why are girls afraid to approach guys


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2005
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orange country holland
Bvbidd said:
What are you talking about? :crackup:

Girls approach guys all the time. Or make it really obvious their interested like bump into you.

If they don't do either then they never wanted to approach you in the first place. You can tell yourself their afraid of your "manliness" or "hotness" or whatever bull**** you want to feed your mind to sleep at night but if they were not interested in you then they won't approach. Girls ALWAYS approach guys all the time.

Somtimes they don't want to look like *****s so they do it in sneaky ways like ask you a simple question or walk into you.

LOL, but if they are ignoring you or not talking to you then I'm sorry you can't handle the truth but it means they don't *gasp* at first glance want to approach you.

lurker, if those girls looking at you don't try to talk to you or bump into you or do something to get close to you then they are probally just staring and laughing at you because you look weird.
maybe thats true i look weird.:woo: . na i dont think so girls have been doing this to me since high school i later on hear from thier friends that they liked me. one thing you should know is no matter how a girl may like you sometimes they just never make the first move.what i mean by approach is basically a girl asking you out like just how we ask them out. girls will use excuses to approach you like stopping you on the street asking silly questions that happens to me and im sure many other guys but do they outright come to you and say i like you? no never so shut up.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
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All you guys who say girls approach you all the time are "liars" i work in a model agencie editing digital images and go clubbing with these male models once in a bit. and seeing the models in the clubs i see how girls wont even look them in the face im talking hbs and ugs.
once in a while a girl would stand next to them or ask for a light or dance around us and sit next to us and all that but they never directly approach. i think all you guys here have no experience in the field. girls will surely give you the green light but they would hardly approach you asking for your numbers . it happens but very sparingly. the good side about goodlooks is that women always give you signals and thats about it what you do its up to you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Girls do approach all the time - they are just crap at it. Bumping into you, asking for a light, asking you to buy them a drink. They don't actually do the chatting up, that would require a bit of witt after all but they WILL make the initial move.

They are also FAR more persistent than men - they aren't used to getting turned down (most guys who are offered it on a plate will take it) and don't read your signals well and take it ALOT worse.

Shy girls and really hot girls never do the aproaching.

I like it when a girl approaches me, hell even when a gay guy does - it's a nice ego boost. I'm a bit of an attention ***** myself however I have a mate who hates it, he's more secure about himself and doesn't need the ego boost I guess and therefore just finds it anoying. If he likes a girl - HE'LL approach.

That's the way it should be and I guess that's the reason why he's a DJ and I'm an AFC.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Girls have LESS fear than guys because guys will **** well below their standards (which is probably above what it should be).


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2005
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So it would be safe to say girls don't necessarily WANT to (or can't) approach guys, as opposed to being fearful. And it's not in their nature.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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IsiMan84 - Nope they can (in their own way) and they have no fear. They just don't need to. They have to really like you to approach. Unlike guys, who play the numbers game.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Confident girls do approach. I've been approached a number of times, especially in clubs.

Last week I went to a club with my girlfriend. She was actually sitting on my lap and there was this girl hanging nearby who kept looking at me. Anyway, my gf went to the bar to get drinks and then this girl came closer and started dancing very provocatively, hitching up her skirt and shaking her ass.

Now she was EXTREMELY hot. A HB9 easily and had the body of the girls from Eric Prydz Call on Me video. However, I didn't pay any attention (my GF would go mad if she saw me checking her out). But then she sat next to me and started asking me where "the girl" (my girlfriend) had gone and if we were together. I said yes, and she said "why you with her?" and I told her it's my girlfriend and she'd just gone to get drinks, and the girl just said "Oh, well fair play to you both" and left for another part of the club.

She was definitely a slvt/attention wh0re so I'd have turned her down even if I was single. But the reason she approached was because she was extremely confident! She is probably used to having guys at her feet and used to picking up any guy she wants. Approaching me while my GFs back was turned suggests she doesn't even see other women as competition.

This is the same with all girls who have approached me. They aren't always this attractive (some are ugly), but they are extremely confident, verging on egotistical.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2005
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d9930380 said:
IsiMan84 - Nope they can (in their own way) and they have no fear. They just don't need to. They have to really like you to approach. Unlike guys, who play the numbers game.
Yea that's what I was trying to say, maybe it didn't come out right.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
when a girl approaches you and makes it totally obvious she is into you she doesn't expect to get rejected, if she thinks there is a chance of rejection she won't approach

if you get approached you probably did something that made her think you liked her, maybe something as simple as looking her way

i've never heard of any girl actually asking a guy out though


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
Its their nature to be submissive and passive, its a man's nature to ACT and lead, so dont expect girls to approach you, MEN make things happen

Fingers put it best:
Alpha males act, beta are the ones that react (I allow myself to put women and betas in the same category in THIS CONTEXT)
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Plano, Illinois
Ya'll suck at life, even you "Master Don Juans" that have some 123129746123845 posts. I can't even believe the **** that develops in your minds. Girls are ****ing girls, not some mystifying super piece of orgasm you ****ing losers. You are all generalizing them. Everyone is an individual.

