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why are most girls taken? why are there more men around?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Ok I know the subject is a bit of a gross generalisation but its something I've thought about recently.. maybe its a factor of being my age (23) but in the past few years of my life most of the new people I've met have been other guys.. And (especially recently) most of the girls I've met have been in relationships (eg. went out on friday night.. met 4 girls thru friends, all in LTRs). But in the same period I've met quite a few guys who, if they'd been a girl that I'd got along with as well I would have wanted to date (I hope you know what I mean... I'm not gay!)

I can't be bothered to right a long post about this now.. but it just seems weird.. in most clubs/bars you're lucky to even get close to a 50/50 split of men/women and yet there are supposedly more women in the world than men.. So where are they????

Back to the girls in relationship thing.. I'm doing a masters course, there are 10 of us, 5 guys and 5 girls (unusually.. 50/50 for once) anyway of the guys 1 of them is married.. the rest of us are single, all 5 girls are in LTRs.. why is that??? Do other guys find this? and why do you reckon it might be...??? Girls on the board.. why does most of your gender insist on staying in at the weekend???


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2003
Reaction score
Maybe you are simply going places and it feels like that's the case but it's not. Honest and most girls don't want to stay home on the weekends if they are available. They would love to go out on a date with a guy. And if not, that is there problem and why would you want them. No fun at all and that's what dating should be about.

Just hang in there. WHen you aren't looking for them, they may come crawling out of the woodwork just panting for a date with you:) Life is funny that way. Just be you, live your life and enjoy, the opportunities will come especially, when you are happy, making the most of things and just being true to yourself. Whenever I am out on a hunt so to speak it's a lot harder then when I just live my life. It is the later when I am doing what I love, am happy and confident that the unexpected occurs. And when it rains it pours. May just be a down time for you to concentrate on your studies. Take it for what it is. It will turn around soon.

Take care,


Aug 17, 2002
Reaction score
In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of l
Originally posted by tamales
Just hang in there. WHen you aren't looking for them, they may come crawling out of the woodwork just panting for a date with you:) Life is funny that way. Just be you, live your life and enjoy, the opportunities will come especially, when you are happy, making the most of things and just being true to yourself. Whenever I am out on a hunt so to speak it's a lot harder then when I just live my life. It is the later when I am doing what I love, am happy and confident that the unexpected occurs. And when it rains it pours. May just be a down time for you to concentrate on your studies. Take it for what it is. It will turn around soon
Grab your boots it's getting deep! :rolleyes:

Why do women always come back with this bull**** advice? It's so obviously not true but they throw it out anyway. Well maybe it's true for chicks because they can just be lazy, look pretty, sit back and wait for some guy to come along, but for guys we have to actually work at it.

I'm going to go and vomit now.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
See, Shorty, this is where you're wrong. Women don't "sit back and wait for whatever comes along". Women don't WANT "whatever comes along". Why would they???? Some creepy ass guy who WILL just take "whatever comes along". Is this how men really are? You'll take "whatever"? As long as it has a *****?

It is HARD for quality woman to find quality men too.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2003
Reaction score
Okay shortie, I can see your point on some level. But on another, I think that this guy was just making huge generalizations. I mean what concrete advice would you give. I think that thinking too much about there is no one out there for me, is the wrong approach. I am not saying go after what you want, be a man and take the lead. Hardly. We want that. I am just saying that if he were to just live his life then those opportunities for him to hit on available chicks would come. Sure, you look for them whereever you go. COuld be the supermarket or gas station. But when a man really has his game on, is confident, is secure and knows he can give us what we want.(not a AFC but a true DJ) then we as women will be more readily in his view. We will immediately, sense that and want to know what makes this guy tick.

We might even put ourselves in plain sight of him to hit on us as all the other AFC's are making lame ass moves to try and get our attention. This guy is cool calm and collected and the no worry attitude is what sort of draws us in at first.

