You put way too much thought into that post. I guess that's just how I am. I don't beef with people I don't have a beef with. That's just me. I'm not trying to save the world or defend a woman I don't knows virtue, I just don't see the point; if a guy can't handle virtual trolling by a woman he doesn't know online he has no chance in hell with dealing with the avalanche of ****storm that real attractive women bring to the table on a daily basis. Some **** you just have to let go
Can somebody please tell me why white knight is used as an insult on here?
the term white knighting is very insulting. It means you're doing things you would not normally do to get a woman. You're building brownie points is the best way I can put it. 10 years ago, 12 years ago I had a female friend who I wanted to have sex with more than i wanted to breathe, and she would call me and ***** to me about her boyfriend problems and instead of telling her to shut the **** up and dump the guy like i really wanted to, i pretended to listen to her problems and **** hoping that this would give me an 'in" with her. "That's white knight. Pretty hard core white knighting lol.
My problem is that what white knighting is, gets moved byt he people who are trying to prove a point. If I'm at a bar and some random dude is cursing out a woman and getting in her face and it's making everyone around her uncomfortable i'm probably gonna say something even if I don't know the girl. I don't' think that's white knighting because I'm not doing so to try to sleep with her. I just don't think the guy is being very tactful and he's making everyone else around him uncomfortable. But the guy would, as well as some guys in the crwod he did not have the balls ty say something to the guy would without question call me a white knight.
Now if I were alone and I saw this girl and thought she was hot and i saw that they were getting into an argument and i get into it with the dude with the sole purpose of trying to get with the woman and make myself look good, that's white knighting.
Omg!! The spirit of Danny had to wake up I just sensed today was the day a legendary statement would be made. And you have not failed. Your statement alone should be archived. Most of the guys here nowadays, Genuinely hate women. Not the way they act or can be or how society puts them. No they genuinely hate them as human beings and refuse to treat them as one. .....
But then again most guys here aren't what you could call "normal" I mean why else would they be here asking what to reply back to a
My father's (nickname) is Danny.. are you my father?
. A lot of you aren't socially adjusted, still have VERY sensitive egos, still believe that all women are bad, and still hate all women because of one girl who finally made you realize that there was something wrong with YOU
this is the realest senteance I've ever read on sosuave. The girl that brought me here, who let me hear her get ****ed on the phone on my birthday when we were supposed to be going out, the giirl who played with my heart and balls for half a decade, I can't even hate her, because I'm not the man I am today if for her.
The best medicince is generally the worse to take.
it's misplaced anger. If you date Jenn and she ****s 2 other guys in a gangbang 6 months in your relationship and you wake up and go swallow the red pill, and you learn that people are self serving by nature, that people are generally going to look out for themselves, and you also learned warning signs that you could have saw but were too niave to see at the time in retrospect, why are you getting mad at Jenn for being exactly what the red pill is telling you she is lol? You should be getting mad at your parents for having you grow up believe make believe bull****, your schools for teaching you that women are better than men and for TV for telling every m an that as long as you do right by a woman all will work out for you in the end. Theg ood guy always wins right? Jenn never told you that, so why get mad at Jenn? Why get mad at women for being exactly who we are telling you they are?