In a fictitious story, A woman went to a husband farm to find a husband. She was allowed to look behind a door and either keep the guy in the room and marry him, or, forfeit him and go to the next-door. But she could not go back to the door she came from.
Behind door number one was a nice guy. Farm told her she could have the nice guy or see what was behind door number two. She went to 2.
Behind door number two was a nice guy who made good money. She thought that was great but I want more. So she gave up on him and looked behind door number three.
Behind door number three was a nice guy who made good money and looked good. She said he is great but there must be something better, I want to see what’s behind door number four.
Behind door number four was a nice guy who made good money, looked good, was good with children, and even cooked well. She said wow that guy is perfect in so many ways but there must be someone even better! So she looked behind door number five.
Behind door five was a nice guy who made good money, looked good, was good with children, cooked good, and even had big muscles. She said wow he is literally perfect but I think I can even find a better version of perfect than him. So she went behind door number six. they told her it was the last room they had. They even advised her that she might not like what’s inside. she said I don’t care I want to see what is in there.
Behind door number six, the room was empty. She said what the fvck why isn’t there a guy in this room? They said we couldn’t find any guy that was better than the previous, so this is our spare room, but it never has any guys in it. Unfortunately, she was not allowed to go back to any of the other doors. So she walked out single, went home to her cats, and lived not so happily ever after.
While this story is fiction, this is how women gamble with relationships. this is what they do in real life, just not in a husband farm. Even if the guy they have is what they call perfect, that doesn’t stop them from hunting for better. Women are animals (as are men) and this is their instinct; they can’t help it. Understand this and it helps come to terms with how women roll in relationships.