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Why a DJ should be like water.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
DankNuggs doesn't particularly matter in any case... DankNuggs is passive, reactionary, and accomadating, dissappears into the air when put under heat and pressure.

DankNuggs is looking for some giant praise of his philosophy...Its abstract, and totally useless to the guy who can quote DankNuggs, but doesn't have the balls to go approach a chick...

DankNuggs is sitting at his desk, realizing he could create a DJ analogy for a paperclip or a pen, or a computer...Is it gonna get DankNuggs laid??? Is it gonna get anyone laid? No, its just an extension of DankNuggs who feel the need to create their own DJ religion, a club where they are socially accepted, while neglecting inadequacies in reality. All DankNuggs need is the balls to enjoy life.

DankNuggs think you become a 'DJ' when you realize that all the talking on these boards are no different then sitting around with DankNuggs boyz, talking about getting chicks, and then sitting around all night, getting drunk off to the side...DankNuggs is no DJ, just no longer chicken**** to be DankNuggs in any situation...Peace and goodluck...


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
Tao Water

Lao Tsu
Tao Te Ching

The great Tao flows everywhere, both to the left and to the right.
The ten thousand things depend upon it; it holds nothing back.
It fulfills its purpose silently and makes no claim.

It nourishes the ten thousand things,
And yet is not their lord.
It has no aim; it is very small.

The ten thousand things return to it,
Yet it is not their lord.
It is very great.

It does not show greatness,
And is therefore truly great.

The way of the Tao is the the way of the DJ.


Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Michigan, US
Nice, Fox! Wonderful analogy (or is it a metaphor?) for being a DJ. And hey Nuggs, I feel ya man! lol Your right, this post will not increase your chances of getting laid one micron. But it does provoke some thought, a "if-a-tree-falls-in-the-woods" kind of simplicity to put all of noise on this board into perspective. And remember, even if water evaporates and becomes a gas, or freezes and becomes ice, it's core composition, H2O, never changes. Here Here to versatility!


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2002
Reaction score
And also.... because Bruce Lee's advice was, "Be water, my friend.". Nice post, refreshed my memory.


Don Juan
May 24, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by DankNuggs
Whatever, doesn't particularly matter in any case...Water is passive, reactionary, and accomadating, it dissappears into the air when put under heat and pressure.

Grey Fox is looking for some giant praise of his philosophy...Its abstract, and totally useless to the guy who can quote bruce lee, but doesn't have the balls to go approach a chick...

I'm sitting at my desk, realizing I oculd create a DJ analogy for a paperclip or a pen, or a computer...Is it gonna get me laid??? Is it gonna get anyone laid? No, its just an extension of posters who feel the need to create their own DJ religion, a club where they are socially accepted, while neglecting inadequacies in reality. All they need is the balls to enjoy life.

I think you become a 'DJ' when you realize that all the talking on these boards are no different then sitting around with your boyz, talking about getting chicks, and then sitting around all night, getting drunk off to the side...I'm no DJ, im just no longer chicken**** to be myself in any situation...Peace and goodluck...
Lay off man, he was just putting together thoughts in a nice analogy. This isn't some code you must follow. It's not saying you walk around thinking you're water.

Good post Grey Fox.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2003
Reaction score
Mount of Olives- Sydney.
>Don't be a chump....Be a rock

Water can wear down rocks .. how can you beat water?? It changes and adapts to any situation.

A true DJ is not solid or rigid like a rock.. rocks will break and be smashed.

Water takes the path of least resistance.. a true DJ will not expend more energy than he needs to, and still arrives at where he wants to go.


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
They didn't put "water" in to "rock-paper-scissors" because it would always win

Like a rock...

Listen, rocks were domesticated in the 70's! You wanna be somebody's "pet rock"? You want to get painted up and stuck on some little girl's desk?

Water will get you everywhere. People may be afraid of it, but they need water. Does water need them? Hell no. Water will kill babies and not give a damn. People have phobias about getting into the water. Nobody is afraid of rocks. "I don't want to touch that rock!" Give me a break. Rocks are for throwing at police cars. Water is for destroying millions of dollars worth of property.

When someone's rock breaks, they find a new one -- if they even notice. When someone's water breaks, they drive so fast that radar guns explode.

You know what kind of money water demands? Bottled water costs more than gasoline. Rocks are given away for free inside of other people's hubcaps. Water goes to all parts of the body. Rocks pass right through (unless you're a bird, in which case they'll go to your gizzard, but what the hell is Big Bird doing at SoSuave.com---trying to pick up chicks?)

Water gets to meet famous people. Though he was its most vocal proponent, Bruce Lee wasn't the only movie star to use water. Many of today's top stars use water on a regular basis. What do rocks do? People kick them in the street and throw them through windows, and that's on a good day.

Water makes you sweat, and the cure for that is drinking more of it and bathing in it. Rocks, however, are like pedophiles; nobody likes them. Check out how rocks mess up hip phrases:
"I rock!" = "Iraq" = carpet-bombed
"Rock on!" = "raw con" = you're getting ripped off
"c0ck rockers" = stupid

BUT, in all fairness, I tried the "like a rock" approach with women.

Here're the results.

ME: "I'm like a rock."
girl: "Whuh? You're a rock?"
ME: "I am not a rock. I have the attributes of a rock."
girl: "Huh?"
ME: "I'm dense. People like water better. And I'm hard as ever."
girl: *slap*
ME: "Notice my face didn't turn when you hit me."
girl: "Ow, my hand!"

To make a long story short: Being like a rock didn't work well at first, but then I got stoned with a new-age girl who was into crystals, and she couldn't get enough of me!

The Moral: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but they won't get me laid unless I find a girl that falls for rocks.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
wherever I lay my hat
Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.

