Heh, it's funny to see how some people are STILL blaming the WOMEN. "American women are b!tches!" American women are b!tches because the p**sified American men let them get away with it.
There's a difference between respecting a woman and submitting to her. American men have gotten into the role of yes-men...these uppity American women say they want this, they don't want that, and rather than serve them up a big glass of STFU, they use the typical "Yes, dear. Yes, dear." Foreign men won't hesitate to tell a woman when to step the f**k off, so foreign women know their role, they know where they have power, and they know where they DON'T have it.
And then when it comes time for sex, the American man treats sex as if it's his REWARD for putting up with her sh*t. It's all a big consumer exchange. He pays the woman with his tolerance for BS and in return, he gets sex. The media glorifies this "relationship" so he thinks it's perfectly normal.
Now how is the woman supposed to react? She gets away with anything she wants. She wants jewelry? The man p*ssies out and gets her jewelry. She wants a new car? The man p*ssies out and buys her a new car. She wants her mother to stay? The man p*ssies out and lets his mother-in-law live with them. The man gives up his say in the relationship to become simply a provider.
And then it comes time for sex. But the man's not concerned with being a good lover or with passion. This is HIS REWARD for being a p*ssy all the other times. So he does his thing and goes back to kissing the woman's ass hoping for another shot at the p00n.
What she has on her hands is a poor lover (self-gratifying), a poor father figure (subservient), and a poor peer (acquiescing to everything). All that's left is the provider role. But this is 21st century America!! Women can provide for themselves! So she figures why SHOULDN'T she try to find someone who CAN fill the other roles?
But she's a b*tch for deserting you. Yeah, sit there and whine about how you were wronged by this woman. Maybe 5% of the time the woman is the b*tch here...the other 95%, YOU weren't MAN enough to keep her.