Whos the best PUA in the world?

Best PUA

  • David D

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Gunwitch

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • Pook

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Ross Jeffreys

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Juggler

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • Mode One

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mystery

    Votes: 17 28.8%
  • Player Supreme

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • Style

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Badboy

    Votes: 1 1.7%

  • Total voters


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2008
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Dropping bombs on AFC strongholds in the city that
War Against Betaism said:
I actually don't agree with that notion, and Style (from what I can recall) has more weapons to his arsenal than Mystery, and he's also not emo.
Yeah, I gotta had it to you there..... Style is definitely wayyy more emotionally stable than Mystery is! LOL :up:

What "weapons in his arsenal" are you talking about??? :confused:
Please enlighten me :cool:

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
OTB said:
Yeah, I gotta had it to you there..... Style is definitely wayyy more emotionally stable than Mystery is! LOL :up:

What "weapons in his arsenal" are you talking about??? :confused:
Please enlighten me :cool:
He has all of Mystery's (if not, at least most) techniques and methods and was taught NLP tricks from Hypnotica. He also knows the October Man sequence which is the ultimate trump card. IIRC he also knows things like how to make women orgasm on command and even stack them.


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2008
Reaction score
Wolf said:
Stick around for a little longer and you'll see that Mystery is just a weird nerdy guy who dresses weird and fakes his personality just to get a lay. Oh yer and then he writes a 300 page book on his theories and methods of attracting women, even though most guys could summarise it in one or two brief sentences.

Why be like Mystery? You think it's cool now to completely change yourself and act totally different for sex, but in my experience I have 100x more success without all of the methods and tricks. It's not cool to dress like a woman, it's not cool to wear embarassing outfits just to attract attention from girls and it's not cool to change yourself in any way just to please women.

You talk about not learning to be a DJ, but if you were a true DJ you would not be trying so hard to impress women, your mind wouldn't make you think you NEED to dress like a handicap just to pull someone, and you certainly wouldn't be reading 300 page seduction manuals because you don't think you can do it without. Creating interest is SOOOO easy, MEGA easy, you don't even have to try, hell the whole point is not to try, if anything, bumping it up, amplifying it, is the hardest. If you were a true DJ, who is confident, and has fun, girls will be interested in you automatically, it's sjut your job to take it up a notch.

If you bust on them a bit (like you do with all your guy mates), and just generally have fun with them, they WILL have some sort of interest in you. Treat them like you would any guy, just without the hitting :s.

Sure Mystery might have success but he does it in the saddest way. Kind of like cheating at poker, you might win, but the way in which you go about it, is just the pits.
I agree, though very loosely i must say. Because it is one thing to completely disown the man in the community which he helped create and bash him for something that brings him success, and it is completely another to simply point out his flaws and state why you do not agree with what he does.

Personally i think the end justifies the means, Mystery does what he sees fit to reach the ultimate goal. But he represents an extreme. Which is why i did not vote for him but i will defend him when some ignorant murderer of the English language tries to make stupid remarks that really have no place. Personally i have never read Mystery's works, but i did read Style's The Game, and it really opened a lot of doors for me, similarly to what the DJ bible does for those who actually read it.

Some would simply argue that they cannot create interest naturally, i was personally always able to but i always failed in the latter stages of game, hence i came here and before coming here turned to things like ladder theory and the original writings of people who are considered true pickup artists.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2008
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Dropping bombs on AFC strongholds in the city that
Mr. Unique said:
Did you really have to write all that because you felt you had to defend mystery and his method?

I swear some people have too much time in their hands.

In no way am I defending MP, I just find it funny how some people think of mystery as this god.

guru worshipping = spanking it to net porn
Yo Unique ----> Fvck You! :cuss:

Yes, I did fell like writing "all that" ----->
Not so much as to defend Mystery, (since no one attacked him at that point)
But to give people my opinion on who deserves the distinction of who truly deserves to be the "Best PUA in the World"

Mr. Unique said:
I swear some people have too much time in their hands.
First off, that post didn't even take that long to write ----> 2-3 minutes MAX

And look who's the one talking ----> The guy with close to a 1,000 posts

Unlike the other "Master Don Juans" who always have something useful/insightful to write (such as KontrollerX & War Against Betaism)
I've never seen any productive/insightful post by you ever! :crackup:

Mr. Unique said:
guru worshipping = spanking it to net porn
How does that correlate/make any sense at ALL?! :confused:

Next time you just wanna pick a random fight over an internet forum:
Make sure you don't sound like a COMPLETE DUMB-ASS :mad: :trouble:

You're just a complete fool, and I'm out :moon:


Senior Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
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Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
Dropping bombs on AFC strongholds in the city that
Obey Propaganda said:
The fact Pook is second gives you an idea of how naive people here really are. The guy lived in his own little world, oblivious to what was going on. He was so enamored with the English language, salivating at the elegance of his prose. I don't see how that tied in with picking up women. He wrote posts longer than some of my college term papers. Probably some 45 year-old nut job living in his parents basement.
BEAUTIFUL! I'm probably couldn't put it better myself! :up:

I highly doubt that anyone even knows about him outside of this site.......

