Why are women so broken?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 14, 2021
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I'm late thirties know quite a lot of women, family, friends, female clients.

An overwhelming proportion of women around this age are mentally f ked, they all seem to have some sort of mental illness or some sort condition.

Anyone else observed this?

Why do you think all their brains broke?
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Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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Because they chose to break themselves and will continue to do so. They could turn it around if they wanted to but they refuse to accept their faults and do better. Men do the work to improve themselves, women don’t.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 14, 2021
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Half of women in the US are on antidepressants.

Considering antidepressants should really only be given to those beyond the 3rd Standard Deviation in depressive behaviors, perhaps the Mean of that model is badly skewed.

What I'm getting at, with tongue firmly in cheek, is that women are crazy by nature. The way men are narcissistic is the way women have borderline personalities, except they are also solipsistic - and have dual (competing) mating strategies.

So if they seem like they're always a hot mess - it's because they are. No it's not their fault.
What about older generations?

I'm thinking because the norm was pair up, get married , have kids and stay married that provided stability for both men and women.

I'm talking about a time when marriage really meant until death do us part and there was so much stigma where you were really judged for being divorced.

It kept women's hypergamy in check.

I think the stability served both men and women. Men were forced to step up and be men, be accountable, a protector, provider, head of the household , a dependable rock.

Women could comfortably fall into their gender role, she got security, someone she could depend on, her rock. She could be a mum, nurture her family, focus on raising future generations, of mentally stable, well adjusted and children.

I think for the most part it just worked.

Now this is mostly a relic from.thw past. Without the need to step up as a men, Men are becsicaly becoming stuck in a childlike state. Not really developing into real men , as their is no real need for them to be head of the household.

Women are have become mentally broken without the stability of marriage and a man.

Also each generation is becoming more and more messed up, due to kids being brough up in broken homes, never seeing a solid family unit.

That's my personal take on what's happened to society.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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I'm late thirties know quite a lot of women, family, friends, female clients.

An overwhelming proportion of women around this age are mentally f ked, they all seem to have some sort of mental illness and of condition.

Anyone else observed this?

Why do you think all their brains broke?
FEMINISM. And that’s it!

EVERY anti-social behavior and pathology we see in women these days is because of feminism.

End of story.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 14, 2021
Reaction score
FEMINISM. And that’s it!

EVERY anti-social behavior and pathology we see in women these days is because of feminism.

End of story.
Probably plays a huge part, personally I think the biggest factor is that marriage is no longer designed to last.

It's not like the end of the world though. I think women and children get the roughest part of the deal.

They are both getting mentally skull f cked.

At least as guys we have options. Just be your own rock, choose to sleep around , spin plates, flutter from one relationship to another. Having many many different women throughout you live, take breaks , have the freedom of a child with no responsibility if you want. Whatever.

All men secretly want the playboy lifestyle, Throughout time it's always been the same.

in a way it's playing into our biological programming. Spread your seed, impregnate as many women as possible to ensure the species reproduces.

Not that I'm saying this is what we should be doing (it's pretty moronic to go around impregnating women after women ) but modern society does align with our biology urge to stick our junk in as many different women as possible.

Personally I just flutter from relationship from.relationship enjoying them all. Each women I'm with I know can be replaced.

I am open to a lifelong thing but I know it's improbable and fine with that.

Marriage and lifelong commitment just kept us in check in the past.

On a mental level. I don't think we are getting skull fu cked. Not unless you get dragged through the family courts (which is a whole other thread).
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Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Probably plays a huge part, personally I think the biggest factor is that marriage is no longer designed to last.
Yes, because of feminism.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 14, 2021
Reaction score
Yes, because of feminism.
You think it's a bad thing for men? Provided you don't get married , and don't have kids.

*Edit you also have to accept that 99% of women are completely off their rocker, be okay with that and not put to much faith in them lol


Senior Don Juan
Dec 14, 2021
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Because they chose to break themselves and will continue to do so. They could turn it around if they wanted to but they refuse to accept their faults and do better. Men do the work to improve themselves, women don’t.
It's true. I think men are used to having to grind for anything in life, work, women , respect , whatever.

As a man if you don't put in work you will be a loser your whole life.

It's a blessing really as men are programmed/forced to take accountability for their situation and are taught to take control and responsibility of their own destiny.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 14, 2021
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Well sure, I don't disagree with anything you said. Societal changes affect women more than men I think (particularly when most of those changes apply to women; social media, global sexual marketplace etc).

Women have always been and will always be hypergamous. I don't think being raised one way vs another necessarily affects that innate drive.

I do think that being raised in a stable home, with a good marriage nearby to observe, helps a girl understand her own value and how to select a good man for mating. While I think a woman raised in such an environment is FAR better off, I still believe she is fundamentally hypergamous and had every likelihood of falling victim to it's shortcomings.
With such an upbringing, i think a woman is less likely to put herself in positions to act upon her hypergamous instincts, which can make a woman seem less crazy.

Societal norms used to shame slvtty behavior, so even if a woman didn't have this upbringing - sheb knew she had rules and a reputation to protect.

Nowadays girls are literally shamed for being 20 year old virgins.

Women didn't change; society just started catering to them.
For sure !!!! 100% agree.