Like I stated before.

"It's extremely simple. Let's not blow it out've proportion, like this site tends to do on everything .

That's just the way it is. Women show interest, while men do the action. That's how it works overall now. Sometime's girls get balls, rarely.

Stop questioning nature you ****ing pricks. Look at other animals like gorillas and Bulls and **** and try and connect the two and then us as humans."


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
PowertripII said:
Girls are NOT afraid to pick up guys, believe me. I don't pick up on women anymore because of it.

Yes, I am somewhat good-looking but it's really the attitude I project that gets me in their pants. I've had my occasional off-night/bad mood and gone home empty-handed plenty of times.

Here's the gist of what you need to do (clubs):

1. GO ALONE- Yes, this is a big, big step for some of you. The wing system does not allow any female comfortable room to approach. If you can work it out, go together but follow the same plan and maybe touch base every 1/2 hour or so. This also greatly increases the chances that what may not be working for you could be working for him in spades. Once someone has locked in on a few feel free to wing away.

2. POSTURE- "I f'ing own this place, welcome to my home". That's not to say that you actually spend so much time there that the bar/club owner has decided to cut you in on the profits, it's saying that you're as comfortable here as you are in your own living room. Nothing can shake you- head up, shoulders back and an easy, relaxed look on your face will speak volumes about you. You're not throwing off the desperation vibe, even though it may be eating at you inside.

3. EYE MOVEMENT- Again, this takes some practice.. your objective is not to get immediately pounced on at first glance. You want to survey the scene in small chunks and make direct eye contact with the girls you find attractive. Not a 'stalker' type of stare, but a concentrated 1-3 second glance. Usually this is done while your walking by each other, maybe it's while you're checking out the dance floor. The idea is to not look away like some scared rat, you have to register her face in your mind, turn your head and pretend like you forgot about her already. I typically imagine looking right through them most of the time.

Don't keep looking back either.. try to get the same visual repoire going with another woman nearby or simply go to another area.

STAGING- This is usually the hardest part. You have to do all of the above AND find a few places where you can hang out and rotate between. You don't want to be making eye contact and then hiding in the corner. It's imperative that you return to these areas (every so often) and maybe even repeat the eye contact cycle if you catch her looking again (this takes some practice with your periferals). This is because you want them to be able to find you. You've planted the seed however they are going to get derailed by every Tom, **** and Harry along the way if they have to search you out.

Kind of like fishing, you really just have to throw the bait out there and wait.

HER APPROACH- Smile, you just got singled out. She needs immediate reassurance that you're not an axe murderer, that you don't have some speech impediment or the like. Exchange names and go immediately to ****y/funny mode- remember, she's curious why you're here alone. Typical reasons~ Friends were supposed to meet me here, long week at work and just felt like getting out, thinking about having a company party and told some of the guys you'd check it out, etc. THE RESPONSE WILL ALWAYS BE: "Wow, I wish I was secure enough to go out alone".

So now she's met a nice looking, secure guy with none of the obvious flaws she's used to. She's put HERSELF out there and it matters whether you like her or not so she's going to do everything she can to sell herself to you (does this sound familiar to anyone?) and the only thing you can do from here on out is to F it up.

I hope that makes some sense.. I could probably go on for a few pages. :)
Geez, that's a lot to quote.

BUT I like it. I used to think that going to a bar/club alone was crazy, that you needed someone else with you to make you look like less of a loser. And I still think that is SORT OF true... but only if you aren't confident enough to pull it off on your own.

I recently realized that I'll go to a bar with friends or acquaintances and as soon as I get there I'll break off and scope out the place by myself. And now that I think about it... as soon as I did, I got way more attention.

Just like when a guy tries to approach a group of two or more women... it's much easier when the target is solo.

Wow... I'm thinking about it even more and realizing that I almost NO IOI's when I'm hanging at the bar right beside a guy. Solo, much more... and with other girls, LOTS.

Interesting, thanks for the inspiration. I look forward to solo sarging soon.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Girls are weaker than men, so they let the men do the hard bit's in love and romance and whatever so they don't have to.
They're afraid to approach because they are ruled by emotion where guy's are ruled by the ****...which doesn't stop going after what it wants because they've been told where to go.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Girls want you to approach cause they want you to be a MAN. They expect you to be confident and take control. This is what makes you a man. Try explaining to a girl someday how much it hurts to be rejected and see how much sympathy you'll get. You will get ZERO sympathy my friends. She will tell you to "MAN UP" and start some speech about how easy men have it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and just fukking approach.

Be glad women don't approach. What do you think? All chicks look like Jessica Alba? If they approached, you would be getting harrassed by fat nasty b!tches all day. Who the heck wants to deal with that. I get annoyed when a bum asks me for change. You think I want to deal with some twinkie eating, Oprah watching, 200 pound chick trying to get into my pants? At least we get to pick and choose who we want to talk to.

I used to complain too that I was tired of having to do all the approaching but if you really think about it we have it much better off. Never complain about being a man..................just be glad you weren't born a chick.