All those who voted for him are just a bunch of ignorant fools who just worship every single thing he plops out in writing.......:eek:

I must admit that he has excellent prose
(that is on par with the greatest literary writers of our Century)
He definitely knows what the fvck he is talking about and probably has one of the most powerful outlooks/mindsets of anyone in the Game......

Having said all that,
He is probably the least qualified for the position of "Best PUA in the World"
For the main reason that:
In order for anyone to consider you a good Pickup-Artist, one must see your skills in field -----> And since no one's ever seen him in real life......:down:
He automatically fails to qualify for the position of "Best PUA in the World"

All we can verify about the legendary Pook for now is:
He's a Keyboard jockey with extremely well-developed writing style & ideas :D


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2007
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Hugh Hefner


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Every single one of these "guru's" are fundamentally flawed because they believe only in thier own philosophy. They refuse to acknowledge that there are many other methodologies and paradigms which will get them to the same place, with the added benefit of exponentially opening thier awareness.

Sheep follow. Men do not.


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
To be honest, none of these men are better than anyone.

The true secret to be a PUA is to not care about getting laid. For real.

I realized when I stopped living my life to impress women, women appeared.

Your life should be lived to accomplish something.

Your life should be lived to achieve immortality by how you change the world.

Women will follow.

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wolf said:
Stick around for a little longer and you'll see that Mystery is just a weird nerdy guy who dresses weird and fakes his personality just to get a lay. Oh yer and then he writes a 300 page book on his theories and methods of attracting women, even though most guys could summarise it in one or two brief sentences.

Why be like Mystery? You think it's cool now to completely change yourself and act totally different for sex, but in my experience I have 100x more success without all of the methods and tricks. It's not cool to dress like a woman, it's not cool to wear embarassing outfits just to attract attention from girls and it's not cool to change yourself in any way just to please women.

You talk about not learning to be a DJ, but if you were a true DJ you would not be trying so hard to impress women, your mind wouldn't make you think you NEED to dress like a handicap just to pull someone, and you certainly wouldn't be reading 300 page seduction manuals because you don't think you can do it without. Creating interest is SOOOO easy, MEGA easy, you don't even have to try, hell the whole point is not to try, if anything, bumping it up, amplifying it, is the hardest. If you were a true DJ, who is confident, and has fun, girls will be interested in you automatically, it's sjut your job to take it up a notch.

If you bust on them a bit (like you do with all your guy mates), and just generally have fun with them, they WILL have some sort of interest in you. Treat them like you would any guy, just without the hitting :s.

Sure Mystery might have success but he does it in the saddest way. Kind of like cheating at poker, you might win, but the way in which you go about it, is just the pits.

You're wrong . Every stage , every step that you do during pickup , is in Mystery Method . Mystery method broke down anything that you do to get girls attraction

Social Proof
Pre Selection
Leader of men etc.

If you can convey these virtues to women , she will automatically feel attraction for you . He just give you the techniques and routines to convey them until you make your own and became natural .

Peacocking is something that you can do it or not . Also , its one of the best ways to get out of your comfort zone . I think you know the importance of getting out of comfort zone ?

You're saying its sad to try to attract womens . Its sad to dig for their attention right ?

So what are you doing in this site ?

I heard some guys in this thread saying THIS IS NOT PICKUP SITE .

So WTF is this site ? Self improvement ? For who ? Why are you improving yourself ? Its not for yourself . Its to get aproval and admiration of others . Dont be naive .
If you look below the surface , deep in the point of this site , its all about impressing women and becoming the one that they like .

Admit it or not , Mystery Method is break down of every solid successful pickup .

Mystery gets the first place . Cheers :cheer: :cheer:

Respect :up:


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2008
Reaction score
Obey Propaganda said:
The fact Pook is second gives you an idea of how naive people here really are. The guy lived in his own little world, oblivious to what was going on. He was so enamored with the English language, salivating at the elegance of his prose. I don't see how that tied in with picking up women. He wrote posts longer than some of my college term papers. Probably some 45 year-old nut job living in his parents basement.
OTB said:
BEAUTIFUL! I'm probably couldn't put it better myself! :up:
Do you really think that those that are voting Pook think he is a PUA?

n00bPimp said:
Funny how nobody has voted for Ross, the one who basically started the whole community from scratch. But on the other hand you have Pook, who I put there as a joke, taking 2nd place?
He was put in the poll as joke, perhaps people are voting for him because they think this thread/poll is a joke?