Old fashioned thinking was a way of controling women's hyppgraphy and locking men into monogamous relationships where they had to step up and be a man.

The urges have always been there both sides. But society had a system in place to keep them in check.

Now that's gone lol.

I think now they have been empowered and left to their own devices they are becoming more bat sh it crazy than ever.
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Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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You think it's a bad thing for men? Provided you don't get married , and don't have kids
Anyone with specialized knowledge of feminism understands that it’s a parasitic movement that has ruined and is ruining men’s lives.

I’m married to a woman who is opposed to feminism and I have kids.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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What about older generations?

I'm thinking because the norm was pair up, get married , have kids and stay married that provided stability for both men and women.

I'm talking about a time when marriage really meant until death do us part and there was so much stigma where you were really judged for being divorced.

It kept women's hypergamy in check.

I think the stability served both men and women. Men were forced to step up and be men, be accountable, a protector, provider, head of the household , a dependable rock.

Women could comfortably fall into their gender role, she got security, someone she could depend on, her rock. She could be a mum, nurture her family, focus on raising future generations, of mentally stable, well adjusted and children.

I think for the most part it just worked.

Now this is mostly a relic from.thw past. Without the need to step up as a men, Men are becsicaly becoming stuck in a childlike state. Not really developing into real men , as their is no real need for them to be head of the household.

Women are have become mentally broken without the stability of marriage and a man.

Also each generation is becoming more and more messed up, due to kids being brough up in broken homes, never seeing a solid family unit.

That's my personal take on what's happened to society.
Hi Captain FinnBad,
Great Post...Born during the War I experienced the times you describe...There was stigma to being divorced I never new of one case until in my late teens...Lordie,there was even stigma in a Man having his Wife go out to work!A woman needed that Man for financial security...A Widows Pension with One Kid in the mid fifties was about three bucks a week...They were grindingly poor...Today A Woman with Two Kids at heel,can expect about US30 Grand a year,more if a First Nation Person++++Soo many free benefits....It is actually an incentive for many of our working Poor to ditch their boring Husbands!


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
I'm late thirties know quite a lot of women, family, friends, female clients.

An overwhelming proportion of women around this age are mentally f ked, they all seem to have some sort of mental illness or some sort condition.

Anyone else observed this?

Why do you think all their brains broke?
Spiritual warfare, attack the women and your country is in shambles, it's a tactic used since Adam&Eve


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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You guys debate about women being f8cked, and there is a good observation

How about men? Most men are just as f8cked

If a woman can be a kitty for one guy and a total b1tch to another one, then it means that women are so because most guys are pathetic

Look around you for each woman that is f8cked in the head you will find another guy that is equally f8cked

Even on this forum, just like other similar ones, most of the guys who are complaining are f8cked in the head one way or the other

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
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Tijuana, Mexico
BPDs are the crack-cocaine of dating. When it's good, it's real good. It's the best. The sex is a rinse of euphoria. You feel like you connect with them on another level spiritually, emotionally, and physically. If you could just get this relationship to steer right, you'd spend every waking moment with this person. “something about her tugged at my DNA, if you boys know what I mean. It was like my sperm was talking to my brain saying "Pump a baby into her, before someone else does”

The most memorable and fun relationships I've had were with the looney ones. It's generally the same for everyone. Instability evokes emotional response - it feeds the human desire to feel. That contrast becomes addicting. I would even bet its chemically addicting as such a thing surely elicits hormonal and dopamine rushes.

But when it's bad, it's bad. You never know where you stand with them, how they know "Joe" the tattoo artist or "Arthur" the bassist. When you ask questions, they make you feel jealous and possessive. You want to believe the things they tell you outright, but on its face it's too crazy to believe. "I slept over at my sister's house last night" or "Oh, I had to work late and got a hotel room, sorry I didn't call back" Something is always a little bit off.

These women will take you to new emotional heights, but also some dangerous places too.

My opinion is to avoid. You can't overcome mental illness with any amount of game. She'll just sweep you into her mental illness.

The good news is every girl with this illness acts exactly the same. Easy to spot now.
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Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
You guys debate about women being f8cked, and there is a good observation

How about men? Most men are just as f8cked

If a woman can be a kitty for one guy and a total b1tch to another one, then it means that women are so because most guys are pathetic

Look around you for each woman that is f8cked in the head you will find another guy that is equally f8cked

Even on this forum, just like other similar ones, most of the guys who are complaining are f8cked in the head one way or the other
All true. Actually, if men pit their foot down shortly after the Sexual Revolution and said, “Sorry, take feminism and shove it up your as$; our women (including our daughters) are not going to run around like a bunch of unhinged wh0res and glutting the workplace,” 90% of men would have women.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Senior Don Juan
Dec 14, 2021
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I think female contraception also plays a significant part. The almost of women effected mentally / unstable due to this is not something to be ignored.


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
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Our society in general is mostly weak-minded, helpless people. Men and women. But as to women, they are brainwashed by our society and media (men are as well to a lesser extent). But when it comes to hot women specifically - they are warped mentally by social media where they can go take a sh1t and put it on tiktok and every thirsty, pathetic male will give her validation for it. It interferes with their ability to pair bond or have much of an attention span in general.