It's up to him or the man to reel in the prize. If you are going to post at least offer some valuable tips or try to for that matter to the poster rather than rolling your eyes at me. What's the point.

Not to mention, you don't look nearly as cute when you do that;)


Senior Don Juan
Oct 26, 2002
Reaction score
Most attractive girls 9-10 have a hard time finding a boyfriend!!! Ahhhh the shock!! Hell all the better for DJs. You see these women pray that a decent guy approaches them, but all they get is some *******s which they easily reject. Most decent guys are afraid to approach them. And the only kind of guys that do approach them are DJs. But the number of DJs is far lower than the number of hotties. So most are available. Quit meeting girls thru friends and go to the hotties standing alone in the corner checking you out!


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
thank you!

Originally posted by cestmoi
Most attractive girls 9-10 have a hard time finding a boyfriend!!! Ahhhh the shock!! Hell all the better for DJs. You see these women pray that a decent guy approaches them, but all they get is some *******s which they easily reject. Most decent guys are afraid to approach them. And the only kind of guys that do approach them are DJs. But the number of DJs is far lower than the number of hotties. So most are available. Quit meeting girls thru friends and go to the hotties standing alone in the corner checking you out!


Jun 16, 2000
Reaction score
Toms River,NJ United States
Originally posted by MrNiceGuy
Ok I know the subject is a bit of a gross generalisation but its something I've thought about recently.. maybe its a factor of being my age (23) but in the past few years of my life most of the new people I've met have been other guys.. And (especially recently) most of the girls I've met have been in relationships (eg. went out on friday night.. met 4 girls thru friends, all in LTRs). But in the same period I've met quite a few guys who, if they'd been a girl that I'd got along with as well I would have wanted to date (I hope you know what I mean... I'm not gay!)

I can't be bothered to right a long post about this now.. but it just seems weird.. in most clubs/bars you're lucky to even get close to a 50/50 split of men/women and yet there are supposedly more women in the world than men.. So where are they????

Back to the girls in relationship thing.. I'm doing a masters course, there are 10 of us, 5 guys and 5 girls (unusually.. 50/50 for once) anyway of the guys 1 of them is married.. the rest of us are single, all 5 girls are in LTRs.. why is that??? Do other guys find this? and why do you reckon it might be...??? Girls on the board.. why does most of your gender insist on staying in at the weekend???

You have to realize a majority of women are insecure and will stay with a guy just to have someone. There is some girl at work who is always complaining about her b/f and what an a*hole he is. Of course, she is not complaining to me about it, because I would tell her to shut up.

I used to think it was wrong and unethical to make a move on a girl who had a b/f. I mean, if she is giving you the signals go for it. Girls who are engaged or married I stay away from. Besides, some of these girls are probably dating ugly or loser men because they simply DO NOT want to be alone. Bottom line is, do not get so discouraged while it seems alot of girls have b/f's, because alot of them are not in happy relationships. They are just waiting for Mr. DJ to come along.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
Well, i went out on the weekend, went to a club by myself (as suggested) and was on the prey for some hotties.

Got in the club, spotted 3 potentials and one HB9.5!! -looked like avril and had the nicest stomach / body!!
Figured i'd keep an eye on them till i finished my beer and then approach. 3 of the potentials were dancing together, 9.5 alone.

The group of three stopped dancing, went and joined 3 guys, who were safe to say there bf's by the level of touching..kissing.

9.5 was left!! :p
But then, some teenage, poorly dressed, blimp!! waddled onto the dance floor with her drink and started kissing her. Lucky bastard!! Oh, if only she knew what she missed out on!

So dude, i know how u feel. Bad weekend for pusssy.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Well, I'll leave it to the DJ pros to advise on how to handle approaching women who have their dates right there next to them. :)

But virtually ALL girls have bf's of one sort or another since they were about six years old. They will trade up though, and that is all you need to know.


Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2000
Reaction score
When you are saying there are more women in the world than men, you have to take into account all of the ones not in your age group. People are living a lot longer these days and the women often outlive the men. So you may have a lot of available elderly ladies if that's your thing.:D

People are also having fewer children, so the number of HB's within our generation may be fewer. Anywhere you go, you'll see women 40 and up, but those in their 20's seem scarce for some reason. So even when an moderately attractive, 20-something walks in the place, everybody notices. And she's probably not single, either.

20-somethings seem to only hang out in certain places. Usually where there is alcohol and loud music. However, the times I've gone into a town with a college nearby, there are a lot of HB's walking the streets, even 8:00 at night (I couldn't take advantage, because I was riding in the car with my dad.:(). These sections of town have a lot of restaurants, coffee shops, bookstores, etc, so there are a lot of excuses to go out. Not where I live, though. My town may have a college in it, but unless a girl's a little messed up, I don't think it's the kind of place she'd want to go out for an evening stroll.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins

There are lots of available women, as well as lots of available men. It's just that many, if not most, of the available women are not ones you want to hook up with.

And most of those you would want to hook up with are not about to go with any guy they see, either. Many call, but few are chosen.

The point of this board is to develop yourself to become one of those that are often enough among the chosen.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
It's for this very reason that I have learned to sort of ignore any comments about BFs until there is a blatant expression of "I don't like you" from a girl. This has yet to happen, so I will continue to do what I've been doing.

Keep in mind, I don't encourage a girl to cheat on her man, because I have never gone out with a girl with a BF, but I do make sure that she sees the greener grass on the other side...


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
OKay, nobody has really given a solid answer to his questions. They just sort of float around it, so I'm going to give it a shot.


I must say that the first response by Tamale is horrible adivce. She basically told him to live his life and some great girl will just happen to come along - LMAO ;). It the world were really like this then we would not be here and this site would not exist.

Tamales - this poor guy is living his life, but nothing is happening and that is why he is posting for our adivce. If I were him and your post was the first one I read in response to my problem...I probably would have gone crazy. :)

Here is why most girls are in relationships:

The social status of a woman is judged by the amount of attention she gets from men. What is the best way to prove that you have high social status? Answer: To have a man! Even if he is less than desirable a woman still needs a man to prove her worth.

Don't be fooled by the fact that she has a boyfriend. Women are always looking for the bigger and better deal. I believe it was Deep-Dish who said that women are "relationship monkeys" - not swining from one branch until they have a firm hold on another.

*Notice how alot of women complain about how poor their boyfriends treat them, how he is such a jerk, and on and on and on and on? These women are just waiting for something better to come along, but until then they need social proof to justify many things: A.) Status B.) Attractiveness C.) a Life. Also, a woman would rather be with a less than desirable man...going out on dates, movies, etc instead of sitting at home stairing at the wall and eating old pizza.

The key here is NOT to be a shoulder to cry on, but listen to what is missing and fill that void for her.


So, you have come to the conclusion that all women are taken. Now, me sitting here explaining to you WHY women are taken isn't really going to help your situation much.

What is the only recourse? To STEAL some other guys girlfriend. Go out to clubs as you usually would and if you see a single girl by herself for at least 5 minutes...then just go up and talk to her. You don't know whether or not she has a you've done nothing wrong. If she pulls the bf then EJECT and find some other girl...if not get to know her, ask her questions that will reveal what she is missing/lacking/wanting in her life and let her know how you could fill that void.

Even if she has a boyfriend A.) he may not be there B.) she may just be in the relationship until something better comes along being YOU!


One last thing I must ask you and you must be honest with yourself. Maybe the reason that all the women you see appear to be taken is because you are looking for execuses to JUSTIFY reasons for not approaching a girl so you focus on the girls that are taken instead?

