I don't know about the others that were banned, but I can give you some background history about Player_Supreme, as I was a mod back then.
Little Known Fact #1:
PS is partly responsible for the Mature Man Forum. He was one of the main (and most outspoken) proponents for a forum for older posters. Make no bones about it, he was an a$$ to deal with, but he made a good point that there needed to be a spot for more mature discussions. I took up his cause and politicked with Allen and the other mods.
I don't think you guys realize just how much convincing I had to do to get the Mature Man forum up. But now its here and is considered by many to be the best forum on the site..... in part because of Player_Supreme.
Little Known Fact #2:
Player_Supreme never flamed the Mature Man forum. He once got into really bad flame war with another poster whose name eludes me now. I remember he even tried to humilate the other guy by posting gay porn! But anyway, it got so nasty that the other mods were b!tching at me to do something about it. (I was the only one he'd listen to.)
First, I closed the thread. Then I sent him a few PMs. What we discussed I won't repeat. In any case, he agreed to cut out the flames in the Mature Man and never did it again. It proved that PS was capable of "acceptable" behavior. It also proved to me that there was a hint of genuis to his madness.
Little Known Fact #3:
Player_Supreme was banned not long after I retired from moderating. Say what you want, but I don't think this is any coincidence. IMO, PS was one of the best posters this site ever had. Yes, he was complete jerk, but he projected the type of masculinity that alot of us need. However, when I left, there was no one among the moderators left to defend him.
From my memory, there were about 4-5 times when the mods were itching to ban him. At one point even Allen had had enough. And almost everytime I had to talk them out of it. I had to remind them of the golden tips he gave, and explain how the positives outweighed the negatives with him.
My biggest fear was that by banning PS, we would LOSE the respect of other posters because it would prove that we could not handle posters with strong online personas.
Was I right?