I've got a great life overall--great parents, good friends (although they're all married so I practically have no social circle anymore), healthy/keep myself in shape and love lifting weights, great job that pays me well and isn't very stressful, financial independence, etc. However, I'm unhappy most of the time, and I've noticed that my happiness hinges upon women/sex. It's like all I think about anymore. I used to be able to sit at home on the weekends playing video games and be happy, but now if I don't have a date/hangout setup I feel like I'm missing out and wind up feeling depressed. But even when I get "what I want," the feeling is fleeting. The day after hooking up with a chick I'm back on the grind chasing other women, and after two or three days I'm depressed if I haven't set anything up. Actually, setting up dates/hangouts barely helps, because I know women are total bullsh!tters and most will likely flake/ghost spontaneously anyways.
For example, tonight I was supposed to have a chick over (second hookup), but she hasn't responded to a text I sent her this morning. Also texted another girl, who I was talking to last weekend and had a date setup with for Saturday, and she hasn't responded either. Same thing for like 3 others who I've just been BSing with (no dates setup). Thing is, my thought process is "if these girls respond/follow through/meet up I'm happy, and if they don't I'm unhappy."
I also have a ridiculous f*cking sex drive that sometimes makes me think I might be a sex addict. Although I'm pretty damn picky so I don't just bang any odd woman just because she has a vagina.
Feels like I'm having some kind of midlife crisis at 29.
For example, tonight I was supposed to have a chick over (second hookup), but she hasn't responded to a text I sent her this morning. Also texted another girl, who I was talking to last weekend and had a date setup with for Saturday, and she hasn't responded either. Same thing for like 3 others who I've just been BSing with (no dates setup). Thing is, my thought process is "if these girls respond/follow through/meet up I'm happy, and if they don't I'm unhappy."
I also have a ridiculous f*cking sex drive that sometimes makes me think I might be a sex addict. Although I'm pretty damn picky so I don't just bang any odd woman just because she has a vagina.
Feels like I'm having some kind of midlife crisis at 29.