jeez, I've obviously got to look at the way I'm wording my posts..
I wasn't asking for advice at all (hence the use of 'why' rather than 'what' in my questions).. I know I've just got to go out there grab opporunities that come along and create opportunities where previously I'd have sat and done nothing.. Agreed on how the JBY advice is rubbish, since it will only work if you have already elevated yourself to DJ status.. for those of us who aren't we need to elevate ourselves to that level by practicing before JBY will work.
No, I just wanted to start a discussion on this subject.. see what people thought about why this seemed to be the case. The main thing, is I can't think of many situations where women consistently outnumber the men.. whereas there seem to be plenty that are the reverse..
and I've never been to any clubs pubs or bars where there have been more women than men.. (and I've been to a few) I think its safe to say that not as many girls go out.. but why???
agreed tho on the stigma for women in being single.. i.e they'd rather be in a mediocre relationship than none at all.. whereas for men its often the reverse.. plus the fact that once relationships start to get long term (ie more than a couple of months) they become that much harder to break off.. so that kinda explains why so many girls aren't single.. still why don't they go out...??
I wasn't asking for advice at all (hence the use of 'why' rather than 'what' in my questions).. I know I've just got to go out there grab opporunities that come along and create opportunities where previously I'd have sat and done nothing.. Agreed on how the JBY advice is rubbish, since it will only work if you have already elevated yourself to DJ status.. for those of us who aren't we need to elevate ourselves to that level by practicing before JBY will work.
No, I just wanted to start a discussion on this subject.. see what people thought about why this seemed to be the case. The main thing, is I can't think of many situations where women consistently outnumber the men.. whereas there seem to be plenty that are the reverse..
and I've never been to any clubs pubs or bars where there have been more women than men.. (and I've been to a few) I think its safe to say that not as many girls go out.. but why???
agreed tho on the stigma for women in being single.. i.e they'd rather be in a mediocre relationship than none at all.. whereas for men its often the reverse.. plus the fact that once relationships start to get long term (ie more than a couple of months) they become that much harder to break off.. so that kinda explains why so many girls aren't single.. still why don't they go out...??