Water is the softest substance in the world, but yet it can penetrate the hardest rock or anything -- granite, you name it. Water is also insubstantial; by that I mean you cannot grasp hold of it, you cannot punch it and hurt it. So every ... [DJ] is trying to do that; to be soft like water, and flexible and adapt itself to the opponent.

Establish nothing in regard to oneself. Let things be what they are, move like water, rest like a mirror, respond like an echo, pass quickly like the nonexistent, and be quiet as purity. Those who gain, lose. Do not precede others, always follow them.

Water is so fine that it is impossible to grasp a handful of it; strike it, yet it does not suffer hurt; stab it, and it is not wounded; sever it, yet it is not divided. It has no shape of its own but moulds itself to the receptacle that contains it. When heated to the state of steam it is invisible but has enough power to split the earth itself. When frozen it crystallises into a mighty rock. First it is turbulent like Niagara Falls, and then calm like a still pond, fearful like a torrent, and refreshing like a spring on a hot summer's day. So is the principle of wu we:

The rivers and seas are lords of a hundred valleys. This is because their strength is in lowliness; they are kings of them all. So it is that the perfect master wishing to lead them, he follows. Thus, though he is above them, he follows. Thus, though he is above them, men do not feel him to be an injury. And since he will not strive, none strive with him.

The world is full of people who are determined to be somebody or to give trouble. They want to get ahead, to stand out. Such ambition has no use for a [DJ]..., who rejects all forms of self-assertiveness and competition:

One who tries to stand on tiptoe cannot stand still. One who stretches his legs too far cannot walk. One who advertises himself too much is ignored. One who is too insistent on his own view finds few to agree with him. One who claims too much credit does not get even what he deserves. One who is too proud is soon humiliated. These are condemned as extremes of greediness and self-destructive activity. Therefore, one who acts naturally avoids such extremes.

Those who know do not speak; those who speak do not know.
Stop your sense, let sharp things be blunted,
Tangles resolved, the light tempered and turmoil subdued;
For this is mystic unity in which the wise man is moved
Neither by affection nor yet by estrangement,
Or profit or loss or honour or shame.
Accordingly, by all the world, he is held highest.

A [DJ]..., if he is really good, is not proud at all. "Pride," according to Mr. Eric Hoffer, "is a sense of worth that derives from something that is not organically part of oneself." Pride emphasises the importance of the superiority of a person's status in the eyes of others. There is fear and insecurity in pride because when a person aims at being highly esteemed and achieves such status, he is automatically involved in the fear of losing his status. Then protection of his status appears to be his most important need, and this creates anxiety. Mr. Hoffer further states that: "The less promise and potency in the self, the more imperative is the need for pride. One is proud when he identifies himself with an imaginary self; the core of pride is self rejection." As we know, [DJ]... is aiming at self cultivation, and the inner self is one's true self. So in order to realise his true self, a [DJ]... lives without being dependent upon the opinion of others. Since he is completely self-sufficient he can have no fear of not being esteemed. A [DJ]... devotes himself to being self-sufficient and never depends upon the external rating by others for his happiness. A [DJ]... master, unlike the beginner, holds himself in reserve, is quiet and unassuming, without the least desire to show off. Under the influence of [DJ]... training his proficiency becomes spiritual, and he himself, grown ever freer through spiritual struggle, is transformed. To him, fame and status mean nothing.

But as months and years go by, as his training acquires fuller maturity, his bodily attitude and his way of managing the technique toward no-mindedness come to resemble the state of mind he had at the very beginning of training when he knew nothing, when he was altogether ignorant of the art. The beginning and the end thus turn into next-door neighbours. In the musical scale, one may start with the lowest pitch and gradually ascend to the highest. When the highest is reached, one finds it is located next to the lowest. In a similar way, when the highest stage is reached in the study of [DJ]... teaching, a [DJ]... turns into a kind of simpleton who knows nothing of [DJ]..., nothing of its teachings, and is devoid of all learning. Intellectual calculations are lost sight of and a state of no-mindedness prevails. When the ultimate perfection is attained, the body and limbs perform by themselves what is assigned to them to do with no interference from the mind. The technical skill is so automatic it is completely divorced from conscious efforts.

here is natural instinct and here is control. You are to combine the two in harmony. Not-- if you have one to the extreme, you'll be very unscientific. if you have another to the extreme, you become, all of a sudden, a mechanical man--no longer a human being. so it is a successful combination of both, so therefore, it's not pure naturalness, or unnaturalness. the ideal is unnatural naturalness, or natural unnaturalness.

Ultimately, [DJ]... means honestly expressing yourself. Now it is very difficult to do. I mean it is easy for me to put on a show and be ****y and be flooded with a ****y feeling and then feel, then, like pretty cool and all that. Or I can make all kinds of phony things, you see what I mean? And be blinded by it. Or I can show you some really fancy movement-but, to express oneself honestly, not lying to oneself--and to express myself honestly-that, my friend is very hard to do. And you have to train. You have to keep your reflexes so that when you want it--it's there!when you want to move, you are moving and when you move you are determined to move. Not taking one inch, not anything less than that! If I want to... , I'm going to do it man, and I'm going to do it! So that is the type of thing you gain to train yourself into it; to become one with it. You think--(snaps his fingers)--it is.

Using no way as way, Having no limitation as limitation.
- Bruce Lee
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Grey Fox

Master Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
This post is more about the mindset a DJ should have, you get your head in gear first then the other stuff comes a bit easier if your attitude is geared to your intentions and goals.(Read: A guy who thinks he is a loser is not going get any, even if he memories every single move, line, and techinque there ever was. Why because he is not being a natural, he's going to act naturally like a nerd who is horny not a DJ who is cool, calculating and doesn't worry about how others percieve him, only about how he percieves himself.

-Grey Fox