Why and how money actually matters a lot when it comes to getting hot girls.

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Oct 6, 2016
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While @Trainwreck recently posted a decent thread, I feel like so many people got the wrong impression from that thread alone. Trainwreck mentioned hipsters and dudebro frat types that I will get to later but I will talk about why and how money matters when it comes to getting hot girls.

Money mattered well before you started earning.

The hot girls, in majority of cases, went to school in wealthier areas whether it was the private schools or public schools in the suburbs. While you might have run into hot girls if you went to an inner city high school, chances of you running into hot girls at a large suburban public school were much higher.

Not only is it just the girls, it's also the culture.

The whole "hookup culture" media brags about and all of the party lifestyle, it happens at particular kinds of schools, the white schools. White schools located out in the suburbs where kids have upper middle class parents and not a concern about life.

All of the crazy stories you hear of hot sex on a Friday night at the age of 16 and partying with hot girls, it happens in those sorts of areas. Not to say it doesn't happen in poor neighborhoods but most guys on here wouldn't want to brag about sleeping with hot girls from a worldstar video.

Moving on to college.

@Trainwreck mentioned dude frat bros and hipsters, these guys came into college ready to play the game.

They knew Greek Life mattered for their given school so they rushed the right frats, the poor kid didn't even know what a frat was or didn't get a bid for a good one. For those familiar with it, Greek Life is mainly a thing for wealthier kids as dues are expensive.

They could relate to a lot of the upper middle class kids in college, the kid from a poor family could not.

They could afford to party hard on weekdays and weekends, the kid from a poor family had to likely work through school.

They could take those fancy bartending jobs (which in college towns mostly go to frat guys), the kid from a poor family had to take less flattering jobs.

They could take those trips to nice spring break destinations, the poor kid could not.

Getting the picture?

A lot of the kids from wealthier families could easily relate to hot girls and spent time around them while the kid from a poor family had a lot of issues to worry about. The poor kid could not party hard and meet hot girls at those social events, kids from wealthier families could manage to go to college to do just that!

It's not that bartending is a high end profession, it's just that in certain circumstances, it leads to a lot of sex with hot girls because it helps you become a part of their world.

And it is all about that, being able to show off that class, wealth, and swagger to relate to hot girls that guys who grew up poor could not.

The dudebro in a frat or the hipster who went to similar schools as a lot of the hot girls can relate to them and knows their world. Popularity contests of his high school years and social politics of Greek Life groomed him to handle the social scene in regards to hot girls, the guy who grew up poor could not.

Most of all the guy who grew up poor, if he had an abusive family (which is more common in poor areas), is likely coming out with a lot of baggage that leads to depression, mood swings, and a lot of other traumatic situations.

The guy who grew up rich is already putting his best foot forward and knows the game inside out while the guy who grew up poor is having issues.

Now granted some guys from poor areas can find a niche in playing up the bad boy status but doing illegal things such as selling drugs (not recommended!) or maybe playing sports but as a whole, most broke guys are going against a tough obstacle growing up.

Wealth is also about class and not just the money alone.

It is not about numbers on a bank account but being able to relate to the wealthier crowds that hot girls run in and being able to be a part of that world, something a poor guy will have a tough time doing while a rich guy will find it easy to do.

It is about putting yourself in the same world that a lot of hot girls run in whether it is fashion modeling or drinking at fancy bars.

There is a difference between a trashy rapper and Leonardo Dicaprio when it comes to class.

A poor guy might make it rich one day and make a lot of money but he will still struggle because deep down inside, he still has that poverty mindset towards women, life, and socializing that a lot of wealthier people will pick up on.

He might not even get access to that world with hot girls in it because he won't run in that world and even if he does, the way he was raised might end up making him stick out in a poor way.

So what can he do?

I think the first thing he can do is dissociate himself from poor people and not take advice from morons he grew up with.

Learn how to carry himself like a man with class instead of overcompensating by throwing money around.

Learn how to mix with the right crowds and find his fit instead of always being a misfit.

Try to make friends with fellow rich guys instead of always trying to outdo them for some minor ego boost.

Learn to use his wealth to create a lifestyle that attracts hot women instead of throwing money around and hoping some gold digger bites.
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