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
I have wondered the same question ever since i started college 3 years ago. Everytime I would ask my friend's male or female about a female friend they have they would always be like she has a boyfriend or she is engaged etc. Most of my guy friends do not have a girlfriend. However, just about every girl i know is in a LTR or married. I noticed in my summer class of about 30 that more than half of the girls had wedding rings on and they are my age. :eek: Its starting to worry me that i am getting old and all the girls are getting married so i better get on the ball.(eventhough I know its not true) So I completely understand what you mean and I hope some more people can chime in on this.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Well, there is the age factor. It is more common for older guys to date/marry younger women than the reverse. So if you are in a school situation (highschool, college) the girls may be dating seeing older guys. If you look at younger girls (a couple years younger) you will see more opportunities perhaps than with girls your own age.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
East Middle North America, near the water.
I think I know the problem here...

I haven't read the other posts, so I apologize if this is a repeat.

MrNiceGuy, you say you're 23 years old? That's the problem. The girls you're going after are probably between 19 and 24. That's the prime "stupid age" for females. If it seems to you like all the girls are taken, it's because they are.

The girls you're going after are in the stage of their lives where they get "status" amongst their peers for having a boyfriend. Having a boyfriend makes it seem to their friends as if they're desirable, and it gives the impression to their friends that their life is in order and they are in control of their own destinies.

Ergo, most of the girls you run into will have boyfriends.

And that is why I call this the "stupid age" for females. They'll have a boyfriend mainly out of a desire to look good to other people, without any real regard to understanding the type of guy they're dating, and not because they feel as if they're ready for commitment; couple this with the fact that they'll go for the "rebel" type of guy over the "nice guy", and you get a formula for total disaster: In the end, many of them end up hooking up with idiot guys who have no clue how to treat them.

You're just at a tough age, dude. I went through it, too... I was a nice guy surrounded by girls who had steady boyfriends and "plans for the future". You may have to go for the girls who are like 18. Your other option is to wait for these girls to break out of these relationships, which most of them do eventually anyway.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I've found this too.

Last night at a small party all girls except the ugliest one were taken. There were 8 of them.

And many that I speak to at Uni are in LTRs.

It seems to be the way of life over here in Australia (and possibly the UK too). People tend to hook up after finishing high school and stay that way. Four of my friends are currently in 3 year relationships. The figure's always three years. That's because three years ago Year 12 finished.

The guys just hang on to their girls and they seem happy to stay committed.

You need to get 'em fresh out of high school or else they're gone for a few years.

LTRs are definitely the norm, we do not seem to have a big dating culture as in America. Can other Aussies back me up on this?


Aug 17, 2002
Reaction score
In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of l
Originally posted by tamales
I am just saying that if he were to just live his life then those opportunities for him to hit on available chicks would come. Sure, you look for them whereever you go.
If that would actually work then he wouldn't be here asking for help now would he? No he wouldn't. He'd be out there getting what he wants. Your advice is just a variation of "just be yourself" and we all know how well that works for men who have difficulty with women. :rolleyes:

"sit back and wait for whatever comes along"
Burn strawman burn! I never said "whatever" comes along I said "some guy." See, I thought everyone was smart enough to understand that the woman making some kind of selection process would be understood in my statement. I didn't realize I'd have to be so specific.

It's up to him or the man to reel in the prize.
But we are the prize! You want him to reel in a DJ? :p

You have to realize a majority of women are insecure and will stay with a guy just to have someone.
Can I get a "hell yeah"?


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2001
Reaction score
You have to realize that all women are w h o r e s. A large majority of them are going to ALWAYS have a man, but you shouldn't be worrying about that at all. Just sarge these women as if you are already with them. As for the rest of the guys who have already posted, how the f u c k do you know that all of these women are in relationships? Do you ask them? If so, quit doing it. The BF issue shouldn't be as large of a problem as you are making it out to be. They're all w h o r e s. Don't even talk about the BF. Just ignore anything about a BF that comes out of her mouth. You are a Don Juan. Don Juan doesn't give a flying f u c k about the word "boyfriend." He is the prize, and he wants to get up in her box, as well as other orifaces.