Why are there so many ignorant posters?

Boner da Stoner

Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
Iqaluit Nunavut
Ignorance is not a virtue, and ignorance of the law is still criminal.

Why do people who come to this site preach negative philosophies without weighing the consequences of their actions? The true DJ's that everybody looks up to with awe and wonder condone being an ******* without the negative qualities, they don't say be an *******, they say "be a man!"

I keep looking at these threads and the responses of the completely closed off mind sets, there is no room for improvement, because simply they will not allow it to settle.

All in all when I stop and think about these people with thousands of posts and still preaching people to stop doing certain things and do others they are telling people to stop being themselves. They don't tell people to stop doing things a certain way that consistently fails and instead to do it in a constructive manner, they tell them to quit, and take on a completely different path.

When have one of you true pickup artists(you should know who you are) ever faked a situation, lost complete control of it, and decided that it was garbage and since you failed so will everybody else? When do you go off insulting people and telling them their way is absolutely wrong and will never amount to anything?


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
Duluth, MN
Originally posted by Boner da Stoner

When have one of you true pickup artists(you should know who you are) ever faked a situation, lost complete control of it, and decided that it was garbage and since you failed so will everybody else? When do you go off insulting people and telling them their way is absolutely wrong and will never amount to anything?
About this post... I've made a few posts like this in the past and no offense, man... But you went about this post completely wrong and you will never amount to anything. By the way, you suck. :)

J/K. Good post.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2005
Reaction score
theres so many people that shouldn't be posting advice.. it's a problem..... ALSO i see a lot of good topics being dodged - every damn post has to do with initial contact and why people are screwing up... I'd appreciate it if when someone posts something important, or a topic that isn't as blatantly EASY to answer... I mean SHEEEIT!! ALL the obvious questions get answered by like 20 people, and the tough/RARE situations/questions get ducked and subsequently are pushed to the bottom of the forum..

smoke city

Don Juan
Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
boner--i gotta say that this is a hell of a surprise--that was a damn good post. i totally agree with you. I think some of the so-called "don juans" here with thousands of posts are actually giving pretty bad advice. a lot of it seems to be centered around "nexting" and maintaining a stable of tons of women in whom you're not all that interested...and not having very deep relationships. this is all good if you're just trying to get laid as much as possible (which truthfully is what we ALL want sometimes), and that completes your life the way you want it. but it's not necessarily good for the ultimate goal that most guys here have -- part of being a complete man -- to have a real relationship with an amazing woman and to please her completely on every possible level.
strangely enough -- one thing that has made me so successful with women is something that the KBJ's would call "AFC" -- I'm TOTALLY into women and show them all the love, romance, and variety and depth of emotion they could ask for (in a totally original way, of course!). this is just the thing that works for my personality -- not "****y and funny" or pretending to be indifferent or some sh(t like that.
here's a news flash -- LOTS of guys have caught on to the "****y and funny" bit...so now what? just bury our personalities further below all the one-liners and patterns and
sh(t? i don't know man, i'll keep doing my own thing.
boner == keep it up...the guys here need to keep seeing an alternative to the "textbook" moves that all the KBJ's can't seem to let go of.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Boner da Stoner

All in all when I stop and think about these people with thousands of posts and still preaching people to stop doing certain things and do others they are telling people to stop being themselves. They don't tell people to stop doing things a certain way that consistently fails and instead to do it in a constructive manner, they tell them to quit, and take on a completely different path.
To break bad habits you must sometimes look outside of your comfort zone, and that which you believe to be routine or "themselves" as you put it. If the path you're on is one someone here has been on before and know is one of doom and destruction the isn't it a good idea for that person to tell them to stop what they're doing and try something else? I understand what you mean by trying to help people with positive reinforcement but sometimes the situation is too dire for that.

Also some of us who have been here for a while may seem pretty condecending because a lot of questions or comments about certain situations can be solved with a basic search (as outlined by mod diablo at the top of the DJD) but few people actually care to take the time to do so.


Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
The biggest problem is the "nexting". When ever a situation with a girl get's the slightest bit hard they say "next".


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by LeviathanIYG
The biggest problem is the "nexting". When ever a situation with a girl get's the slightest bit hard they say "next".
Patience is a virtue...

There's no such thing as an easy way through life, everybody's gotta play their part no matter how silly it may seem.

IMHO, the idiots who say "next" arent in the OP shoes, so obviously they dont know the situation inside out. Based on reading the OP's post the only advice they can give is "next", because they themselves dont even know what to do.

Anyway this forum has become shyt, thanks to all the keyboard jockeys with theory....

my 2c.
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Boner da Stoner
I keep looking at these threads and the responses of the completely closed off mind sets,
sorry, we just refuse to take drugs.:crackup: :crackup:

(notting against you, i just couldnt' help saying it:D )


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
Mindset is a product of experience; they think they suck because chances are they actually do suck.