The "Jersey Shore" guys had solid game back in the day. Those reality shows are heavily edited though.
For me I it wasn't even about their game because they never showed too much of the actual pickups.. rather just them going home with the girls or how they handled situations with multiple girls, or obsessive chicks, etc...
but it was just that I related heavily to what they were about.. going to the gym, getting girls, partying, going to the clubs. I waas also the type of guy who always dressed nice, always had to have my hair fixed properly like Pauly D, etc.
I also don't think the shows are that heavily edited.. I mean if you put like 8-10 party animals at the prime of their life who each have really unique personalities in a house together, and give them tons of alcohol and food and film them for 24 hours every single day,you'll have more than enough content than you need. I think they just like to promote or push certain angles so producers will sometimes take advantage of the drunk contestants and like make them believe onething or another to insight fights or arguments at dull points..
But you have to realize, these guys would go out to places, and get into enough trouble because at one point early on, everyone in JErsey hated them.. like F those people! they're frauds/reality stars.. they dont represent Jersey or Italians