Funny thing is, I found my wife on OLD. I wish I could show you guys a picture. As you guys know, my standards are ultra high, so I guess I lucked out. I had actually given up on finding a real beauty and was willing to trade beauty for solid character. Lo and behold, I got both.
How I did it: I wrote my profile to attract ONE woman only; the woman who I desired. I made sure to scare away the riff-raff by talking about manhood, womanhood, roles, male leadership, my interests, my spiritual walk (which was all-important). I came across as a guy with standards.
The camera hates me (some people look bad in 2 dimensions) so I took about 50 pictures and got two that were great. Then I put my profile out there and simply waited. The bait floated out there for about 18 months and in the meantime I approached zero women on the site. Then one day a match showed up and she wrote “Nice profile”. I read hers and saw that she clearly wrote her profile to attract one man, not many.
The rest is history. I have a radiantly beautiful wife who is submissive and thinks I’m the sh!t in every way imaginable.
My advice to any man who thinks OLD is worthless is to try what I tried: Write a profile that ensures elimination of the women you don’t want but will attract the ONE woman that you DO want. What have you got to lose?
Go for the one, not for the many.