships. (site is called meetup.com)

At the gathering, i met a girl that i got along with after talking to her for about 20 mins. She seem interested and attracted to me so i got her number and arranged to meet her for a drink at the weekend. When i met her she was dressed nice and so i took her to a nice venue in town. She offered to buy the first drink and when the time came to buy the second one, she offered again. She began telling me about her life and what she likes about her job and things that she is interested in like....astrology,tarots,etc. It was interested at the start but i don't recall her asking me any questions about my job or what my interests are. I didn't feel i needed to get any approval from her but i was just enjoying the moment and listening her talk about her passions etc.

We went off to another bar, had a few more drinks but i started to feel very nervous because i wanted to take it to the next level and perhaps kiss her but the moment didn't feel right. There was a few uncomfortable silences and so i started to not care anymore or listen to her banter on about things that interested her. I just stood next to her and looked away, no emotion or facial expression, almost like i was in a trance and could barely speak. She asked me where the toilets were and i told her it was down stairs, when she came back i told her i needed to go to the toilets as well so i walked across the room to the mens toilets. When i came back she said, why didn't you tell me there were toilets over there instead of me having to go all the way downstairs?

I had completely forgotten there were toilets upstairs where we were so she after about a min she said she was leaving and that i should give my friends a call and hang with them instead. This was one of the most painful rejections in my entire life because we only met 20-30 mins before all of this happened and she then ends up leaving and going home. I didn't even to bother walking her out, why would i? Ever since that incident the pain for women had got even worse and my confidence and self-esteem has been shattered. I have even been drinking and smoking as a result. So thats my story anyway.