Are people paying money to see this guy talk? As in real, cold-hard cash and not the monopoly kind? Sh!t, man. Maybe
_I_ need to start giving people seminars and charging good coin.
The guy's got no presence, no entonation, and defintely no style (seriously? t-shirt tucked inside pants?) Basically, no oomph. Maybe I'm in the wrong business...
Edit: So I decided to take one for the team and sit through 9 mins of mostly garbage. If you're a new reader, most of what this guy says is rubbish.
So upon hearing this [a bad pickup line being delivered to a girl], I immediately went over the girl and I offered her my condolences and I gave her my card and said "If there's anything we can do please give me a call"
LOL. You're apologizing to this chick for something you didn't do? Why? Just cause she's cute/hot/etc.? Fvck. Guys, don't be a chump and apologize for sh!t you didn't do.
Excuse me, I just want to know your name so that I know who we've been talking about for the last 10 minutes.
Gee. Pedestaling much?
"You know what? When they play I song that I like I'm gonna come back and I want you to dance with me." and then you leave.
What!? So you're telling her about what you
might do in the future? How about growing a pair and asking her to dance right then and there? She'll either go dance with you or say "No, thanks." What, does one need to build up some courage until the right song comes along? :crackup:
"Sharon, you having a good time so far?" and then you leave again.
So you care about whether a stranger is having a good time or not? Plus what's with all the leaving sh!t?
Pushing her and asking her "Wanna take it outside?" "First day off parole"? Pointing at random people at clubs? Talking personal things about "a friend" to a total stranger?
Wow. Great material here.